I made a brief greentext about this, decided I am gonna tell my whole story now
Maybe I will feel better
>be female
>6th grade
>this really nasty fat greasy Mexican kid who is a bit older than me in my math class
>he is extremely fucking stupid, so he is put in with us kids
>he sits right next to me
>acts really friendly at first
>suddenly, a few weeks in he started touching my arms and legs in a very creepy fashion
>no idea what was going on since I was a stupid kid who still loved Minecraft youtubers
>after a few days he gets more forceful, it evolves to full groping
>groping my microscopic breasts
>groping my butt
>groping and rubbing my cunt
>he never put his fingers in me, his fat hands could not fit in my small body with no lube without causing a huge commotion
>did not like it, but also did not know how bad it was
>asked him to stop, even tried to push him away, he just gets exponentially more forceful, violent even
>mind you he was doing all of this during our math class, but the loud incompetent black kids occupied all of the teachers attention, they never noticed even when I loudly told him to stop
>this went on for months, for some reason I never told anyone
>suddenly he just stops during winter, never did anything during class again
>fast forward to the last day of the school year
>walking to meet some friends when he sneaks up behind me, pulls down my shorts, and slaps my ass
>left there bewildered and humiliated as he just walks away laughing
And that is it, that is what happened Still see him some days in highschool but for some reason still have not told an authority figure
Rape and other sexual abuse stories
Other urls found in this thread:
some reason I havent told anyone!
the black kids were too loud! Blame them
I didnt know what he was doing!
Excuses. When he slapped that fine ass you couldve easily walked up to someone and told everything but now people are going to wonder why you didnt do it 10 years ago. Dumb cunt deserved it. Also post tits and ass
>6th grade
Jesus how young are you? I finished 6th in 2009 and im 19
that's fucking horrible, and i'm really sorry assuming that's true. i think growing up if we think right then we develop a notion of sovereignty -- it's really too bad that you didn't know to get him to stop, but you were just a kid like most who also don't know any better.
if you know where he is you should fuck with him by destroying his property or something but that kind of thing is not for everyone
the best thing above all is to figure out how to let go of those emotions
You sure are a real charming lad, still looking for a first kiss?
I wish I knew I could just get away with shit like this in middleschool
everything this user is right. Don't listen to anyone on here who says anything different.
but i have to admit, i've been raped a couple times, one of them was by a long term partner (so i've forgiven him, though im miles away from him and now stick with women), but one was by 3 australian men who preyed on me being lost and confused in a foreign country.
If I could take revenge on those people, oh would I. if revenge gives itself the opportunity, for this greasy mexican kid? I'd go for it.
His car? His skin? Future and previous partners? Things like that. Don't hurt other people, but there are paths to him, things that will make him subtly miserable. I'm a fan of things like that.
however. the other user is right. try to let go of how it hurt you. remember that - i think the most damaging thing about rape is that it makes you THINK something's different about you, makes you think something's gone from you.
you're still wonderful, he has not taken anything from you. you are not changed. he is still desperate, he is still disgusting, he is still no one. he did that not because of something about you in particular: it's always, ALWAYS about power. he was powerless socially, so he tried to elevate himself. he's still no one or he wouldn't have smacked your ass.
it sounds like he'll be a bit of a chronic harasser. if you get any opportunity, and you have the courage, report him for what he is because more girls will suffer at the hands of creeps like him.
again, revenge is sweet...
Someone tried to grope me in high school and I punched them square. So don't worry, you wouldn't have gotten away with it, you acne-slathered virgin.
God I fucking hate people.
Its not honestly. It feels empty unless you area sociopath. And he sounds like the kind of guy who would pay you back tenfold
you should have sex with him now in order to come to terms with your abuse.
>>be female
tits or gtfo originally
Is this it? Big deal lass
i'm not sure i'm a sociopath, but i have a lot of hatred. I had to endure so much horrible and humiliating shit. they gave me some fucked up out of control PTSD that has ruined my life. my spite is tangible
also people who can "pay you back" aren't rapists usually desu. this person didn't rape a woman to prove to his friends that he was cool (rapists that sometims have social power) but to prove to HIMSELF that he had power.
He's truly scum of scum, pathetic even to himself.
