Turn on TV

>turn on TV
>see Trudeau talking about something
>assume he's probably saying something crazy
>put up volume
>"An attack on Muslims... is an attack on Canada. Thirty-six million hearts. This is the home of Islam."

Wait a minute... what the fuck did I miss? Why is Canada Muslim now?

Attached: trudeau-skandinaviska-enskilda-banken-20180319.jpg (620x349, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Dude weed people voted him in.
He still hasn't legalized it.
Women proved to be useless too. Voting him in because he is handsome. Canadians make me laugh.

>What happened
Canada has taken in muslims, including ISIS fighters IIRC

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We are whatever JUSTin feels like LARPing as this week.

Attached: Canadian Dollerydoos.jpg (800x393, 120K)

Goddammit we need a centrist leadership. What the fuck did we get ourselves into.

reminder the average women voted for him because he looked good

Its because of the women voters. They have no problem voting for a guy who was a substitute teacher because they think hes cute

Ok so apparently there was a mass shooting at a mosque in Canada and they were replaying some footage of trudeau's speech.

Every single guy I know that can legally vote voted for him too. Don't kid yourself.

How come we let woman vote if we don't let children vote? wtf

Attached: me.jpg (723x500, 67K)

I have a feeling he's now falling out of public favour hard and fast. I don't think he'll be re-elected

Considering he literally hands money to people like mudslimes while actual Canadians suffer? Yeah.

I hate to break it to you, but all of your friends are homosexuals.

beta cucks vote for Trudeau in order to get pussy, and fail at it. sad.

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Are all those Trudeau quotes just memes or that's real life? I know he's trying to be super tolerant and had half of his cabinet be women just because of equality, but come on, really?

I hate to break it to you, but you're wrong.

The fact of the matter is people had had it with Harper and took a chance at this stupid nigger. He will definitely not be re-elected, but I can't say I want to see Harper back in either if he chooses to run again.

You just don't comprehend how fucked the real world is.

the world is ending and we're just sitting by watching

PROOFS nigger

Attached: russian_proofs_chicken.webm (320x240, 889K)

He says a lot of stupid shit but most of the stupid shit you think he said are just memes

infidel kafirs get out

Good thing my country (America) has a strong leader who won't allow for Muslim takeover. But Canada has always been a haven for commie faggots hasn't it?

>On my board

Attached: _pipimi_and_popuko_poptepipic_drawn_by_manino_mofuritaionaka_sampleca71429f241213597ec96bec595ed5b2. (850x638, 137K)

>always wanted to move to sweden as a kid
ruined by feminists and muslims
>ok lets try australia
ruined by feminists aswell
>alright canada is a nice place too
this faggot gets elected
>hmm I will just stay in germany then
hitler v2 opens borders for muslim terrorists, murderers and rapists

wtf is this

while he is a faggot, canada was pozzed due to 30 years of chinkypoo immigration

One of the three candidates for the 2019 canadian elections is literally a poo-in-loo

Attached: 1395868522564.jpg (1205x721, 132K)

>tfw canuck
>read this post
i-is this true?

Attached: canada squatting pepe.png (844x1157, 20K)

canada isnt even a white country anymore

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Attached: 1522318275661.jpg (576x576, 171K)

Mate if all that scares you maybe you're best staying in your room

>implying most men are not male feminist
>implying women are not the bigger population.

Kill whitey
We takin over senpaitachi

Attached: kill whitey.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

Are you literally retarded?


And this is the guy who's gonna save us all in the end

You're forgetting that filthy french canadians almost always vote red when there's no liberal corruption scandal going on. They're honestly the dumbest province in Canada

Attached: andrew-scheer.jpg (800x500, 107K)

says you, westie

It was a replay of this exact footage from the pic. Can find articles about it but not the video itself.

Attached: 29906170001_5303197252001_5303172495001-vs.jpg (640x360, 42K)

>Voting him in because he is handsome
lmao what. hes not handsome

compared to the autistic robot known as harper and the creepy bearded uncle tom mulcair, justin actually looks pretty damn good.

Trudeau's approval down to 40 or 30 percent rn


Dude was white and shot up a mosque, killing 6 people. Happened in Quebec.

quebec gets the most gibs of all the provinces
they are a financial drain

wealthy professionals and rural blue collar guys vote conservative in canada
maybe you're a city dweller surrounded by tattooed degens

>be me decide to finally lose virginity
>class trip to Netherlands
>find one about my age (18)
>pay the "fee"
>get sweet sweet embrace of lower lips
>after finished, she says she might have *generic std*
>get tested for the whole kibosh
>go home, turn on tv
>see this fucker whoring his country out to whichever minority smells worst
>instantly contract AIDS

Honestly Canada is only bad in big cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Edmonton. Most other places stick to christian values and are really chill.

Can confirm. Some dumb bitch on the radio when talking about voting for him said that was the only reason why, didn't even know about policys other then duud weed. And whats worse is everybody I know is not aware of how much of a fuck up with guy is, more worried about muh trump.

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If you fags didn't understand the political tennis game yet and still insist on projecting memes on why (x) party is in office, let me explain it to you as a dumb quebenigger.
>party 1 is elected
>party 1 makes a terrible job because politicians are corrupted and serve their entire term farming money for the mafia and themselves and tgeir bourgeois corporate friends
>corruption/incompetence exposed and highlighted for years, everyone is buttblasted for 1000 years, but nobody does shit, choosing to daydream about the future savior of the nation
>Distrust towards party 1 boost popularity and exposure of party 2
>Election time! People see party 2 as the foretold savior because party 1 is shit
>People vote for party 2
>Party 2 turns out to be fucking garbage
>party 2 is just as corrupted and probably friends with party 1. Everyone KNOWS this, but they'd rather keep trusting """"""democracy""""""" like blind retards
>Party 2 is incompetent as fuck, impoverish Canadians the same way party 1 did
>People start to give support to party 1 again because now they have a new hip, trendy puppet.
>Election time! People vote for party 2
>Cycle repeat.
>Meanwhile, party 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and friends make a cameo just so we can pretend everyone gets a fair chance.

