Memes aside, has anyone ever dated a trap in the way you would date a natal girl? Like go to movies, restaurants, take her to meet the family, whatever normies do together?
Memes aside, has anyone ever dated a trap in the way you would date a natal girl? Like go to movies, restaurants...
Other urls found in this thread:
posting this everytime until you fucking get it.
No but I hear the sex is shitty.
Dont even try it. They never look as good as they do in photos and they are riddled with mental illnesses.
Reported for spam, enjoy your b&
someone's a little salty their empire's burning down.
the gigs up m8
Spidey thread now. Don't froget to sage.
Trannies are mentally ill. You are disgusting. Reiko needs a knife in the neck.
Spiderman, spiderman. He is a spider and a man! MAGIC!
>be me
>talk to a cute girl from okc for a few weeks
>begin texting
>she tells me she has to tell me something
>im trans.exe
>take the "just date a trap bro" pill
>go to a small somewhat divey but comfy bar/restaurant halfway between us
>dark inside but she looks not bad
>have a good night but don't want to go too quickly and have work in the ass crack of the morning
>peck on the cheek that night, agree to see each other when we're both off work
>2nd date
>she comes over to my place, roommate is gone, we smoke some pot and she wants to do shots
>dick does that twitch again even though she's not as cute in the flourescent light
>we end up not even going out
>playing ssb4 for two hours and order some tacos
>we're both shit housed
>she decides to make a move and grab my dick over my pants
Spidey hates all traps, trannies, and niggers.
No more please, just kill yourself.
His faggotry''s...OVER 9000! CAREFULL SPIDEY.
Suicide is your only option faggots. All you do is spam shitty trap threads and pollute this board. And raiko and the cult are the worst of all.
Just stop posting and jump off the roof of a building. Traps and tranny threads are a psyop by raiku to prey on mentaly ill and unstable people.
Bazinga! A spiderman thread? Of course I want one!
>got a decent semi going
>she takes off her shirt revealing delicious flat chest
>asks what i want to do next
>brain to dick communications broken
>dick is in a 9/10 erect status
>"uhh, let's see what happens"
>unzips dick
>she begins going to town, sucking it like a porn star
>only had two "real" girls before give a bj, nothing like this
>actually feel my limbs go numb
>blow a massive load she can barely swallow
>cuddle that night as she stays over
>goes on like this for a few weeks, typically just stay in my bedroom
>go to her place once, she lives with her grandmother and some other relative (a 40 year old man, her 2nd cousin or something)
>place is filthy, grandmother is massively obese and senile and watches religious shows or fox news
>never go there again
pt 3 coming, sorry slow typer
You need to sage them. "sage" in the options box. Don't bump the fucking thread.
Summon thy spidey
continue user, i am genuinely curious as to where this greentext will lead
Get the fuck out with your faggot greentexts. Go back to b or lgbt where you niggers belong.
I am ok with this, please keep up your diligence spidanon
Spiderman, spiderman, does whatever he spidercan to stop these shitty faggot threads!
Fuck off with your cult trash. Reikofags fuck off to your cult.
Spidey owns this thread. Spidey owns you. And he wants you to repent for this faggotry.
>she begins to get upset that we never go out anymore and do nothing but stay at my place
>asks if im embarrassed to be with her and how hurtful it is to think that she might not pass
>assure her its not that etc
>long story short she pressures me into saying i love her
>begin doing some light dick stuff (hands, i won't give her a blowy) despite my better judgement
>few months pass
>thanksgiving coming up
>my parents live a few hours away, im driving there for a five day weekend
>she begs to come along
>i tell her its really not a good idea, parents arent conservatards but this might not be the easiest thing to explain to them much less extended family
>keep in mind she passes face wise but is kind of tall and has a giveaway voice
>she is sobbing and saying she will kill herself
>beg her to stay with me, stay on the phone 45 minutes while i drive over to some parking lot she's in
>say she can come with me to my family
pt 4 upcoming
I have a dream, that one day, my children and my childrens children won't have to put up with trap threads.
end yourself nigger.
