Many of us would have wives or GFs if matchmaking was still a thing

Historically, older women - grandmothers, aunts, great aunts, etc worked tirelessly to pair up young single men and women in their community to ensure it remained tight knit and productive.

They would talk young women into marrying and starting families and encourage young men to settle down providing a natural check on both sexes tendency toward "hypergamy."

However the current boomer hags don't give a shit and most of them are bitter divorcees anyway.

The fault for the decline in affluent birthrates and demise of marriage lies, in many ways, on their shoulders.

It wouldn't help the NEETs but IMO most of the employed or student robots over 20 would have steady girlfriends or wives now if society had not experienced such a decline.

Pic mostly unrelated.

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No, nobody would make women suffer with robots, and young women could refuse for a better man.

this. back in iran a woman who didn't marry or have kids was seen as a loser. and unmarried people were NEETS until they were pressured to get a waifu and go off on their own so the community tried to set people up together.

nothing like here in the west where women are all roasties who have multiple chad bfs and then become single mothers.

That depends on the depth of the roboticism. Like I said, NEETs with nothing to offer would still be fucked, but wagies and cyborgs would have a chance.

Look at wedding photos from before about 1960, note how common it is for the woman to be more attractive than her husband. Now they are all equally attractive or the husband is more attractive. Something changed.

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My parents did try pretty hard to pair me up with their friends' daughters, but being the retard I am I kept rejecting

Was there anything wrong with the daughters or were just afraid of commitment?

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You're leaving out the part where robot types and omegas were called bachelors and it was politely understood there was no point trying with them. The method may have changed but fundamentally normies are still encouraging of relationships and marriage.

Nothing wrong with them, they were all pretty cute and nice to be around. I guess it was some kind of angsty teen thing to develop a distaste for things your parents keep trying to force on you

>robot types and omegas
Let me revise my first post.

Robots were probably fucked at any point in history, but "cyborgs" and the average ">TFW no GF" beta would have had a much better chance.

The issue is this. Many men would make excellent husbands, but the confidence required to approach women has never been higher than it is today and marriage in general is in decline. Further, social circles and cliques are increasingly same-sex, because mixed-sex activities like going to church or local functions have declined precipitously.

Look at how many objectively handsome dudes from like Jow Forums have no romantic prospects because women are so picky and because despite their self-improvement, many of those men still lack confidence.

A third party to connect them and urge the relationship along would be extremely helpful to most non-alpha men and women.

matchmaking that are thousands of matchmaking site. There are actual people who you can pay that will match someone up for you.There probably speed dating events at your town right now.

What if whites got arranged marriages like indians?
Feel like it's unnatural as fuck

Not the same thing.

Maybe you never experienced this in your community, but it was more of what

describes were family and community members pair you up with women that would be a good fit for you AND encourage the women to get to know you because they had a vested interest in seeing a relationship develop.

Full blown arranged marriages are bad but there is a middle ground which most of the western world operated in from like 1700 to 1950 in which communities tried to encourage marriages between single men and women in their midst.

Stop whining you fucking worm. Don't blame your damn parents if you can't get laid in the sluttiest century yet.
Kill yourself

This is about the vanishing of healthy, long term heterosexual relationships you fucking mongoloid.

>Maybe you never experienced this in your community, but it was more of what

No, I have no problem with asking people out on dates. I don't need my father to sell me for two cows and a goat.

Fair enough. Not everybody needs what I'm talking about but it would benefit most young people.

>Stop whining you fucking worm. Don't blame your damn parents if you can't get laid in the sluttiest century yet.
>yet girls still go for chad now that they have the freedom instead of being matched with you by a matchmaker based on her capabilities and personality
get out normo.

Exactly. Why the hell is he on this board.

I finally cracked and got Tinder on my phone.

>Every girl likes yoga,wine and dogs
>Girls post pictures of there guy friends with them on there profile
>Some straight up say there feminists and don't know why they are using Tinder in the first place
>Single moms with fucking attitudes
>Girls from other countries just here for a week or two looking for hook ups. Probably have some poor boyfriend at home she is cheating on.
>Travel girls who says shit like "I'm a free spirit" or post photos of where they have been like it's suppose to make them less boring.
>Girls and big dogs laying and cuddling. Can just think she will always smell like dog and fucking make you pick up it's shit.

God I don't know what to do I'm really keen to try this dating thing but people are so generic and saturated. Maybe I'm even more dull then them. Maybe you have to be part of the herd to find a mate. Socially I'm so fucked and at least have a job but don't know if it's enough.

It really wouldn't. People here are only into it because they can't date on their own for some reason. Most, not broken people are ok with getting in relationships without outside help.

