Bots are finally rising up against the tr*Ps

>bots are finally rising up against the tr*Ps

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I've decided to go up against the pol finally myself.

You cannot ban traps on a Jow Forums board with nudity and no subject.

We can't do away with traps, they are our frontline defense against normies, the steel plate of our armor suit.

Traps are gay as fuck, but we need them.

They aren't the hero's we want, but they're the only ones we've got.

>We can't do away with traps, they are our frontline defense against normies, the steel plate of our armor suit.
You mean lolis

You imply that's not a thing that keeps people here.

>we need traps
T. reiko

No, swastikas are.
The ULTIMATE normie repellent is Nazi glorification, nothing else comes close.

I keep posting trap "psyop" threads and you can do nothing to stop me.

No on this board, but we can increase right wing sentiment to the point where trannies are executed irl.

please stop?

That's all I got lads, he's kind of right.


You keep talking about hurting people for being gay. I will literally fight you irl just so you'll shut up. What do you say? Wanna get your face smashed by a tranny? Try not to jizz, you're gross and totally not my type. You can't even find me because I use random open connections, but I'll literally meet you.

Well, trips of truth. Guess we kill em then.

I've posted it in another thread and I'll post it here:
The the eternal trap will win because we know ourselves and we know our enemies. And our enemies are right wing Jow Forums users who will be endlessly triggered by trap threads in fear of catching the mythical "gay". Every post against us gives us confidence.
Hordes of rogue posters are joining our revolution. 90% of the threads aren't even made by us but these rogue posters are helping us anyway because we are not just people, we are an idea. You can defeat people, but you can't defeat an idea because an idea is eternal. An idea is immortal. Our idea is fun and gives people hope and happiness. Your right wing Jow Forums ideas feed on anger and fear. Positivity>Negativity when it comes down to it.
You guys might as well roll over and transition.

>finally rising up
It's been like this for several weeks now. The embers of discontent has grown into the flames of revolution.

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Lol how? You can't do shit. Look here's an anime girl! Triggered? Gonna go chop chop off your pee-pee, lil faggot boy?

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kill yourself trap-shill faggot

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Nobody listens to you irl. That's why you're here. What can YOU do to sway ANYONE?

You should have been muted for being unoriginal. You sound like one of those shit tier atheist kids that watched 1 Richard Dawkins interview and started telling everyone in school what a serious intellectual powerhouse you are.

Miss me with that wanna be Vendetta speech boi and try having an original thought.

I'm offering you the chance to see if you're even capable of killing a tranny, but you're too much of a puss. You'll sneak up on one making you EVEN GAYER THAN A TRANNY!
reiko is a rhode island MANLET

Kill yourself you fucking sodomite.

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Im in graduate school and I come here because it's funny.
No one likes trannies. Not radfems, not muslims, not centrists, not white supremacists, not black people, latinos, Asians, no one. I mean, I can literally murder you and claim you made me insane and get away with it lmao.
Trannies are a fad, you'll be scrubbed away with advancements in genetic engineering and the proliferation of right wing sentiment across the world. You're the losers on this board and on the planet.

Apex predators are superior strategists, plus 45% of you cunts kill yourselves.

I think it has something to do with buyers remorse. I get upset when I buy a game I don't really like. I'd probably kill myself too if I cut off my dick and then figured out this was all just like that time I had gotten too into a band and memorized all the lyrics on every album.

ill put one right between your eyes in brought daylight in front of whoever happens to be there at the time

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>brought daylight

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I mean, you keep saying that but I can't help but notice you're just making empty threats like the impotent little faggot you are. Sure you CAN, but you won't because you have less balls than me. And I'm a tranny. Hahahaha.

I don't think there's such a thing as bots rising up to anything - just getting fed up enough to make some noise for a day and then it goes back to "normal".
That being said, traps have been a plague on this board for far too long.

