Why am I like this

>be female
>raped as a child or molested whatever you wanna call it
>trauma from it makes me act slutty as a defense mechanism to try and take control of my body and sexuality
>end up just feeling like a whore and hating myself
>do not know how to stop
I do not want to live anymore

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>trauma from it makes me act slutty as a defense mechanism to try and take control of my body and sexuality

is that the excuse you roasties are using these days?

I can help you but only if you post nudes to prove you have some worth and are actually worth helping

just don't be a whore retard. if you want people to stop sexualizing you stop shaving

molestation story pls

It's okay, I won't judge you for being a slut. Let's have sex.

>trauma from it makes me act slutty as a defense mechanism to try and take control of my body and sexuality
explain this logic

You were dealt a shit deal, but look now that you know why you do what you do, you have a choice; 1, use this as an excuse for self pity and remain a useless human being used only for the bodly gratifications of others, or 2, simply chose NOT to live this life. Aknowledge you pain; become aquanted with it. Aknowledge its affects on you in your daily life, and slowly, and painfully, live the life you wish you could. Simply chose to be free- chose hardship over being nothing, because then you BECOME your hardship, because you ARE your hardship. Then, and only then do you become free.

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should get therapy from a professional who will help you work out your problems rather than subject yourself to verbal abuse from a bunch of anons who don't care about your wellbeing and will make you feel worse about your unresolved trauma.

Go to therapy. don't be like this psycho asian chick

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>>be female
Yes, WHY are you here?

Post green text story, it will get things off your chest and help you confront your past.

trauma is a nightmare. my first recommendation is to see a therapist. second, start reading, anything, and stop shaving. delete any dating/hookup apps you have. remember that he cannot hurt you anymore. take day to think, and contemplate who you really are, what you really want, and to make peace with your past. use porn to deal with any sexual urges. get a hobby, and find someone who will listen. write about it. start taking time by yourself, and you'll eventually heal. you'll be in control again.

My friend Elizabeth is just like this. Idk how it works.

>be raised to be whore
>groomed is le evil, I actually hate this

I have nightmares from being groomed into maths, not sexuality, personally.

yes, write about it. telling the story will put you in control, and then? you're free.

I have the same thing I was homeless with my mom in the 4th grade and I ended up getting raped and now I'm into like really weird S/m stuff
If I get raped again I'm committing suicide though

people I listen to say that people repeatedly recreate the conditions in which they were traumatized in an attempt to exert control and have it turn out differently. But who really knows?

jesus oregano christ what is this shit

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mental illness has no logic. perhaps, it is a weird attempt of her brain to try to reason with her past. but engaging in this behavior is clearly only hurting her more.

just stop sucking dick it's really easy

Women are absolute trash, I bet you wish some kind man would save you from yourself with love too. Disgusting a kind man deserves better than some used up whore.

If it's so easy, why don't you stop?

>not becoming an ultra prude
You went the wrong way, Baka

because I'm not a whore

you should have raped him back

if you want to understand trauma, imagine something like this.
You're talking a walk outside and suddenly, you fall down. first comes the physical response, like adrenaline and you using your hands to protect your vulnerable head. Then comes the emotional response when you're lying on the ground, you ask yourself 'oh shit oh shit what the hell happened right now why did I fall down'. Then comes the part where you process what happened, you look around for a reason why you fell down - maybe there was a bump in the road or a little hole that you didn't see so you tripped and fell down. That's the normal process, with a trauma however, it's the same except you don't see why you fell down and can't explain or understand why it happened, so you're stuck in the physical / emotional response cycle.

It happened to R Kelly.

So long as you act that way with 1 (one) guy I'd say it's fine.

>implying the Asian isn't correct
Slam that normalfaggot button.

>Thinks rape and molestation is same thing...okay

should probably cling yourself to a halfway decent guy as quick as possible and not let go, then if you have slut urges, you'll use your sexuality will keep him around instead of using it to drive good men away with your sluttery.

there are two kinds of responses to this thread:
>genuine attempts to help

isn't being a whore a conscious decision? op is clearly grappling with mental illness.

the reason that mental illness is an ILLNESS IS because it's really difficult to break trauma loops in your brain. using the brain that basically got reprogrammed with that loop. the brain is an organ that runs all your other organs, so complicated that it makes itself sick. but when the brain is sick, nothing works right.

seriously, greentext the story. letting it out will help immensely, so that your brain can finally reason with it and you can know peace.

also, get a therapist. don't seek mental health advice from Jow Forums. it's almost as bad as trying to get it from tumblr.

who raped you

>never raped or molested
>slutty anyway
Morality is a spook.