This might be bro science but dont women find only the top 10% of men attractive while men find the upper 50% of women attractive.

That is why Tinder is cancer. Any form of superficial dating app is biased toward women such that most men have no chance.

Well I'm going to keep trying till I match someone. Wish me luck.

Because you're a filthy normalfag. Fuck off. "hurr self-improve". Why do you get to say that when your ilk has less than 2 braincells to rub together.

I have like 50 matches on Tinder right now but when I get to the chat portion I fail completely.

I looked around for matching sites for people with social disorders and actually couldn't find anything real. There were some that claimed they were for that but neither their understanding of the condition nor the audience were correct. Probably the worst is so-called socially anxious people going "I had 5 girlfriends but I don't know where to start a new relationship!".

Well you got 50 more than me user. I know it's dumb thing everyone says but be yourself. You don't want to end up in a relationship that you have to be fake. Unless you just looking for a hook up then you have to be very crafty.

People are tricky. It's difficult for people to know you intimately just on the face value and small write up on a profile. You tried and got some results but you have to keep going.

Boomer pieces of shit are too busy taking viagra and fucking young girls with their raging semis to pair them up with their virile none diabetuus younger counterparts.
They will be remembered as the disgusting pigs they were.

I'm too blackpilled about women in general to accept matchmaking as a good thing. Yes I'm pro-marriage as a child rearing institution but in general I feel women are too manipulative and untrust worthy to ever feel like my wife/gf actually cared for me.

Attached: 6a5974d54a289574baca2512029f880b.jpg (600x986, 611K)

>be yourself.

The problem is that despite being like a 7/10 I am extremely spergy. If I opened with something I actually want to discuss it would be extremely weird, and opening with basic shit like Hi! seems to easy and will likely be ignored.

I feel the same than I see my Parents and my Grandparents together and how they managed to go so far with there relationships. If I could have anything half as good as there relationships I would be set.

Well remember it's someone one you would like to date you are talking to. Get familiar with each other than open up to the more complex topics. Jokes,compliments and a bit of teasing will get you there. Just find the balance and you will be fine.

she's more attractive to me for virtue of her not being a dude, but that's one heck of a schnozz on her.

Yeah but look at the dudes stance. He is clearly awkward. It is not an even match. She is like a 6.5 and he is a 5.

Every single time.
>first post
>second post
Fucking normalniggers.

>He is clearly awkward.
but he's a tall-ass lanklet, bitches love lanklets.

Just REEEEEyourself bro.

Why does the videos I've just seen always show up here later.

You're part of the hivemind now

from the perspective of the evolution as we are all savages and there is no subjective morality only healthy people addaptive people will spread their seed .
there is no lack of confidence if you are socially anxieous . a rational mind will question that .
sometimes a dick is a dick and a pussy is a pussy and thats why we have so much richness of personality of peoples.
ask yourself why cant you approach women ? in the most scientific way , and in your personal principle and start from that .

Look at India for how that is, I'm not saying anything about how it is but if you want to know how a culture that has the internet and still does matchmaking works then you gotta look to them and ask yourself if that's what you want. Western culture is pretty different but still, they do it the most in the 21st century so you're not like to get a bigger sample size.

It's not about being able to ask people on dates, it's about not knowing what is good for you.
Which is why the "not broken people" still end up in divorces if not single motherhood.

Beside hygiene and education, india actually works surprisingly well. The trick is that everything is completely corrupt, which you might think is bad on the surface, but actually has several advantages: it keeps minimum housing price extremely low (you can get legitimately good accommodations no matter your income bracket), students get free housing AND a free maid that also happens to cook for free, everyone knows about the 2 universities that never sell degrees for money and can ignore the rest, actual good medical doctors can see you right away if you grease the right hands, you can get rid of a speeding ticket by slipping $10 to the cop, etc.
There are shitty laws (haha), like in some places couples are not allowed to hold hands in public (or show any kind of affection). But on the whole, even the romance works better than in the west. And yes, the arranged marriage thing works legitimately well in india. If you actually looked into it seriously you wouldn't imply that it's something nobody would want. Couples are a lot more happy and divorce significantly more rarely than in the west, too.

>in the most scientific way , and in your personal principle and start from that .
There's things that are pretty insurmountable, if you've been broken from childhood you might not ever be able to change in a way that would fix the ultimate issue as to why you don't feel that you can or should approach women. Children have malleable minds and can have routines, beliefs and neural structure instilled and created in them very easily (which is why religion, mathematics, social ability and nearly everything else would die if you couldn't teach it to, or allow it to be learned by, people under the age of 16) but adults are people who come out of childhood nearly solidified in all of those patterns they were taught. If someone was hurt, misused, taught the wrong patterns or taught none of the right patterns as a child they wouldn't be able to change as adults without serious external influence, no matter how scientifically they approached fixing their lives.

