Hey there user, how was your day?

Hey there user, how was your day?

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where the fuck did you find a Zellers?

eh it was weird, but i fixed my camera again. is this film OP?

I want to photoshop this so that it looks like it's on the moon or something with other galaxies fully viewable in the night sky
It is so perfect

that would be sick lol

Pretty neat. Ordered some nice plants that'll be here shortly.

Hey user, I found this image online. I'm a youro so I have no idea what Zeller's is, but I guess it's like Walmart and other store chains.

Found it online. I have no idea.

Yeah, I liked it as well.

I'm feeling kinda down. I should not but I do. I'm trying to restrain from smoking for a while.

What kind user? Can you show me your garden?

massive wave of nostalgia seeing that Zeller's sign holy shit

I'm glad you like it user. I have been muted, so let's try again.

there are two in Ontario but they're not actually the real deal, those all closed in 2013.
t. moose fucker

Tiring and lonely.
I don't want to go on anymore.

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Hey user, that's a cool work of art. Tell me more about yourself. What tires you the most at the moment? What did you do today?

Nothing, I stayed home all day studying and it was awful. Everyday seems to get darker and darker, I feel like there's no place for me in this word.
But how are you user?
I assume you are the one that made this thread, maybe for listening to others and I find that very sweet. That's why I want to know how are you too.

Hey user, you're on right track! Studying will pay off, and you focusing on this the whole day is amazing! You should be proud of yourself! What do you study?

Regarding your place in the world... I understand, I feel the same. But I think there's definetley a place for you in this world, if it doesn't exist yet, there will be one. Or you can make one yourself.

Tell me about your perfect day in five years.

You are right user, I made this thread because I feel a bit down and I hope that listening to others will help me.

Cherry tree, Rowan berry tree, blueberries and cranberries.
Soils nice and rich for 'em already.

Sadly can't show my garden as I can't use any cameras.

I want to be happy. I want to work in an animation studio and have a lot of friends. I am studying to become an animator.
Thanks, I hope we'll both found our places in the world.
Why do you feel a bit down?

Hey user, sounds great! Some of us are repaying mother earth and that's beautiful. I hope your garden gorws big and your fruit ripe.

sounds like you're already pursuing your dream which is amazing! I think this particular field of studies will grow bigger over time, with increase in AR in VR. I hope you do well!

I don't know why I feel down, I wish I knew. I have a pretty good life. I found a job recently, I have a place to live, I have a fullfilling family and frineds, but I still feel down. Maybe it's because I'm refraining from smoking so it's the usual imbalance. Should be ok in a few days, if not, I'm not sure what to do.

To all the lovely anons that replied to this thread
I wish a very nice and fullfiling day. I hope to come back sometime soon and chat some more with you. I should go to sleep, I have to work tomorrow.

Thanks I'm trying my best even if I feel like it's not enough.
You sound like you have a nice life, it's okay feeling kinda down sometimes maybe it's because of the smoking so stay calm. You'll get better.

thanks for the kind words

They're mainly for the bees, insects and birdies.

Pretty good thanks, revised and then hung out with my best friend


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