
rapid dab edition

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>dabs unironically

>rapid dab edition
now we talking

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first for falling in love with a stranger

as in oil or the dance?

Fucking shit edition


speak for yourself
dab on them haters fren

I am going to get back into zen Buddhism. I mean, i have not stopped meditating and applying it to my life, but i think some more reading would do me good.

how long do I have to meditate for it to be a true meditation?

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Anyone ever roam into /x/? I always expect some good creepy threads/pictures/webms but then realise it's just full of fucking larpers pretending to be aliens and ghost men from planet jumbotron.

surprise surprise 456

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>nephew was born completely deaf
>spent four years learning BSL
>never see nephew
I've only ever actually used it properly once, beyond that it doesn't get much more use than people saying shit like "haha how do you say 'big floppy donkey dick'?" when they find out. I suppose I should be happy but really I feel like I've wasted my time.

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should probably fix my cpu fan before the weather gets warm

The senor is tired tonight. Kindle then sleep soon. Nighty night lads. More NOT COPYPASTA poetry for ye all tomorrow. I may even do a vocaroo.LOve ye gays!

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Have a look at the book Lagom: The Swedish Secret of Living Well. It's a bit wishy washy but if you are into meditation etc it can really calm your mind if you apply the book to real life.

it's always a massive let down fren./s/ never fails me though

If your thinking about time it's not true meditation

Thank god you are leaving, getting bored of your shit tier posts tbqh

>ghost man from planet jumbotron spotted

You tried? its a good thing to have on a cv and also deaf qts.
Deaf qts lad!
It will only be a waste of time if you forget it.

You could get a job with it, why dont you see him?

I dont know, maybe a month? took me a good few months, but sometimes i get lazy and dont do it properly.

ok, thanks, i will check it out.



I fucking like this, lads

Doesn't really do anything for my cv, my work doesn't have any need for it. Deaf qts would be a benefit but I don't know any, and I don't want to purposefully seek one out because that's just weird.

Doubt I could get a job solely with it. A HUGE amount of it is colloquial, so you kind of have to be active within the deaf community in your area to be a decent interpreter. I could interpret but it would be a bit slow and the deaf person would probably get annoyed that I was using such formal signing.

Don't see him because I'm on the other side of the country.

some chad broke my glasses today lads
can I get some (you)s

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Sorry fren just realised its Lagom: The Swedish art of balanced living.

Fried eggs bacon and toast OR scrambled egg sandwich

what did him do? shall we go get him

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Sue them user, caused you stress and anxiety. Reap the money

Any anons in Barking? Looking for something Magic the Gathering related but the nearest meetup seems to be in Kent.

Sorry for your loss

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Sorry to hear that lad. You should take a knife to work and stab him, just as a prank to get back at him, you know?

>just left the electric hob on for 30 minutes and partially melted the boiler
Well, that's a couple of thousand pound I'll have to pay my dad.

fried bread fried bacon cheesy scrambled eggs. put it all together and add brown sauce

now u talkin senpai

Why would I live there, it's shit? The kind of person who wants to live there must be barking mad lmao.

Roses are red
Your glasses are broken
I can't fix them so instead
Have this you as a token

Spoons report.

Bunch of teenage lads sharing cocktails pitchers on to table 1. One didn't have id so chucked them all out.
There just turned 18 girls all drinking double vodka lemonade and lime.
Manager said I'm excellent to a customer.
Old woman complained about 1 minute wait to be served. She said she was falling asleep. I said it happens when you get old.

I enjoy the fact that when you say """F A M""" it replaces it with senpai

I don't have cheese or enough eggs for that unfortunately

How does that work? Why was your boiler on the hob?

chad broke my glasses and fucked my oneitis in HS

I've noticed a lot of large groups of foreign men walking around my town. What does it mean? Some white some paki

>Any anons in Barking?
woof woof

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And when you say t b h it says desu

how do you not have enough eggs for it when 1 of the options was a scrambled egg sarnie

>Some white

Probably Afghans or Syrians. You've probably got a rape gang operating in your area and they've come to fuck some drugged up 12 year olds in a shitty dss house

i wear my uncles glasses, so they're quite old fashioned, they look like pic related. The chad in question kicked a ball at me and broke them.

thanks frens

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Because we have a lack of space and an old cooker sat atop a worktop.

sorry I messed that up, I meant that some groups are white, and speaking another language, and some groups are paki

>Europa report.

>Bunch of teenage lads sharing cock pictures in Sweden. One didn't have i gave him a new passport, benefits and a free blonde girl
>There just turned 18 girls all drinking double black cock, feminism amirite?
>Merkel said I'm excellent to a refugee.
>Old woman complained about 1 minute wait to be served. She said she was falling asleep. I said shut up or ill report you for offensive time keeping, cracker.

