Team chestlet is the best team

team chestlet is the best team

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Team cowtits is best team

your team is shit chestlet girls are clearly cuter

If you think that's chestlet you have clearly never seen one

team loli is best team

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have very flat gf
she lets me pretend she is my underage daughter
feels good

why wont chestlet femanons accept that we like their flat chest

Paedophille scum, kill yoursell so you can do the world a favor

as much as id like to impreg this body type, is there any point in wearing a bra when theyre that small, other than for looks?

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they wear a bra and stuff it, that's pretty much the only point

see, team loli even makes norpers mad. Best team.

youre probably a lying sack of shit, but whatever.
please give details on a situation where you use this glorious privilege

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I jsut want androgynous chestlet gf whos into pegging
Or curvaceous stacey tit cow gf whos into pegging

even little titties need some support. Titcows have issues with sagging later in life but chestlets need to be on top of that too.

healthy athletic body with small perky amazing boobs which are getting hard just by touching the chest area>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some nasty greasy soggy fat dumpsters

oedipus complex nibbaz will never learn

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wearing a bra can give boobs a nicer shape and stops any jiggling. even as a chestlet, jiggling is a pain.

there's probably a chestlet reading this thread right now that thinks we are making fun of her

and as always chestlet team best team and other should learn

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minis body will fall apart in the next 5-6 years. those things will be down to her knees by the time she hits 32

She doesn't like it when I do it too often, because it's not really her thing, but I'd say it's every other week.
Sometimes I get her to dress in her old school uniform, and she has to lie over daddy's knee and get a spanking for not doing her homework. From there I usually work to a little fingering and she promises not to tell anybody about what daddy does to her when she's been naughty. Once she's wet I start fucking her and she usually talks a lot about how daddy like being inside his little girl, and how she wants to be a big girl for me. I really like rubbing her flat chest through an unbuttoned school shirt
then I blow
shits hot

>implying her body will fall apart when she is 23-24

The COPE is quite real, indeed.

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nah, it's nice to see. being a chestlet makes me feel like i look like a prepubescent boy sometimes, but it's reassuring to see that there are people who appreciate that body type.

so do you stuff your bra or do you not care

team female genocide is the patrician choice

i don't care. i stopped wearing padded bras a couple years ago too and have just embraced it.

>just want dfc gf
>they all get implants to appease some vitamin deficient knuckle-dragger who was bottle fed throughout his entire infancy and is why he's such a deficient, insecure, posturing faggot


good fuck those big tittie bitches

Flat > Cow
But there is nothing wrong with breasts of every size. Also it's not like any of you are in the position to chose

Nah, I just like big tits.

Cope harder, cryptopedo.

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