The Trap Wars

>trap posting has hit an all time high
>the Trap Republic (TR) has annexed most of the known posts on r9k, most of the threads are related to homosexuality in some way
>a new coalition has risen against them in response
>the Confederation of Heterosexual Posters (CHEP) aims to cease the homosexualisation of the board
>some more extreme members of the Confederation even whisper of turning r9k into a blue board
>r9k has devolved into outright warfare as CHEP begins carpet bombing TR threads with anti-trap propaganda
>neither side will accept anything less than total annihilation of their enemy

Begun, the Trap Wars have.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The CHEP has some good propaganda already rolled out, though it's going to take a lot to turn the tides of astolfo posters.
This is total war.

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You're late. We've had several wars and traps always win. Only the mods can defeat them, anything else is just a waste of time.

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Maybe the CHEP need to send a lone hero to find the last living member of the mods and convince him to save us in our darkest hour.

The mods are most likely trans.

I'm fairly sure the mods have been /lgbt/ users for ages.

Ask them, they know about it

anyway I'm glad we've become CHEP

The mods don't defeat them, as stated in one of my previous posts, many, many moons ago. The mods don't give a fuck, they're a bunch of roasties who'd rather destroy the one place where ostracised people are accepted. Fuck the mods.

In reality what happened is a bunch of idiots from Jow Forums came over to Jow Forums for whatever reason and started complaining about the traps. Now they are being ten times more cancerous than the traps, giving them the attention they crave, and make the board much worse than it would have been otherwise. Jow Forums seriously needs to be fucking deleted

>muh Jow Forums bogeyman
You're either blind or a complete faggot.

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protip for any unsuspecting posters:

when someone says something like
>muh Jow Forums bogeyman

it's 99% confirmed that they are from Jow Forums

>everyone I don't like is a Jow Forumsfag
Posters from statements like these are 99% confirmed to be a faggot.

The trap republic will win because we know ourselves and we know our enemies. And our enemies are right wing Jow Forums users who will be endlessly triggered by trap threads in fear of catching the mythical "gay". Every post against us gives us confidence.
Hordes of rogue posters are joining our revolution. 90% of the threads aren't even made by us but these rogue posters are helping us anyway because we are not just people, we are an idea. You can defeat people, but you can't defeat an idea because an idea is eternal. An idea is immortal. Our idea is fun and gives people hope and happiness. Your right wing Jow Forums ideas feed on anger and fear. Positivity>Negativity when it comes down to it.
You guys might as well roll over and transition.

>trap republic
Do you get a thrill when larping?

Koakuma kunny
cool post

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Inspirational! Wow! I like, totally want to be a trap now! Remember kids, it is either you are with the triggered Jow Forums degenerates, or you are with the redpilled trap posters. There is no compromise. DON'T be a Status Quo Warrior!

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Reiko lives in rhode island cya!

I will accept nothing less than M.A.D

You're gonna possibIy ruin this man's life for this shit? What is actually physically wrong with you, you underage /b/ user?

U mad reiko?


I'm bisexual but I hate you fags.
Your sexuality doesn't need to define your personality.
Stop being a shallow worthless human.
There's nothing wrong with being gay but you don't need to be degenerate.

>Our idea is fun and gives people hope and happiness.
You are literally ruining peoples lives over a make belief fantasy.
Why else do you need to use pictures of "cute anime traps" instead of actual transgendered people?
Stop it.

And in the midst of it all is the one true side - the black women lovers. We will fight them on the bait threads, we will fight them in the /uni/ generals, we will fight them in the /britfeels/ threads... We will not rest until all recognize the superiority of the big black ass.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a black woman mounting the world.

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Holt shit, you are not fucking wrong. I see that GET man, it is prophecy

>blacks can't be traps
>whites can
>wipe out all white women because they might secretly be trans
>no traps remain on earth
Perhaps there is hope after all.

If you would follow Kek, follow me into battle against the trap posters and roastie-lovers alike, user

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as a bisexual, all traps are fucking disgusting and as none of you fantasize about real life transitioned, you fap and drool over japanese anime figures in a cartoon fantasy. you're all fucking pathetic weaklings. gay people are 1000000x better than you. if anything the straights and gays should unite to purge the world of traps. and all of you who fantasize over having an ax wound instead of a dick irl please fuck off this board and go back to /lgbt/ where 90% of their content is tranny whores. you'll feel more welcome there than you are here

Black women are the most feminine of all women, hence, the least gay.

Behold, our queen

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how do you feel preying on the lowest forms of human life known as robots?
also, why do you have a fucking trip? who the fuck uses these?

We will slaughter you, trapposter

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While we're at it, can we kill "fembots" too?
Literal cancer. Even on r9k women demand disproportionate amounts of attention.

black girls confirmed for best girls

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Black fembots can stay, for they are true robots like us. White fem"bots" will be purged.

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Wasn't even from today you fag

>Black fembots can stay, for they are true robots like us.

>female robots