What the fuck lad, I know BSL too. Had a qt deaf gf at one point as well, hopefully getting another this year if I can find a good way to ask her out. Where you at?

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>>Europa report.

>>Bunch of teenage lads sharing cock pictures in Sweden. One didn't have i gave him a new passport, benefits and a free blonde girl
>>There just turned 18 girls all drinking double black cock, feminism amirite?
>>Merkel said I'm excellent to a refugee.
>>Old woman complained about 1 minute wait to be served. She said she was falling asleep. l said shut up or ill report you for offensive time keeping, cracker.

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Winter is coming and it will all wither away.

What you lids upto?

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Just got kicked off of redbubble lads

>tfw no co-op stardew
>no communal britfeel farm

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is "tales from the borderlands" any good?

yeah drink and drugs wooooo
I jest, but it is time for a big fat spliff and drinking

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Manchester at the moment
best of luck lad, we're all gonna make it

What games is that lad

/britfeel/ manchester meetup when?

Telltale games are boring as fuck desu famalam

What's redbubble?

considering a /nightwalk/ even though its raining, could be pretty comfy though since it should be quiet

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Imagine the aesthetic mass autism, we could all stardew gf's and make innawoods Linus our fren

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>keep watching anime for an hour or so
>go to bed

first reply decides my fate
posted in the previous thread by mistake desu

Stardew vally top tier comy

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Masturbate to anime, lad

nightrain walks are best walks

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Anything in Romford then? I'm trying to leave my house but it's like there's nothing out there for me.

not him but do we have to have gf's? i don't want 1 irl let all having to pretend on a game

Americunt detected.

Im actually starting to hate myself lads.
Not a meme "I literally hate myself lmao" thing, but just a kind of low boiling disgust at myself.
Im doing stuff to improve my life and making good progress, but its just getting worse.
I cant do things I know I will enjoy now, because I feel like I dont deserve them.

Anyone else know this feel?

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>wizard novice journal entry 1
Having trouble fighting off the urges of the lust, held out for a few days before losing an encounter with some breast cows and spilling my magic everywhere. God wizard landrus wasn't happy, and made me take the famous pilgrimage across the fields of old. awful rain, but made me discover my /fa/ core, so not a bad day.

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They are great and patrician, but bad for listening to music and I usually get a cold.

i wanked earlier lad, im empty


true laddy, very true, but ive been out of the habit of /nightwalk/ for a bit and feeling a bit shitty today (mostly from doing nothing and not moving since i got out of bed at about 12pm) so im not sure i fancy spending a few hours out in the rain, ill decide soon though and ofcourse let the lads know whats happening

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Love you
And I
Need you
Nelly I
Love you
And it's more than you'll
Ever know

So? Fire a blank

yeah that's been my existence for 6/8 of my life
par for the course isn't it eh lad. you're born, life's shit, you die

>they don't stop talking about dude weed and fortnite
Yeah these guys are fucking cool amirite? Not even big boy drugs either, just sleepy dumb fatty drugs.

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No be a Linus
Earphones and rain coat lid
Pls do

Just snorted coke and played Duke Nukem

just smoked weed and played doom

I'm quite unhappy and angry at the moment and I don't know how to resolve these feelings

>get into work at 4:30pm - late shift + half day
>everyone looks busy and angry
>new people are moving into the department - getting trained up now
>the new people (previously phone monkeys) are going to be taking the seats/desks of those who were working on general emails such as myself
>me and the rest will be moving back into the call centre area
>once it gets late, I look around at the sticky notes posted on desks to see where I'll be moved
>looks like I'm getting the worst seat and even the new general emails monkeys who haven't even been working here a year will have better seats than me

Really not fucking happy, I think my manager knows this will trigger me

Also, some old phone monkey bitch asked a question and said "if you don't know just say so"

Wooahh Yea!

old phone monkey bitch?

not seen fortnite mentioned yet
and I think there's only been 1 post about weed. and that was by me

What is a mutual on twitter?


come on lads who wants to be my wingman? you have to fit into the M polo shirt with my fake businesses logo on it

she's old
she's a phone monkey (takes calls at the call centre instead of working emails)
she's a bitch

>tfw ywn fug an autism sissyboi
What the fuck lads

that would make you gayosexual you faggot (don't meme by telling me you're a woman)

It really is great lads, they get so into it and love all the fun high IQ fetishes of being completely controlled and dominated.

this was directed at your gay ass. so disgusted i didn't even reply

>ywn be Japanese

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