Doxx him OP.
Womyn power
no, just don't want to be touched and have hands, thanks
mmm you can slap me around all you want bby
Saturday night I got shitfaced and took an edible and I passed out in my roommates bed and woke up to someone I don't know fucking me.
When he saw I was awake he slapped me in the face and then started choking me super hard until I blacked out.
Now my throat is covered in bruises and I can't eat anything because it hurts too much. I haven't left bed since.
no no you do it such that he doesn't know it's you. revenge is ok if someone has wronged you but you never let yourself descend into the underworld, never live for it. it can be fun, and he probably deserves it. we don't have to be perfect. but don't do it at all if you don't want to, that's fine too. the most important thing is to let go of all residual emotion
women like christine hassler specialize in these sorts of things. it sounds kind of dumb and new agey but it's actually really good information. to let go of this stuff you need to authentically feel it. chastising yourself, putting yourself in the role of the victim, etc etc all of these thoughts are not actually feeling it, it's you trying to control the pain. self-punishment + other role playing thoughts are not you; in the attempt to rationalize (which we end up doing bc we try to help ourselves by controlling the situation) they are things that actually obscure you and prevent you from genuinely shining.
i hope you have let go of your emotions and become healthy again too, that's horrible to have happened to you and i'm sorry that it did
holy fucking shit. i don't even have words for that. i hope you're ok
>Be female
>Out drinking with some gal pals.
>Start getting really blackout drunk
> Call guy friend
>As soon as I get in his car I pass out.
>A few houses later I awake up nude with him jacking his self off with my hand.
>Don't know what to do so I just freeze and pretend to still be passed out.
>Be proceeded to face fuck me and then fuck my pussy.
>Then came on my stomach and wiped it up.
>The next morning he made me breakfast like nothing had happened.
OMG stop larping kids, you are completely ruining this board
Fucking lying ass nigga. I finished 6th grade in 2012 and im 18
jesus christ bro stop being such a faggot i feel physically sickened reading your posts
why am i being a faggot exactly
it might still be shock or w/e but honestly I'm not too bad. Mostly just shaken up and unsure of what I should do next. He left a Micheal Kors watch here too so I assume he'll be back or try to find me somehow.
>be me
>pity fuck my black beta childhood friend
>he doesnt last long at all
>finishes within minutes
>says arigato and leaves 5 dollars on the bed tatami mat
>dont know why he left money but whatever i'll buy gum
guys are weird desu
you are whiteknighting for these scum of the earth roasties, these "people" deserve nothing but abuse. you're encouraging them.
i hope you really are ok. sometimes these things can remain hidden from our conscious awareness.. i've had bad things happen and i realized years down the line i was still hurt.
have you considered going to the police?
This is the most virginy thing I have ever heard, you are a sad strange little man
holy shit, this happened to me too. i let this black kid i've been friends with for ages fuck me, he cums in like 30 seconds and leaves 5 dollars on the dresser. men these days!
unless theyre outright lying then i don't see what's wrong with sympathy. the things described in this thread are awful. what if something like this happened to your sister or cousin?
>Be female
>Thanks to this board I want to get blacked.
>I'm talking about make me your black cock slut blacked.
>Meet guy online who wants to fuck.
>We talk a bit online and sex talk.
>We decided to meet in person
>He is actually a small chubby white guy.
oh yeah, cause reddit soyboy white knights are well known for their pussy slaying abilities. fuck off brayden.
nothing is accomplished by feeding these people your energy.
this is ARE NINE KAY, they can get sympathy anywhere else, we are not here to stroke the egos of skanks.
thank you, really.
I don't think I'll report it. I don't remember enough and it was my choice to get that messed up. I live in a dorm room with three other girls and two of them were here for it but I don't think they heard or saw anything. I just want the physical reminders to go away really mostly so I can eat and drink normally and not get any prying questions.
oh my god. i am so sorry that happened. you were still developing your sense of self. it is not your fault. it'll be okay. let it out so you can be free.
that guy? he is nobody. he did what he did because he was nobody. he has taken nothing from you. you are no different after what he did. try to make peace with it, and eventually, let it go. if revenge presents itself, do it. ruin him. report him. even if the case falls through, his pathetic excuse for a life will still be over. but to be safe, make sure he doesn't know it was you.
there's a lot of ways to deal with it, and people who can help, too. but letting go of those feelings is ultimately the goal so you can heal. just remember that it's not your fault.
not larping, got raped, cant prove it to you and dont want to so please go eat another mans ass
>comforts rape victims
>"haha you faggot"
>"i-i don't need women"
God, just die.
dude, don't let anyone tell you its your fault. have you washed out your mouth? if you have, then maybe going the police might just be an invasive time, but if not it might be worth doing.