Thats originally very interesting.

>. If you actually looked into it seriously you wouldn't imply that it's something nobody would want
I tried not to.

Attached: 1517162934457.jpg (249x243, 6K)

Here's the problem with you "traditional" fags - you want a traditional woman when you are not a traditional man.

If you aren't masculine, aren't good with tools, can't build anything, can't work on a car, aren't good father and husband material, have no virtue, then what in the hell makes you believe you deserve a traditional, virgin, demure woman who can cook, stays at home, wants children, and is good mother and wife material? You just project. Work on yourselves first. You are rejected now and you would have been rejected at any time in history, because you're weak useless porn addicts, you have no virtues at all. Compare yourselves to men back then. Women back then would have scoffed at you.

Attached: wife-10-600x755.jpg (600x755, 66K)

S-sorry. Now you have no choice but to feel yet another weight on your existence. I didn't mean to make you feel worse. ;_;

Fuck off normalfag. Come back when you have even a grossly superficial understanding of anything at all.

>Why does the videos I've just seen always show up here later.
because we all love erin, because she's perfect

arranged marriages were the norm after the invention of agriculture (15000 BC) until recently (1800s)

No the best idea, if you wanna spread those chad genes all over the human gene pool

Leave it user, these virgin losers are doomed to a life of solitude.

How do arranged marriages spread Chad genes?

Also agriculture massively predates 1800

>Here's the problem with you "traditional" fags - you want a traditional woman when you are not a traditional man.

>If you aren't masculine,
Maybe but no everyone back then was too. Most married men were not.
>aren't good with tools, can't build anything,
I'm good with tool I can build many things.
>can't work on a car, aren't
Depends on the car. A car from 60 years ago is way way less complicated than car from now. I have disassembled engine of an old car. Try to to that on car made in the last 5 years. They are not made to be easily repaired. Carburetors, way simpler suspension, no electrical fuckery. A modern door with electrical windows, electrical mirrors, central locking, controls for the adjustable seat is more complicated than the whole electrical system of an old car.
>good father and husband material,
well no way to know
have no virtue, then what in the hell makes you believe you deserve a traditional, virgin, demure woman who can cook, stays at home, wants children, and is good mother and wife material?
Shifting the blame bullshit.
>You just project. Work on yourselves first. You are rejected now and you would have been rejected at any time in history, because you're weak useless porn addicts, you have no virtues at all. Compare yourselves to men back then. Women back then would have scoffed at you.
When there are little to nothing to gain most people that are not extremely strong willed just give up. Lets just say you do self improve and marry. There is 6-7% chance your marriage to survive 10 years and less than 3% to survive 20. Marriage back then was like 80-90% successful for 20+ years.

Because the communities and families would specifically reserve the prime girls for the prime guys, the smart girls for the smart guys, the loners together, etc.

Indian here
>inb4 pajeet
Arranged marriages work very well. As long as a man has stable employment he will get someone of his 'caliber'. Poor uggos get poor uggos, rich hotties get rich hotties. But everyone finds someone. Believe it or not love develops as well. It's not the wild Hollywood passion type of love, but it's more two people who know they are each others' mates forever doing their best to work together and bond. Divorce is a giant black stain so both sides actually put in effort to make each other happy.

Obviously there is the issue of abuse. It's no secret. But that is a small percentage of arranged marriages and usually happens among rural uneducated couples aka the same shit that happens anywhere. Barbarians begin barbarians. Normal marriages can have DV too.

i've never had someone hook me up with a date because they all know i'm a fucking weirdo and it won't end well.

luckily if you message 500 grils on okcupid, plentyoffish, and craigslist personals, you end up having gfs some of the time.

Robots can't message girls though. And normalfags are somehow completely unable to explain how they communicate too so we can't even copy them.

>robots can't message girls
you totally can though, you just fail most of the time, get discouraged, stop for weeks, then have a manic day where you send out 30 messages to different girls

>robot types and omegas were called bachelors and it was politely understood there was no point trying with them.
No, those were faggots.

See, that's why we hate you normalfags. You understand absolutely nothing about robots yet absolutely can't stop commenting as if you're an expert on the subject.

i'm a robot, just one who has messaged nearly every girl on okcupid in a 50 mile radius. Autism has many forms.

>has had gfs
Please leave

This is why you robots are fucking shit and no one wants to be around you. Just expect everyone else to do the work in life for you.

Fucking children.

is the other way, retard: arranged marriages spread hard working, beta males genes; while "romantic" marriage, invented in the 1800s in europe selects only the best Chad genes.

Wrong. As expected of a normalfag, you don't understand anything.

