STEM degree

>STEM degree
>No job after 10 months

Should I just kill myself?

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Be real with me user, how many places have you applied to?

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I haven't even applied for anything in my field in 2 months because one recruiter said it was too late

I feel like a woman after she turns 35

What degree exactly and how badly did you do?

Do some side projects and blogs for ur resume. Show us wat u got user!

I'm literally the least creative person alive
I have no original ideas
I don't know what to do

Math and comp sci
Although I had only the bare minimum in comp sci

what degree?

commentatus originalus

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>falling for the math and comp sci meme
You deserve it for your stupidity.

They were the only classes I didn't fail

and youre what? A lawyer? A doctor?

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Stop with These threads you massive assholes. I need a job in 3 weeks and have not even started applying ffs.

Same here senpai, been to interviews but no luck. Will start on a master's degree after summer, hopefully, that will help. I have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering, and where I live there are very few positions.

You can do it, just keep trying. And don't do the arrogant "fuck job categories A-Y, I only want a job in category Z" thing.
Apply absolutely everywhere that's relevant to your education, ESPECIALLY places close to your home. Also dress for success.
I'm starting a job at $55k after a year and a half of unemployment and relentless job applications following graduation.
Luckily here in Burgerland the student loan folks offer forbearances. Interest will still accrue but there are advantages in not having to pay right away.

If you're one of those nerdy wiseacres, I'm glad you're suffering. If not, enroll in a hospitality or construction course. Those are 2 industries with lots of jobs. A lot of schools offer employer pools. Which basically means they know a lot of businesses (especially the hospitality ones) that need employees and they will help you get a job for these companies.

If you aren't a dick, I hope everything works out for you.

>mfw graduated valedictorian mech eng
>unemployed 6 years and counting
i stop trying, btw. just leeching off parents until hero.

I guess I am one though
My parents forced me to get a manual labor job at a factory one summer
Two months and every day I felt like killing myself
I hated every fucking thing about that place
The people, the meaningless work, the fucking hot conditions
The only reason I didn't blow my brains out was because it was for two months
Now it looks like I'd be stuck doing that forever

How the fuck can't you get a programmer job? You need to put an effort to stay unemployed with this degree.

I don't have any relevant programming experience
I got just the bare bones degree

Did you get laid in college?

Did you work at all? Even just a shitty mcjerb is something you can point to that shows you have basic work/life skills.

Search for a trainee vacancy, they will teach you everything.

2 month stint at a manufacturing plant
But that place located show and idk how to contact the people that worked there

>I haven't even applied for anything in my field in 2 months because one recruiter said it was too late

I was told the exact same thing by a recruiter at around the same amount of time spent unemployed (12 months). But then this became me:

>I'm starting a job at $55k after a year and a half of unemployment and relentless job applications

After 5 years of working I have come to realize that recruiters are fucking self-centred idiots. Don't listen to them- they don't have you or your best interests in mind, all they want to do is place someone and place them fast. The "new grad" moniker on your resume DOES wear off after about 6 months, but that does not mean that it is impossible to find something, it is just harder because people begin to ask questions. Recruiters don't want that. They want a nice, easy placement, no questions asked, please pay me the $500 commission for this pathetic student so I can get on to placing some senior managers. So fuck them and whatever they say. Keep at it.

OP do you know how much damage you can do with comp sci knowledge?
You can take richfags money.
Quit being a faggot.
This is the part where the richfags fucked up.

>stem degree
>work as a sofrware dev
>earn more than 90% of people in your country
>actually it's 12k/year
I'd better be unemployed in some first world country.

>that place located show

Goddamn phone posters.

Anyway, two months isn't a long time. Were you a decent employee, did you leave on good terms? You could potentially get a reference out of it, but I doubt it.

>earn more than 90% of people in MY country

All I have is an unhelpful 1-800 number
I don't even remember my supervisor's real name
He was a black guy we called Peanut

That's a nice attitude to have but like I'm running out of fucking time
Plus I'm pretty useless

I hated the little programming I did although right now I'm desperate

Where do I find such things?

Temp agencies? Even some shitty temp work can help you get some experience and its often on contract so you dont have to stay.

Well try to find Peanut and ask him if he can be a reference.

For the most part all they're looking for when it comes to entry level babby's first job tier shit is someone to say yes to the following:

>will this guy show up for his shifts and not make my life difficult with some hr type bullshit

If you can't find Peanut just pay someone to lie for you.

That's probably my only option right now although it's been exercised before

Same but almost two years and only a history of working menial jobs. Applying to govt positions in my field on usajobs but also as a cbp officer since the pay/overtime looks really good.

>that's a nice attitude to have but like I'm running out of fucking time
There's no getting around it. If you want to get anything done, you have to work at it.
Unless you have a family or friend connection, you're simply going to have to bite the bullet and apply to a fuckton of jobs.
The sooner you get to work on applications, the sooner you'll get a job. That's just the nature of the game.

lol good luck with the polygraph

I read the cia has a shortage of IT people.

Yeah I'm not particularly hopeful about it, so I'll keep alternatives. I'm more worried about the interview honestly.

If you've applied to countless jobs, then maybe start rewording your resume if youre not getting any bites

Eazy, just take a shower, wear ok normal clothes, take your CV with you that has your educational diploma etc. Go to highest guy in company you like to work for, walk to his office and say "sorry to intrude, but would you happen to have a job for *insert your qualifications*"

Worked for me and i never had problems on getting a job.. just keeping it is bit hard, with my 1day work, 3 day sick leave, due illness.

>dur im an ethical hacker dur
You stemfags are pathetic
Begging richfags for the crumbs because youre too pussy to get full value from your labor.
But hey theyre not complaining.
Maybe someday ill hire an idiot like the op to make something for me.

I wish I had your balls

I dunno anywhere around here where I could do that

thisalso, do you follow up with these jobs?

Better question
What STEM degree is it?

What kind of STEM degree do you have, user? You might be able to make money off of your skills even if you can't find a job.

What made you think could compete with the other 89,838,829 people getting stem degrees?

You just sound dumb user

Once I was told they picked the other guy cuz he was closer when I lived 10 minutes away

I already mentioned my degree

I can't even get fucking basic jobs though
I'm basically less hirable than a high school dropout for some reason

It sounds like you flub the interviews
How are your people skills?

What degree is it user?

Horrendously poor
I've tried mock interviews but they don't seem to help
Plus I'm fat, ugly, creepy-looking with this voice

There it is.
A degree is just a necessary for working in a specific field as people skills are for working with anyone
Head smarts do no good if you aren't socially keen
Try to become attuned to others, observe how they act and mimick it.
As for the appearance, that generally doesn't matter if you're able to put on a suit and tie and be hygenic.

Well it's not helping a bit since I haven't had an interview in 4 months

My god, no wonder you cant find a job
The interview starts when you walk in the store to get an application, not when the actual interview begins
>doing only online applications

I'm trying to avoid going for rinky dink jobs because if I get one the shame, guilt, and misery would probably be enough for me to off myself

Are you serious
My guy
Take what you can get
The pride in a hard days work >>> being a freeter
regardless of what the work is
Get something to be on your feet
If you are unemployed for 4 months or more, regardless of what job you might have otherwise, you are way less likely to get another job in the future
Don't just sit around waiting for a golden ticket

same nothing within 25 miles of me

I'm not sure if this is an ironic spin on the firm handshake meme or what.

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>The pride in a hard days work >>> being a freeter
>regardless of what the work is
I do not feel that way at all user
not one bit
The thing I really want to do is crawl up somewhere and wait for death
But that's not an option since I have debts my family would be burdened with

Vocaroo posting: