NEETs who still live with their parents, how do you live with yourselves...

NEETs who still live with their parents, how do you live with yourselves? Don't you feel guilty about being a burden financially?

And what are you going to do when your parents die/decide to kick you out?

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My parents said I can stay as long as I want :)

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>being a burden
Boomers deserve it. They ruined the economy so its just fair that they should suffer too.

It's ok, if my parents were to kick me out, I'd kick them out too, if you know what i mean jellybean

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And by continuing to not have a job you're ensuring that it gets even worse

apart from wasting money on food/a bedroom they probably shouldn't have to pay for, what other financial burdens are there?

my parents live off rent and inheritance, and I spend unnoticable amounts of money by their scale. I don't feel like a burden

College ends in 2 weeks.
I'm afraid.

I'm going to be a neet for 4 months.
I live in a rural town with my parents. College is the only thing that is making me a functional human being. When it closes I lose hope in life.

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>get a job
Young men have a 20% unemployment rate here.

It'll get worse and crash completely regardless of whether or not he gets in debt for some shit McJob.

i feel too guilty and depressed to be enjoying my free time. my parents hammered it into me ever since i was born that they had me as insurance for when they got older and needed someone to take care of them. they expected me to be making a lot of money for them by now but obviously since i'm a hikki neet i'm not. they tell me they don't love me anymore

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Eh, a little guilt knowing I won't be able to provide for them in their old age.other than that besides food and a bedroom I ask for nothing. I find kinda funny how they often say I need to get out more with my friends but I have no money to do so nor I desire to burn cash on drugs and alcohol. I rather save the pennies I can get by and improve my computer once every 6 years.

Should they ever decide to kick me out, I can always kill myself, they're the only tether that links me to this world, both financially and emotionally, should they die I get a lot of propiety in inheritance and can probably live comfortable by selling or renting it.

Why not go for a Masters and or Doctorate?
You'll be more of a catch for future employers!!

>i feel too guilty and depressed to be enjoying my free time.
that's because you're living on borrowed time. you wouldn't have food and a place to sleep without your parents. they won't be around forever and neither will those luxuries. you're teetering.

better start now before it's too late

The 4 months are going to be SUMMER.
Then I start second year.

s-start on what. actually all of us are going to be homeless very soon

you should tell your parents it's their fault because their generation fucked everything up lel

>how do you live with yourselves
mom would be lonely otherwise

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they're abusive parents but i still love them. i feel bad that i can't make them happy

Don't really care honestly, they decided to have kids to start with, their offspring growing to be a fuckup is a possibility they should have considered. I'll go even further and say that NEETs/Robots are only living this life because of bad upbringing from their parents, if my parents didn't raise me to be a sheltered pussy, I probably wouldn't be doing this right now. So I don't really feel guilty for draining their money and doing nothing all day, besides, if they're still paying they really don't see it as much of a bother. They can kick me out any time they want.

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He fucked over me and my mother years ago
The only reason I'm living with him now is because my mom worked herself to death
If anything, he still owes me.

start on getting your shit together and being independent. earning your own income.

do you plan on being homeless your whole life?

>how do you live with yourselves?
I'm dead inside most of the time
>Don't you feel guilty about being a burden financially?
Yes, when the feels come, it's always guilt and shame for being the way I am but what can you do
>And what are you going to do when your parents die/decide to kick you out?
Be homeless until I die or see where life takes me

I like the way you think.

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kek that almost looks fake it's literally le american bear

Find a robot bf who's willing enough to financially support me (meaning, food shelter, bills, insurance, basically all the basic necessities you need to get through life)

I dont care what normalfags think.
I hope they die in a car accident.
Many of them will too cause theyre stupid.

Well, my parents do not want me to move out, so no I don't really have that problem.

However, I really want to get my own place, might move out this summer.

>parents fuck up raising a kid so much that he becomes a neet robot
>"omg how do you live with yourself you burden"

I think you're misplacing the blame tbqh

>how do you live with yourselves?
With drugs, vidya and internet.
>Don't you feel guilty about being a burden financially?
Yes. Pretty much every time I come out of my room or see another family member other than my grandma.
>And what are you going to do when your parents die/decide to kick you out?
I'll either kill myself or become a homeless wanderer.

That is actually very true.

I feel apathy
Otherwise I'd feel too much guilt to not kill myself

Yes this. Honestly if your kid ends up an adult perma NEET its 100% the fault of the parents. Anyone who says otherwise is one of those faggots who has that irrational bullshit where they idolise their parents as gods that can do no wrong. The fact is your parents fucked up if your a shit cunt. It was either their action or inaction that led you to where you are now.

I would be willing to bet most of you had problems as kids and your parents were too busy or too lazy to bother doing anything about it, and just let it go, so you ended up where you are now as a NEET.

I hate to sound like a pussy but I definitely feel like my parents neglected me emotionally. It doesn't help that I was extremely shy growing up so that is a recipe for disaster.

As much as I would like to think this, I have a feeling some of it was my fault too.


Being shy growing up is entirely a parenting problem. They raised you to be shy, there is no such thing as naturally shy. If your parents actually gave a shit they would have socialised you to be outgoing from when you were a toddler.

I'm a NEET in my girlfriend's home.
> 7 months no job
> mother likes me and is glad that her daughter isn't lonely, but still wishes I had money
> father doesn't like me because he's a hoarder and I tried to clean a few times, undermining his authority
> brother is a fucking normie degenerate but thinks he's hot shit because he has a good job, always hearing how I'm a fucking loser even though we both worked for the same company and I was making more than him at one point
> they're all a bunch of Jow Forums trump dickriders and I'm tired of hearing about based trump as we live in the middle of shithole fucking nowhere
> keep my mouth shut because I'd be on the street otherwise
> the brother is trying to get me to antagonize him so the parents kick me out
Why won't God give me a job or some direction on what to do at least?

It's not my parents' fault. True, they should have known two people as fucked up as they are shouldn't have been together, shouldn't be reproducing. But there's plenty of people who were dealt worse hands than I was

The truth is simply that I am a defective person. Something went wrong at the factory and this is the way I came out--weak, lazy, immature, evil. It wasn't their fault anymore than it was their parents' fault that they came out the way they are, and ad infinitum. People like me shouldn't exist. But how were they supposed to know that I would be such a person?

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33y/o hkhv neet. How do I deal with guilt? What guilt? They take 3 quarters of my disability check. I support them...

because there is no god
you're your god,

Well my brother turned out decent so I think "shyness" exists. I remember always feeling anxious before school when I was younger. I would always feel nauseous before I left the house.

I feel tremendous guilt. Every waking second I feel guilt and shame and self-hatred. I think constantly about suicide and probably will go through with it one day. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I don't want to inflict further pain on my family. But my parents must know, or at least suspect, that if they kicked me out, I no longer would have any reason to live.

Part of me wishes they would kick me out and force me to just get it over with already

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I feel immensely guilty, I purposely starve myself so they don't have to spend as much money on food. I eat one ham sandwich a day and that's it. Drink water from the kitchen faucet instead of 5 gallon jug they refill every other week

My parents don't care about me being a perma-NEET, they expect me to live with them until they die and are completely okay with it. After that, I'll have probably 30-40+ years living expenses in savings/inheritance. If I somehow manage to blow through that before my own death then I guess I'm offing myself. Not a bad age to go.

sometimes i feel bad when my mom and younger brother get ready for work and here i am getting paid to sit on my ass
but then they leave and i get over it

I think that growing up helps you understand that blaming others is just a waste of time. I started being a social outcast when i was 14 years old. They tried to help me out but it was useless, i didn't help them to understand myself, and so it was just a matter of time before i became an hiki. Life is really hard when you can't put trust to anyone, even when you desperately want it.

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How did they try to help you out?

You don't have to get specific with this. I was just wondering if you got any therapy.

not particularly. I'm a product of my environment. My parents split up when I was 7 and was raised by a single mother. I have nothing to feel guilty about. in fact they're lucky I haven't killed myself yet

why are americans so obsessed with failing their parents. if the kids a failure it's 100% the parents fault. doesn't matter how old you are

Amazing thread really

I'm doing some thinking over here since reading every response in this thread but I have to be honest with what i'm about to say

>Be me
>Grow up poor
>Family never really thought me much about the world and how important it was to do things, stay social etc..
>I developed like a robot, sitting in front of the computer most of my life
>I ended up becoming a computer engineer and have been making over 100k salaried for years now
>Basically i have money, and a pretty good life but my only social interaction outside of work is Jow Forums and other forums
>While im not a neet anymore, i have to say this
>I'll never take care of my parents
>I'll leave that for my other brothers/sisters but i will never take care of them
>Thats what they want to use me for?
>I'll never have my own family and i'm already over 30 working at some fucking engineering company with nothing to show for it but a nice car and salary but what am I?
>the most i'll do for them is give them money if they need it but fuck having them live with me and wither away while i have my own life to live

>All of my brothers are unmarried, my sister finally got married one day after meeting some guy online

what country are you from that you really believe that?