Wait so did the Jews destroy the institution of marriage to destabilize Gentile society or are they encouraging marriage to create wage slaves who have to buy into the system?

They don't advocate for marriage, they advocate for marriage*.
*can be terminated at any time and the males get fucked, use my divorce firm goy

>I decide who the robots are and who the normies are

Go hang out with immigrants and tell the fathers you have a job

Thought the jews had matchmakers because they weren't numerous, were spread apart, but were still tribal and wanted to intermarry. Not sure that'd really work nowadays. Jews don't even have them anymore.

Guess you could just get a female acquaintance to set you up. Could you just ask one to find you a single, female friend or just wait for her to ask you if you wanna date a certain friend of hers?

Literally who?
Not to mention even my own sister wouldn't do that for me.

i mean
he has a point yaknow
what do any of us here even have to offer

I'm rich and smart and not a pump and dumper. Surely this has to count for something?

>>If you aren't masculine, aren't good with tools, can't build anything, can't work on a car, aren't good father and husband material, have no virtue,
I can fix literally anything around the house, build furniture, garden, farm...

4th Wave Feminism was the biggest shit test and men failed.

original correction

Evidently not


Why don't you take responsibility for your own life instead of trying to blame everything on your parents for not handing it to you?

No you wouldn't, you know among 18-35s there are far more men than women in just about every city in the world right
There are literally not enough women to go around and you are one of millions that will die alone

I am a traditional man, traditional women only exist now that are super religious wack jobs

>I'm a fat lazy fucking LOSER and can't get off my ass long enough to convince a roastie to swallow this dick so I wish mommy and daddy arranged a marriage for me like my name was Poonar Pateljamilingajingam


Girls are so fucking easy if you're willing to spend like an hour of your day not indulging your every impulse and urge. If you don't shove pizza down your unwashed gullet and instead kept up your appearance and exercised, roasties will literally fall into your lap. All you fucking losers have to do is TRY. That's IT.

Just TRY not to be pathetic and you might not be.

Women expect the exact same thing. they don't have to put the slightest amount of effort in so why should we? You want equality don't you?

This isn't about fucking roasties, Chad Thundercock

Don't kid yourself, if you were such a loser that you've never brought home a gf in your teens and your parents felt like they needed to force it on you those cute girls would've more than likely rejected you so by refusing your parents you've spared yourself a lot of disappointment.

The thing is if chad was taken in marriage, and not servicing 5 different women a year, it would free up those 4 women to marry brad, and so one down the scale


>don't shove pizza down your unwashed gullet
>don't wipe shit on your face before meeting them
>don't forget to shower for two months before going on a date
Whoa, Sherlock Thundercock over here bringing out the FACTS

How do people get this deluded?

>here are shitty laws (haha), like in some places couples are not allowed to hold hands in public (or show any kind of affection)
That's actually a good thing, you retard. Couples randomly making out on the street are fucking annoying.

>learn to use tools
>learn to build
>learn to drive and to fix your car
>get a steady job
>get Jow Forums
>become husband material
>now you're in your 30's and you finally realize that nowadays you can't find a ''traditional, virgin, demure woman who can cook, stays at home, wants children, and is good mother and wife material''
>mfw you did all of those things for nothing
>mfw when you're stuck with a post-feminist liberal cunt who sucked tens of dicks before she met you, is a shitty mother who will poison your children's minds and will leave you at the first sign of trouble because she doesn't believe in marriage
Ha hahahahahahahahahahahaha

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I really hate seeing them make out randomly, almost feels like they're taunting people because they obviously don't feel anything from this. But holding hands? Kissing on the cheek?

Pretty much exactly this. I was told I needed to get an education, a good career, learn to drive, get my own house. So I worked really hard to make it happen and succeeded. Now I'm 25 and alone. Meanwhile deadbeats are on their 10th girlfriend.

What am I deluded about?

My divorced mom only tried to pair me up with whores and ugly girls, good thing she isn't in charge of finding me a spouse.
She sperg'd out big time when finding out I kissed an illiterate cute, but never reacted when my whore sister fucked different men and smoked weed on university.

I still agree with OP, though. Although I don't think women should ultimately choose the son's wife, but merely select suitors.

Attached: women liberated.png (1000x998, 134K)

Free markets are a good thing. the most deserving get the spoils!

That could be true if women actually selected men instead of just following trends.

If only. Most free and free-like markets demonstrate that's the opposite of the case. Instead, the most slimy, best liar gets the spoils.

That girls are easy. Maybe for you, but for those of us who are genetically cursed, it's near impossible, and improving yourself takes drastic lifestyle changes nowhere near "just one hour a day"

connect those boys at the bottom with the other boys.