>uses anime picture
OP is a larper newfags


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I'm sorry user...I wish you had better

i think you try to rationalize your urges and sexuality . blame it on "raped as a child" thing . but i dont know the whole story so i might be wrong . slutty in what way ? are you insecure ?


All the people here like REEEEEE another roastie whore! are retards.

People who get sexually abused when they're young, whether male or female, frequently become promiscuous. This is an observable trend in psychology. I've seen it firsthand. It fucks people up and their relationship to sex.

pic is related

original comment

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>(((fucked))) them up
slam that christfaggot button

You love to ignore posts that not pol-tier.

>everyone who doesn't agree with me is white knighting

You guys project a lot. You think the only reason someone would choose not to spout retarded shit about a sexual abuse victim being a roastie whore is to potentially get pussy?

I'm sorry something so terrible happened to you. You deserve to be happy. There really isn't anything wrong with being slutty. I mean, it doesn't harm anyone.

Just try your best to love yourself for who you are. If you think slutiness is an unhealthy way of dealing with the trauma, maybe you could try finding some sort of creative outlet for this stress?

i believe you might be memeing here .
are whores whores, just because they like sex ?

you're totally forgetting the third kind of post, of which this is an example

be my gf i will love you and satisfy your sexuality and keep you safe and be the solution your problems.

Timestamp please

Since OP left and is useless, you're now the new thread slut. What's the body count, how many guys/girls so far? Your age?

also you:
this applies to you as well, whichever one of you replies first will be my new gf.

>You think the only reason someone would choose not to spout retarded shit about a sexual abuse victim being a roastie whore is to potentially get pussy?
Do you even know what board you are on? gtfo normiefag

OP is clearly doing nothing more than attention seeking

Mind if I rape you? Morality is just a spook after all lol

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than you shouldnt have had sex as a child you dumb roastie

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If this behavior makes you feel bad, the wise choice is to stop doing it. You now know it doesn't actually make you feel loved and connected to others or in control. Even if you don't know what to do from here on out, you at least know this choice doesn't work. It's okay to take your time figuring things out, just don't go back to old destructive habits just because they're familiar.

It's only rape if you like it, like my HS gf used to say.

It's harms the beta male she'll eventually try to tie down to provide for her while she cheats on him mercilessly

>being cheated on hurts beta males
Slam that narcissism button.

My sister was raped as a child too user, except she did the exact opposite of you. Instead of acting slutty, she decided to ensure nobody would ever find her attractive again by becoming obese, since she thinks being unattractive will decrease her chances of being raped again.

Your situation is awful but I hope you can at least feel a bit better knowing there are others who took an even worse path than you did.

Are you implying being cheated on shouldn't hurt someone and they should just not care and let their wives and gfs fuck all the men they want?

you should probably talk to a non-anonomous person beacause nobody here is gonna help, join a discord or something

>my friend

Whom is sounding more harmful?

Humans have honeymoon periods, why marriage was invented to take care of kids, only reason it ever was needed. Foster care, funded by socialistic governing to leave behind the christfaggot bastard and whore may mays, is the answer, rather than abuse from a patriarchy.

And abrahamic bullshitery made you a bitter virgin, the seventeen to one statistic, is due to only the most unabashed men scooping out your cum with a bell shaped dick, and longer one too, to impregnate girls. Brothels could have been your friend, also, slut shaming in general made you this way because you were the only well behaved faggot whilst everyone else was breaking the rules, hence marriage failing half the time, and more than one sex partner in your life.

Despite 70 plus percent, and more, christfaggotry in countries bothered as you are bothered.

You can fuck all the women you want if not for personals getting delet, escort delet, etc preached abstinence in schools etc.

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I got raped last night now maybe I'll be even sluttier as a result

so r9k is now a pure larping board?

Find a guy open to being a cuckold that way you can have your cake and eat it too. You're welcome.

Did you go to the police? Or was it just "rape" ?