Fuck off back to with this gay shity greentext trash.
Spiderman is 100000 time better of a thread than this faggot shit. Long live spidey!
Spiderman for president 2020! Viva the red arachnid. Faggots will be deported.
Im enjoying your story
This is a good story, bro.
End your life faggots, this is a spooderman thread now/
the time has come to finally to do something about these traps
Is homosexuality a sin? And who do we believe?
God is the ultimate and sovereign judge for sin. Homosexuality is sin by His order; it is not decided by public opinion or deceived/false clergy. Changing societies do not dictate God's standards. Sin is defined by God for us in the Bible. It is the source for what God says is holy and righteous or sin and abomination. Hebrews 13:8 states that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever; he does not go with the flow.
God's Word says that homosexuality is unnatural, a perversion, an abomination, fornication, vile affections, and a great sin against Him. He states any sexual act outside of marriage is adultery (hetro or homo sexual). Sex is to be between man and woman within marriage.
Spidey is my hero. He saves us from all the traps and niggers.
Stop jacking off to this gay greentext and fuck off back to b and lgbt.
>can't sleep days before worrying about this
>contemplate breaking up with her
>tell parents im bringing "a girl i've been going with" and leave it at that
>they say she can sleep in my sister's room
>sister is 20 and home from college for the holiday
>get there on wednesday, she is trying way too hard for them to like her
>cant necessarily tell if they know
>tell her when we're alone that she's acting like a phony
>she begins crying again, runs out to my car with the keys
>i run out and grab her arm with the keys
>shes screaming that im an abuser
>get her to calm down, she takes a few xanax
>sister is going out with some hs friends so send trap gf off to the air mattress in her room
>thursday, watching tv in the living room, wondering how it will be with the extended family
>mom needs some milk, tell her we'll go to the 24 hour store and get some
>tell gf to just take it slow, this is new for me too, etc, she seems a lot more normal today
pt 5 next
the absolute mental instability that comes with HRT
shit story, just enforcing what we said already.
nice pic, I enjoy it.
>get to aunt & uncle's house
>about 20 people total, including other s/o's of cousins, etc
>trap gf talking to a girl cousin and someone i dont know
>cousin looks over at me and makes eye contact
>feel like im going to have a full on panic attack
>now its dinner time
>sit next to her
>my grandmother begins making small talk with her, thankfully she probably doesnt know there is such a thing as a trap
>just a tall girl from texas with a deeper voice
>go home, that night, some of the cousins and my sister are drinking in our living room
>in my room playing vidya, drinking some rum, here them laughing constantly
>trap gf to her credit tries to play it off
>i see the hurt in her eyes
>she begins drinking heavily
>got to be 12:30, still hearing sister and cousins and some randoms in the living room
>trying to reassure trap gf
part 6 next
>she says that im no better than they are
>that i'm trying to make her into something she is not
>wtf did this come from
>she calls me a repressed faggot at one point
>i tell her she is acting crazy and needs to calm down
>at this point grabs my vintage snes and smashes it into pieces , it pulls down the tv and breaks some other shit too
>grab her arm again like yesterday and she screams bloody murder
>tell her to be quiet, put my hand on her mouth
>she fucking bites my hand
>is looking for my keys, says shes going to take an uber home (her house is hours away) or hitchhike
>grab her again and she screams again and pulls my hair and punches at my face
>mom comes to the door and yells "what is going on?"
pt 7 to follow
Jesus fugg the shit people will go through just to keep hidden.
