Ideal bf/gf

ITT we draw ourselves as ideal bf/gf
Starting with myself

Attached: Le Summer BF.png (1080x720, 189K)

original bump
and another original bump

>writes french poems
faggot lmfao

>writes french poems
miss me with that gay shit

whats wrong
also draw yourselves or begone

give template

I didn't use any, I drew the figure myself
you want me to draw you something real quick ?

I already have one on hand

Attached: me edit.png (604x500, 35K)

ok please do

>full of memes

Here you originallyly go

Attached: Stick man.png (356x626, 42K)

I feel sick :v(

fuck wrong pic
this is your template

Attached: For you anon.png (838x670, 39K)

Made this last year I dont want te37s anymore

Attached: 4DD1C8A3-B141-42FB-9727-88D3E0E300E7.jpg (811x584, 83K)

i'd do one of these but there are literally no pros to dating me

Sounds like you make a lot of impulsive decisions dude

You can do an ironical one, could be funny

True, my life is all over the place

>template with blurry lines

I've ffinally finished drawign this shit lmao

Attached: selfportrait.jpg (838x670, 146K)

>needed a template and filled it out messily

Very nice
can relate

wanna fight ill fight you

Whinnie the pooh in loo manlet ween fatass strikes again with his gay "Smash." You're supposed to make an ideal bf/gf not a trash one.

>your so stylish
Lmao at ur life Tbh

heh, I don't feel the need to spil blood tonight... kidd

I'll come back tomorrow blease don't let thread die thangs

Make your assumptions, brigands

Attached: dfsqgtgd.jpg (725x670, 85K)

posting my shit originally

Attached: bitterfailedchad.png (1030x626, 59K)

>"yes" shirt
>jesus look

likely to talk about classic rock way too much for his own good but is generally amicable nonetheless

>keeps care of her looks and body (i dont really care if she has a little pudge)
>decent chemistry

Attached: jen.gif (500x372, 969K)

i think you missed the point fren

well this has been an embarrassing misunderstanding of the thread. I should take more care in reading.

Attached: 1512082015873.gif (656x368, 1.47M)

why would i spend my time on this originally

Attached: whydidimakethis.png (1196x671, 247K)

i never wanted to be this person but please stop. this is the kind of thing you'll look back on and feel nothing but shame and embarrassment.

Attached: 1523028877498.png (181x170, 64K)

What do you mean user?

>Another bf/gf thread
>maybe this time
>make a long detailed post/edit including all my info and hobbies
>realise what I'm doing is stupid and delete it all
every time