I need a cheap poison that can kill a 14-year-old dog

I need a cheap poison that can kill a 14-year-old dog.
Anyone have any idea what can i give to an old dog that'll kill it in hours?
Also, it has to be something discreet, because i still live with my mom and she can't know about it.
We have this senile, aggressive dog that attacks anything that bothers it and constantly steals food from our house, which we can't get back or we'll (i''ll) get attacked by it.
>inb4 you should cope with it, all animals deserve to live wong happy wives with aww theiw anyimaw fwiends
Help me plot my master plan, Jow Forums

Attached: fierypepe.jpg (110x125, 3K)

just give it alot of salt

and talk in the 3rd person so you don't get banned next time.

Rat poison my man.

Just give it some NyQuil once in awhile. You don't have to kill the thing, just sedate it a little.

too easily traced newbie.

Trust me with the salt untracable and you can put it in the food it steals from you.

Chocolate, it's poison to dogs if you give it enough. Just leave a couple chocolate bars lieing around for it.

make some mini ground beef pankaes and put salt in the center. Dogs eat the little balls whole and ingest all the salt. If you just salt it on top it has a high chance of getting disgusted by them and not eating them.

there was a thread about a guy who said that his biggest fetish was dying, charred roasties that suffered in house fires. He accompanied this with an image of a completely charred woman with a catheter through her vagina removing blood.

You have to give a dog like several pounds of chocolate to even have a chance of killing it. Otherwise it'll just get diarrhea and shit everywhere.

why is salt so toxic to them? how much salt do you need to put in before they die in hours?

So? What are you trying to say? origaaaga


Absolutely. Some dogs are really tollerant to carbs, are rather big, so they can take alot, or both.
That is why a guy I know preffers salt, not chocolate in his animal killing treats.

soak some hot dogs in anti-freeze, make sure you don't get the premixed 50/50 stuff

just call animal control retard, and say it bites people or some shit. They will come clean up the mess for you instead of killing it yourself edgelord.

Where are you? If you are near me give me $100 and I will run over the dog for you. We will tie it up and put it in the street at night then I will run over its head and we will get rid of the ropes

>call animal control and say it bites people or some shit
all my siblings and parents are completely unwilling to get rid of this dog. not only will this not do, but where i live animal control is a meme and basically doesn't exist.

Alternatively, I could stomp it too. I got big boots and I like stomping stuff

Nicotine poison or chickpea poison should do the trick. Bonus: works on humans and nobody can tell the poisoning was murder.

Just give him a whole chocolate cake.
Dogs cant digest chocolate.

cage it and go release it somewhere else, dont kill the doggo. Release it in a foresty area or some shit.

ahh forests, the natural habitat of domesticated dogs.

bitch it's like 110 human years