Imagine being such a faggot that you white knight random whores while tripfagging. And they don't deserve sympathy because they obviously could've told some, but they didn't for """some reason""" which is just whore speak for they liked it.
>be male
>be 6 years old
>go to see "friend"
>he off only his older brother 16
>ask me do i want to go for play
>go to glasshouse on abandoned house
>he streap him self and me
>force oral and anal on me
>end and leave
>didnt know whats do and not teling anyone
>never see him or his younger brother again
>time past abusive parents and schoole kick self esteem to zero
>in down i only talk about this with "best friend"
>this hunting me to those days
>ask for help shrink
>after telling my story she dont give a fuck tell its ok
>end up here thinking about suicide
while i'd personally go somewhere else for advice on this sort of thing, you're just being a whiny little manbaby about someone genuinely trying to better herself. she was in sixth grade, for god's sake.
however, other places may not provide her real anonymity, and since Jow Forums is a blue board, she can't really go there.
>got shitfaced
>took an edible
>passed out in my roommates bed
you asked for it slut, you know you liked it.
I am
>dad is a violent schizophrenic paedophile from a rough city
>my mum was also violent
>parents moved from Manchester to Taunton in 1981 because racist
>had my sister in '89 and me in '92
>used to beat me, lock me in cupboards and wash mouth out with soap when I was as young as 3
>had to watch and sometimes get caught inbetween parents physical fighting
>mum and dad divorced in '95
>mum took me and sister to Manchester women and childrens home
>met a guy called Frank
>he used to beat me and my sister, swung us by our ears until they bled
>dad found us and took us to Exeter
>sexually abused me, physically abused me, mentally abused me and verbally abused me
>used to go crazy a lot, heavy drinker. extremely violent
>dropped sister off at cop station in June of '97
>I'm with this crazy bastard until late '98
>go into care
>am withdrawn
>I molested kids when I was a kid (even living with my dad)
>my foster dad cheated on my foster mum so there were a lot of fights there
>foster dad has punched me on occasion
>I tried to fuck foster sister
>killed her hamsters and a dog
>thought about mass murder a lot
>I attempted burglary once
>foster dad rinsed my mum out of 30,000 quid in October and the resulting animosity between them made me fucking worried
Is this it? Big deal lass
is it ego stroking? it could be. what does that mean, exactly? we can consider two cases:
one is sharing awful sexual things that have happened, (the reason being) just to share.
the other is sharing these same things such that an unnatural identity is built up; one can therefrom derive energy. these things happen, and i agree with you that they are bad.
in the case of the latter then i agree with you. even though these things are definitely bad, it is a diseased way of living. it is a sick way of surviving in the world. the interaction between me who would feed and they who would harvest unduly is a bad thing, and should, if one has a mind to be healthy, not be engaged with.
in this thread however i don't see women who are posturing themselves for attention, but are just people sharing bad things that have happened to them, as in the first case. there is no way that i can know what is in their minds but it seems to me to be the former, and so i freely give my sympathy because reading it hurts me, because i really consider that these things really do happen. nobody deserves these things happening to them
>defending or discussing with tripfags
Reddit/tumblr pls go
and here is a prime example of an adult virgin who blames other people for his being an adult virgin.
or "whore speak" for I didn't want a rapekit shoved up my parts, or want to be attacked by defense lawyers publicly until you cry, or don't want to be questioned by police officers repeatedly and treated as a liar automatically, or don't want your parents to find out bc horrible/embarrassing, or don't want your partner to think you're a whore who wanted it and break up with you.
