I just had a conversation with my parents

I just had a conversation with my parents

Can you guess what it was about

Attached: 2E525899-DA86-472D-AFB6-47109F0F254A.jpg (960x960, 123K)

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these nuts lmao toasted

realty in australia

You came out as Asian? Don't worry I think your parents already know.

you need to start wearing headphones when watching porn?

G U A N G Z H O U?

About Guangzhou (a city in China) perhaps?

Can someone tell me whats a Guangzhou?

Did they tell you to stop pooping in empty food containers and hiding it under your bed? If so, don't listen to them, fuck the system

an original city in China


You lifted 4 years for nothing?

Ahhh i love this dude originally no homo

Attached: D625D77E-1E93-4096-ABCB-DB3039C6D72D.jpg (1536x877, 543K)

is your boypucci ovulating?

did you finally come out of the closet and did they properly react by disowning you?


Oh, I know!

Was it about the fact that Google Has dedicated 1 Billion Dollars to giving the world free wifi access through satellites, so soon even in third world countries they will have our refurbished smartphones. All of us need funding for a Website. The Website, will be the most popular website in history. it's existence is inevitable, and the public needs it. The world needs it. The Website is a list of the world's and everyone's problems, that get prioritized to the top of its lists by (basically being voted on) with a star rating system. Imagine if everyone had access directly to our leaders instantly every day. Those in charge would know exactly what's important to everyone without any doubt whatsoever. We would have a voice that we could point to and say "look, this many people, everyday use this medium and voice their opinion, it's equal, it's fair, it's just, and everyone who wants one gets a voice". Then our leaders would be able to and dedicate resources to the problems which make it to the top of the lists, and have the best solutions to all the problems already agreed upon, and things would just get done without any red tape, politics, shady backroom deals, or corruption. We would know what the most important issues are, in realtime, and we would know the best solutions for those problems, in realtime.The proprietary features are it's well traversable categories, search tree, & once a day you are able to vote from 1 to 100 stars on submittable lists of what you think the world, and others most important to solve problems are, only once per day. However you are also able to submit as many problems to the bottom of the lists as you want, and whichever problems have the most stars from the most people, get put at the top of the lists?

Guangzhou is part of the province of Guangdong. Guangzhou (a city in china) is a chinese city.

You coming out as straight

Not anymore it isnt my origami

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Milhouse is not a meme
A forced meme