This. Our government is fucked up beyond repair. We need to be annexed.



Fuck Islam goat fucker LOOK AT MUSLIM COUNTRYS how they live and stuff low IQ degenarates

He said he was just joking but he wasnt pretending to be retarded, he genuinely is.

Don't speak of Mulcair that way. He was the first potential PM in year to have any balls.

> be me, a french-canadian
> Inb4 fucking imbred frenchies go back inside your Belle Province
> Watch the political debate between Harper, Trudeau, Mulcair and many more
> Harper is composed, father of the country, homely and sound of reason
> Trudeau is just spouting the same empty slogans he used during his entire campaign and addamently refuses to add facts

On this night forward I knew that it was impossible for anyone to see Trudeau as nothing else than an amateur flying on his father's name. And yet here we are, with Trudeau playing dress up across the globe.

He was the least awful of 3 bad choices. Inb4 conservative asshurt about harper.

Ah so you like it when your future prime cuck stutters during a debate, when he can't keep up with his adversaries? You know we're asking ourselves why women should vote, but I wonder why liberals should vote.

He is obviously above average, at least a 7/10 by most people's standards. I hate the fucker, but that doesn't stop me from admitting he's good looking, if he wasn't, he wouldn't have been voted in.

dont even like mr dress up myself but youre obviously quite mad

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Most of the criticisms about Harper are literally just opposition spin tho
>he muzzled scientists!!!
All parties voted in favor of muzzling scientists in the house of commons
>he gave us a deficit!!!
The liberals literally forced him to budget on their terms because he had a minority situation. If Harper didn't release a liberal budget, then the liberals would have just called for another election. Then they hypocritically screamed fiscal mismanagement after the budget they voted in favor of was released
>he hated gays!!!
he only held the gay marriage vote to appease the crazies in his party, his entire goal was to have it shut down by every left wing opposition party while he was in a very small minority situation. If the gay marriage vote passed, he would have lost the next election after 2006. He knew that and made a calculated decision to kill the issue while simultaneously appeasing socons
>he hid in the closet during a terrorist attack!!! pussy!!!
He didn't voluntarily do that. As PM, he had to find a spot and stay there while everyone else defended him. If such a thing were to happen in DC you're damn right Obama/Trump would have had to hide in a closet

That doesn't matter when the government is a massive pile of left-wing dogshit. I live in a city of 80,000 and my high school's university level classes had >75% brown kids.
You're kidding yourself if you think the smaller cities aren't going to be overrun eventually.

> I can't say I want to see Harper back in either if he chooses to run again.
I highly doubt Harper will run again, but Sheer is a total assclown. I don't know anything about Singh (NDP).
Fuck me, we badly need a liberal minority and a conservative opposition.

>Sheer is a total assclown
I actually don't know much about what he plans to do for the election. Has he shed any light on that yet?

canada is being used by the globalist kikes to weaken US' northern border now that we're finally cracking down on our southern one.

they want to encourage a large population of muslims to end up in canada who then trickle into the US endlessly and sow more political tension, if not actually be an army which would ally with them in the event of a civil war

they will likely end up trying to conscript immigrants into armies to kill us in our own countries for being "racists" after some events catalyze complete civil unrest and war breaks out across western civilization

The muzzies and third worlders are quite happy here, they get $500,000 brand new homes to live in along with a hefty welfare check.
They have no reason to leave.

Im not that guy but scheer is a fat baby faced harper 2.0. Ill probably still vote for the idiot though. I hope for a conservative minority.

Woah i didnt know alex jones browsed Jow Forums. You still testing weed and eating chilli big guy?

Death by a thousand cuts strategy, basically just mocking the Liberals each time they have another massive blunder that makes them look like a bunch of incompetent buffoons. Also he wants to give newlyweds a tax cut, and maybe cut GST on home heating.

All of those places have good areas. I live in Sweden but don't live in the ghetto so there aren't immigrants around here.

It's only a matter of time before they're in your neighborhoods. Unless something is done, of course.

Here's the context. What a cuck:

"It was an attack on our most intrinsic and cherished values as Canadians values of openness, diversity and freedom of religion," he said of the shooting that claimed the lives of six people and injured a dozen others Sunday night."To the more than 1 million Canadians who profess the Muslim faith, I want to say directly: we are with you; 36 million hearts are breaking with yours."

What the fuck, liberals have been bad for businesses and tax since the beginning.

No honest hard working man or small buisness owners votes liberal in this

Harper wasnt the best he was bland and people were sick of being bland canadians but that cocksucker carried canada through some rough shit only for all that work he had just done over 8 YEARS to be flushed by some faggot with no experience just because of weed

You realise canada is one of the hardest countries in the world to immigrate too?

Much harder than USA

Canada needs to build a wall. 56%

That can't honestly be true. You can practically walk across the border from the US with just a smile.

Canada is hard to legally immigrate to. We use a scoring system that considers language, education, financial status etc. The problem is weed man is busy building tent cities for country shopping niggers who knew god damn well they werent welcome in the US but stayed anyways.