FYI I'm rapedanon, and I went to three separate police stations a few hours after being raped, lead them right to the people with full names, details of the trips, room layout, exact order of events and all this still happened to me
>using virgin as an insult
110% Reddit, just stay there. It's better for you and everyone here that isn't a Reddit nigger
>I let someone grope and fingerbang me for months
disgusting. I have lost all hope in ever finding a woman worth marrying. all of them are whores. the only path I see is pump and dumping women just barely above the age of consent when they still aren't too used up
wasn't me who posted it you dumb fuck, take out your womynz anger on your silicone sex doll you degenerate
>worth marrying
>implying you will ever have any kind of selection
Just stick to your cousins user
I fell you, femsister. here's mine
>be on 8th grade history class
>fat stinky loser kid sits next to me every class
>never speaks directly to me, and averts his gaze every time I look at him
Why can't creepy guys just die already?
more stories please . almost gonna cum . kek
hey she's not silicone, she's phantaflesh, big difference, i aint some poorfag
I am rich, at the start of a great career, great looking and have been doing sports and going to the gym all my life. I constantly get women staring and mirin, wandering with their eyes across my body.
The problem is that women are all unambitious, lazy whores. Instead of going to the gym they put on overpriced makeup. Instead of getting a useful education and striving for a career they study worthless crap and just waste tax payer money. A bunch of useless whores.
I know it's not a rational way to think at all but reporting it feels too much like revenge to me. And there's so much I can't know, like the state he was in at the time. I get the thought process of "he might do it again" but it just doesnt sit right with me atm.
that wasn't my post you quoted lol
To be fair, I was doing all of this in my own room, not knowing any guy would show up. I sleep o the top bunk and my roommate below me was home for the weekend so I slept in her bed.
But yea I get your point and I definitely made choices I shouldn't have.
Oh yeah, I believe you user. Explains why you sit around calling women whores online.
though it is not your fault (because it was not you who did it, please do not feel a burden of guilt for this happening) it is on everyone to take responsibility for the way they conduct themselves.
please take care of yourself and be safe for the future, bearing in mind that there are sick people who would go and do things like this to you and others.
it's true. the people who do these things are pieces of shit, but at the same time it is important not to let the degraded state of their humanity be as a crutch for our own sense of self-worth. when, in such a way, we feed into the idea that we are better and they are worse, and, thusly incorporating it into ourselves, we eclipse our own higher natures. we don't need these things to feel good; people are sick and degraded and it needs to be recognized but in a more energetically distant way. if we don't heed that warning then we simultaneously make ourselves sick and degraded.
you make posts like this because your own life is in shambles. you're not somebody worth listening to
>wahhh going through the legal process to prove that the perpetrator is guilty is too hard for me ;(
It's not trust me. But I've been there. Just make sure you're okay more than anything and you know, watch some good films.
Believe whatever you want you useless whore. Have fun hitting the wall having accomplished nothing in your life except being an overpriced cumsock.
>6th grade
I am 27
I dont even remember when I was in 6th grade
I hate you
You tripfag on Jow Forums because you're a worthless attention whore. Your life isn't worth the wasted oxygen.
yeah i really believe you
I literally did it, but I had to do it in another fucking language that I had just learned user and I got the order of being kissed by them wrong over 2 years later and the case got thrown out. I wasn't even told I would be testifying. I know for myself that the case was unfair, and that I had no chances, but the rapists were forced to stay in a foreign country for two years and their families most certainly know what they did. So I'm satisfied user, but I know why some people wouldn't want to do it.
sorry ur a brainlet tho
I'm gay and I don't charge the wonderful women I fuck to eat their pussies and suck their tits
>we feed into this idea that we are better
because people who don't rape children ARE better.
even if what you say is true, you're still sick on the inside.
>wandering with their eyes across my body.
lol bad writer too
thanks to both of you for responding to me. I haven't talked about it anywhere else or to anyone else yet and I think just typing it out and having people care a bit made me feel a lot better. Have a lovely day.
damn I dont know how to recover from this diss
quit acting like you're some paragon of morality, sitting in your dx racer saying nice words to bpd whores on Jow Forums does not make you in any way "worth listening to"
>great career
quit larping as anything but a neet who spends his days complaining that women won't date you when you act like children could "want" it. it's really better for everyone if you just killed yourself.
you too. see ya
go get more eyes wandering all over your body. that should do the trick
This, just end it. Given how much you must go on about how great you are in real life, you must be genuinely disgusting to be around. I bet the people who are supposed to be with you slowly leave you, your family resent you, everyone finds you just repulsive.