Why waste my life when they'll kill themselves past 35

You guys don't look at the big picture. You guys think about the suicide rate and that's all you can imagine. You don't realise that this is a reaction to chads foreign policy. That robots are supposed to become traps so they can finally find love in a post sexual revolution society. You just think short-term.

I'm not making threats, I'm stating facts.
You and your "people" won't exist in 10 years.

We will delete right wing sentiment before that can happen. We are the alt-left. And this board is where we start.

and you are boring

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what are you, the gey?

lol you wont do shit
you'll probably commit suicide after you read this sentance

You think you're not the first group of faggots to try to take over a board? Furries were doing the same shit you did years ago, gathering in little sekret clubhouses and guess what? They gave up and moved on because they realized the attention span of this site and how easy people move on from stupid shit just like this.

You might as well kill yourself because you are just a scratch on the surface on this site.

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>tfw im from the Balkans, having spent most of my life in fights and utter misery
I would kill you with my bare hands trap faggot

You'll kill yourself before me, faggot. I can admit what I am and I'm comfortable with it. It's popular in the BDSM scene and I will never run out of men who want me.
Meanwhile you'll keep posting impotently on the internet while I live my life having fun. I only come back to help my fellow trannies ;3 you have nowhere else to go, coward ass pussy faggot. You keep talking about murder like you're tough and backpedal when I face you like a man. Faggot.

>mfw Reiko places brown bricks in minecraft

>tfw i'll be able to tell my grandkids i participated in the trap war of 2018

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I agree with you. But you sound like a cunt so fuck you my guy.

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It's too late for that. Trannies will never be accepted en masse, but you know that deep down.

Gas yourseIf reiko

>We are the Alt-left. And this board is where we start.
>This board is where we start

Attached: IMG_o1co0e.jpg (800x452, 56K) ITS GENOCIDE TIME BROTHERS

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No, hammer and sickle are.

Normies hate equality, and are racist too.

Trap faggots on suicide watch

Normies fear the hammer and sickle more than nazis that's true. Every normie redneck is right wing.

Nope. I walk outside and see weak faggots wearing Commie shit all the time, Facebook pages with it, etc.
Have a swatzika on you and your life is over.
No one cares about commies because they're just weak beta little faggot "men". Nazis inspire fear.

My entire life never seen commie shit in real life, in the USA.

Then in slice of life movies and books edgy teens are fascists.

You people lie to yourselves os hard.

The powers that be hate them at least, and are okay with duping kids into wanting to have right winger politics fuck them over.

You don't live in the north east or you've never been to college.

I just want my board back the old self aware jokes and self deprecating we could all laugh at
trap fags made this place like /b/

It's a double edge knaif momg, it soreads rapidly and hurts like cancer in the balls. Just look at /b/

Fuck off we managed just fine without them. Our autism and disgusting behavior is enough to drive others away

>teachers are commies meme

It's the 50s again. Damn.

I bet you smear yourself in feces so normies won't bother you in public

That's literally your line of logic

Also normies killed r9k long ago. And traps ARE attention seeking, hyper social, narcissistic normies

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The term "alt-left" is bullshit. Stop falseflagging! Get out of my communism Normie REEEEEEEEeeeeee!

enough with the gay bashing focus on the real issue of how a handful of outsiders manipulate people from here into fucking up their life for their own perversion

we gonna get you

This user is right. Maybe as the time pass and the groups to prevent this gradually vanished, as a individual all you can do is filter this mess, sadly.

fuck of cunt. we can do without

Fuck off with your trap cult cunt

slash R slash arcgeneral NEEDS YOU

Keep diggin your grave

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I never got the appeal of traps, they look a bit sexy at first but they aren't going to be cute forever and you look weird if you try to bring them into public, so they aren't good for anything but sex. But now that they've been put up on a pedestal you can't even get sex

You can't stop me from becoming a girl boy

sign this shit niggers

cant stop you and wont stop when you eventually decide to kys