I was in a similar situation while dating a trap who weaponized my reluctance to introduce her to my family. I almost did it, too, but bailed at the last minute from the craziness levels I was detecting
nice psyops
>"Uhh nothing, gf's upset about her family"
>notice the people in the living room have gathered around too
>trap gf tells my mom "fuck off" and barges out
>cousins and sister trying to hold in their laughter
>older chad cousin blurts out "user's boyfriend must be on his period"
>everyone dies laughing
>tears swelling in my eyes, lump in throat i cant even speak
>call her 20 times she doesnt answer
>go to bed around 4
>dont hear from her for three days
>she texts me 30 times in the middle of the night on monday
>she spent the night in an unlocked car
>got some beta orbiter from her old irc whoring days to pay for a taxi and a bus ticket home
>she occasionally tries to hook up again but just as often sends cruel texts saying she only used me and i'm gay and cant handle a woman like her
Traps: never even once
Seriously please this is really fucking gay, and it's because of shit like this that me and guaranteed hundreds of anons before me STOP coming to /r9k:, it's just not up my personal agenda to look and hear about dicks in my leisure computer time, today is the day I officially quit Jow Forums /b/, I'm headed back to /v/ and Jow Forums where I won't be riddled with this homo bullshit agenda
I keked at the story, i cant believe you retards would date a trap
aw, not a nice cute trap story. sad
oh boy what a twist was that dididididn't eeexcpet tthat onne
oof that really sucks user
This makes me embarrassed to be trans, that and all of the other stuff happening here right now
Jow Forums is nice if you are into guns
fuck yeah this story took the turn i was expecting. good job user, traps are some bad shit.
someone screenshot this. this is better than the autistic spiderman spamming to convince people of the trans cancer
>have you dated a guy.
>treating traps as people and not just living fleshlights and fucktoys
that was your biggest mistake user
So they're like normal women?
>she is sobbing and saying she will kill herself
>not breaking up immediately with anyone who pulls this shit
i like how gradually it went from him just sucking your dick to mental breakdowns
trannies in a nutshell
Sitting on the toilet
Had to make a doodie
Doodie hit the water and the water hit my bootie
Yeah, that was one of many red flags I ignored, but can't say I'm the only user who has dealt with that
This. Traps are for fucking and that's it.
>older chad cousin blurts out "user's boyfriend must be on his period"
end it now fags
Chads are the hero we deserve
It's amazing what estrogen can do with people isn't it?
I would though, why is it a problem? my girlfriend is trans and I would just date her like normal and I'm afab. I'm not naturally transphobic I guess.
you know like its in the ass
A lot of people here fetishize them. It's interesting when people treat them normally
I feel bad for you my man m00tblox
god you're a fucking beta
Im an mtf in a relationship in a guy and its pretty normal as well, I don't think, animu trap bs thats flavor of the month right now is really what most trans people are like.
your post made me smile c:
You guys make me feel better :3
Never sure when/how to say I'm trans without getting the chasers and trying to get just a normal robot type bf
You will both be consumed, I urge you both to neck yourselves
Never dated anyone
Can you sick fucks not go somewhere else this place is already depraved enough
Why does it bother you? Nobody is making you date a trap
there's an LGBT board for this kind of shit go post there
You're the b& one for announcing, LOL.
STRAWPOLL: Is it a lesbian act for a biological girl to have sex with a FTM (biological girl)?
Thanksarino guys
Jow Forums is more comfy than /lgbt/. Plus they are basically a blue board /soc/
Voted, and yes, it is obviously lesbian.
the reason traps tend to be mentally ill is because they tend to be autistic fucks who post here. they think they can find more romantic success as a if somehow that would get rid of their social failures and insecurities
I did
she killed her self 3 months after we broke up
Thank you for sharing this.
I was indeed wondering wtf was goin on with all these trap threads.
this is really sad, honestly. the life of a tranny, especially those who are medically trannies, is a very tough and short one.
>>got some beta orbiter from her old irc whoring days to pay for a taxi and a bus ticket home
and you say they are not like real women, lol
This is where they belong
This is how we make them threads better with some spider man
wtf, that girl literally did nothing wrong
she probably loved him and was deeply upset that neither him not his family accepted her
I guess it can be emotionally devastating but losing your shit like that?
Reminder to sage trap threads and HRT threads.
Traps and trannies are mentally ill and disordered, don't fall for this shit.
>i'm gay and cant handle a woman like her
They just wanted to be a meme
Also dem digits
Traps are gayyyy sage fuckkk offf my board