Women look at you: do they talk to you? More importantly, do they love you? I doubt anyone could love someone so utterly in love with themselves. You scare away any friends or lovers in seconds. You'll be alone forever.
Have a lovely day too user. Buy yourself your favourite food, some takeout maybe if you can afford it.
>Be female
Stopped reading
Don't care anymore.
i'll respond to the above by responding to this
even if what this guy says is true, it is not grounds for him being better than anybody. what he has posted shows who he is, which is nothing worth listening to.
he is a joke, so keep a sense of humour and just laugh. the person sitting behind the computer is a moral failure, so it dismissal is better.
it is better to deflect and not engage with these darker energies. when you wrestle in the mud, both of you get dirty. that's what i mean when i say don't feed into it. you taint yourself in the process
He's better than you by default because he's not a tripfag.
oo you got me
I want to take this opportunity to tell all females that they deserved to be """raped""". Now you can all stop larping and whoring for attention with your fake bullshit. Good night.
>didn't tell anyone
why? are you retarded? your problem would have stopped, the retard would get kicked out. but since this is a larp, off yourself.
I second this.
All these used up whores need to fuck off, we don't want you here.
I got an original boner reading this.
>be female
Stopped reading right there.
Either an RPer or a stupid Roastie
I've posted about this a million times but my aunt raped me consistently throughout my teens and tried to continue a sexual relationship with me as an adult. She also used to beat the fuck outta me and my sister.
Sounds like a shitty ghetto environment. Fuck, that's gross, OP.
you know it feels like, rather than actually saying anything, your goal is to make others feel bad. did it ever occur to you that that says more about you than you could ever say about anyone else?
>my aunt raped me consistently throughout my teens and tried to continue a sexual relationship with me as an adult.
My step-brother did he same thing to me. He didn't rape me, rape me. He blackmailed me to performs sexual favors on hims when ever my parents left us alone. Which pretty much one weekend a month. I was too young and stupid to realize my parents would be more mad at him for this.Than me smoking pot with my boyfriend.
Lmao calm down dude
what are you fucking autistic?
ah yes, the tried and true lol joking method
that won't work either
Shut the fuck up you whore sympathiser.
Fuck off to fucking plebbit you nu-male scum.
a lush variety of buzzwords. we'll make good writers out of you yet.
Anyone got the story from the user yesterday that got fucked by the old woman?
What? All I said was it gave me a boner.
you know what you did
now get in the corner and think about what youve done
Whiteknight scum like you is why this fucking board is so shit.
>first kiss happened because too scared to say no
>groped at a concert once
>held down by two black dudes and tickled while i was fucking begging them to stop
>lewded for 3 years online by a man almost old enough to be my dad
>tfw he was my closest friend
>tfw i actually thought we'd get married someday
that's about all i got, except for a few weird isolated incidents. most of everything else was just me being afraid to say no.
Only if I can jack off over the thought of OP's sexy ass getting spanked in public.
Jesus, user, sorry. Do you see him at family gatherings?
Yeah, that was my situation, too (mostly, there were a few instances of violent rale because I am disabled).
So my parents died and she was my only parental figure. Obviously, kids need love and affection. If I wanted anything normal kids got in terms of kindness, I had to "pay for it". Have a nightmare and want a grown up to put the meathook around me and cuddle me to sleep? Had to eat pussy first.
That really fucked me up because I always felt I prostituted myself and therefore was at fault. Then I realised, "most eleven year old boys have their emotional, medical, and physical needs met without having to perform sex acts" and that helped relieve some tension.
Basically, your stepbrother is a fucking piece of shit and never let yourself it wasn't "real rape". As someone who has had the coercive type of rape and the "pinned down with a knife" rape happen to them, I can assure you the former fucked me up harder and is no triffling matter. Don't undersell your pain.
you should leave the board and go find greener pastures. maybe.. oh, i don't know. ..plebbit? :)
no you're going to think about doing chores and making your diet better