Damn is this what women really believe? No wonder they are such subhuman. This whole species really needs to be destroyed. I guess women should stop whining about men cheating on them too.

By this logic, OPs sexual abuser is in the right 100%. He took what he wanted and got it.

Men put out easier you moron.

Humans were not meant to be monogamous.

Woah your shield is shining bright there sir knight

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I wasn't awake for most of it and I had never met him before so I'd say it probably qualifies as actual rape.
Pretty sure he goes to my college tho and I don't wanna fuck up someone's life like that so nah no cops.

Are there any actual studies made about that? Can you find any?

Women care too much about their image and love to be politically correct. Slut shaming bothers them. They did nothing wrong, sixteen is not too young for sex and it is in no way abuse, you faggot.

Sounds like you were just too drunk and he took advantage of you. Right?

Actual Judaism

OP will you marry me
I promise I'll be really nice to you

>Be female
>Be raped and molested by a neighbor at a young are where I barely remember it.
>Grow up to pretty much be a cum dump.
>Had no idea the two are connected till later on in life.

Yea, exactly. So imo it's enough my fault that I shouldn't go after him for it.

>Humans were not meant to be monogamous

And in a natural setting who would care for the pregnant and weakens women for nine months and the years a human child takes to develop if it's not the parents?

Wise choice. Because if you go and report a rape, the first thing they will do is get you checked with a rape kit. Since you were drunk and don't remember it, it's likely you were consenting enough, at least your body was. They are able to tell if it was forcible entry or just "oh shit, I was drunk, I didn't wanna sleep with him".

Have you tried therapy?

If you can possibly stop interacting with people romantically/sexually, do that for a few months too. If you can't the problem is bigger...

Okay i get you, rape doesn't exist

Rape is when you say no and they fuck you anyway

Ergo if you always say yes, you are 100% safe from rape

Trauma logic qed

It's actually quite common that people who were molested as a child become hypersexual as adults.

The village took care of each other, and tons would fuck her without having to worry about pregs now that pregs. Free sex, why wouldn't the beta males slam that preg cervix, subscribe to bringing her free hunted and gathered food?

Oh boy...I follow her on instagram

She post really absurb, hypocritical, sexist shit.

Atheists aren't. They have no values

In cultures with real problems, it isn't so overblown.

>life sucks
>blame it on what society tells you caused it
Stop bearing down then and admit it wasn't that bad for you or you'd not keep cumming back.

Better anal.ogy though:
>be female
>not put out after pruning at everyone
>random guy takes it
>you are smaller due to not fighting him off
>rape is in your beta sized female body now, survival depends on it
>females handle pain, and masochism better
Then christfaggots wanted armies, and were infected by the desert people's conservative religion. The middle east needed to farm and go to war, they thus infected the rest of the whites with such mentality rather than letting them be happy pagans. Boys will be boys, a non-cucked religion would say.

Ironic motherfucker.

All humans have values you spook.

>Be female
>be a cum dump
sounds about right I'd say

Suffering is good for the soul. Repent and be born anew.

We don't have a village system anymore. Single moms nowadays are raising terrible children.

Nah, I feel you, OP I am a rape victim too.And I'm a man

I guess since you understand your motivations, try to be kind to yourself. "I went through something truamatic and I was trying to regain control, that's okay, that's what people do". Definitely seek psychological (possibly psychiatric) and physical professional help for your health. Casual sex is dangerous, and if you're going in raw (like I did) you could be engaging in a form of self harm. Decide that if you do have promiscuous tendencies you won't endanger yourself and start carrying contraceptives and condoms/dental dams.

Stay the fuck away from this site. I'm a guy, so the worst I get it "Failed normie pls go" but as a woman (assuming this isn't a troll) you are going to be innoculated with stories that challenge your self worth.

Stay strong, OP, we will survive. Solidarity.

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>do what the jews say, get over it
It doesn't need to be one or the other.

Try therapy. It helped me at least.

>Neurons misfiring

There is no logic.

>Why am I like this
its your own fault. stop blaming circumstances or everyone else for your own bad decisions. you chose to become a worthless whore. you had plenty of opportunity to turn your life around but you never did. I have no respect for your kind

If you're going to be a whore could you at least let some robots fuck you?

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