Have anyone here tried to date a girl higher than themself?
Have anyone here tried to date a girl higher than themself?
The tallest girl in my school is only about 5'9. I fucking wish there was a 6'2 beauty i could ogle it every day.
fuck off dipshit
>Have anyone here tried to date a girl higher than themself?
no one is higher than me
>I fucking wish there was a 6'2 beauty i could ogle it every day.
She's 6'5
How do I find a 6'0 skeleton GF?
I'm 6'0 skeleton most of the girls are tiny in college.
>Tfw will never have an amazon muscle chick pick me up and suck my dick in the air
put me on the do not resuscitate list please
open a dodgy modeling business in former yugoslavia
I'm a 6'4 femanon who plays volleyball at my uni, don't ever look to me creep
fuck off you uggo you're way too small
I've had 4 gfs who were taller than me.
I prefer girls taller than me, I like giantess stuff.
I said don't look to me creep
I had sex with my cousins wife who is 6'4"
felt good but feels bad man
How do people that live on bread and vodka get so tall?
you're a fucking asshole, wtf
you don't need to worry i wouldn't even glance at you uggo
All girls are higher than me in the social hierarchy.
Why are you so hostile to him?
Impossible for me as I am 6ft4 but I recently went on a date with a 5ft11 girl who wore heels so she was about 6ft2 or 3. I fell in love with her. Kissing her without having to bend down was wonderful. She was in an open relationship. I kissed her goodbye in front of her boyfriends apartment. She never responded to my follow up text
How do I get HGH to help me grow?
i don't think yugoslavia is particuarly more tall than the rest of europe, just seems easiest market to break into for the type of girls you want
There was a 6'1 blond girl in my hs. She ended up dating 6'3 chad tho. No one wants manlets
take GABA
if a large woman is attracted to and dating a guy because he is big and muscular so she feels feminine, is it ever okay for him to ask for prostate stimulation?
>tfw 2m qt doesn't go to uni anymore
Listen faggot, the girl said to back off, so fuck off
OHHH shit, you just gonna stand there and take that user fucking fight him you pussy
but he told me to fuck off which means he's an alpha male i can't fight against words man
Oh you think you're funny? If you said this shit to my face I'd drop you like a sack of potatoes, bitch
>a girl being taller than me
Heh fat chance, midget
>tfw the weedman isn't responding
i wish i had a gf who was higher than i am
maybe she could help
I'd love too but im at an average 6 foot. I'll be lucky to find a girl my height
see i told you he was a tough guy
Yea I'm tough, so tough I'd have your ass for dinner
>tfw 6'3 and girls taller than me are a diamond dozen
Are you 16
Fuck you
T. 6'2"
6'5 and never seen a girl taller than me, would be odd to see
Fuck off, reddit kiddie
"diamond dozen"
It's dime a dozen, kys fag
Turbomanlet here. Prom date was 7 inches taller than me and went in heels. Long term gf was 5 inches taller. Tallest girl I banged was 8inches taller. Last girl I was with was 4 inches taller. When girls are around my height or shorter they seem to want dudes 6 foot 4 and up.
"diamond dozen"
It's dime a dozen, you uneducated sphincterlicker
eating a dudes ass makes you gay not tough
posting basically the exact same comment twice
kys you uneducated sphincterlicker fag
Hey, it's a doggy dog world out there
>claiming I'm from reddit because Im laughing at a white Knight
>dating a taller girl
I'm a 6'9 permavirgin skeleton lord, that's never going to happen
>tfw 7'1'' with 7'5'' gf
living the high life boys
>>tfw 7'1'' with 7'5'' gf
post pics
I'm 6'2 and have been since I was like 15 or 14 and the only girl who was my height or taller was also twice as muscular as me she was like a cartoon stereotype of german women so no thanks
post pics bae, also contact :3
Excuse me, back the fuck off?!?
here's us going for a hike
>know a tall girl who likes me
>shes 15 and not even hot
>tfw 6'6 with a 4'10 girlfriend
Ask me if I want a table for the father and daughter again, wageslave.
The other day I went on a date with a girl who 6'6". That was very unusual for me. I usually date girls who are 5'3" or shorter. Being 6'4", I've never had to look up at a woman before. Was worth the experience at least.
>my cousins wife
you know it doesn't count if they are ugly
like women saying no one ever asks them out. uggos don't count
No. You come into a thread about amazon girls claiming to be a 6'4" woman and then call men "creeps" for liking amazon girls. You're a fucking asshole and a pathetic human being.
We've spotted the newposter, boiz.
I've been using Jow Forums for years, boi
Two years doesn't count, newfag. Protip: "back the fuck off!?!?" is old as fuck.
why did this thread of all of them attract so many autists,
OP why did you do this
>be 5'7"
>be at a healthy weight, decent facial aesthetics, great hair and don't dress like an autist
>have a major fetish for taller, stronger women and being their pet
if i knew how to socially navigate in the most rudimentary way i may have a chance at living this dream. if only i can find a tall grill who wants the human equivalent of a particularly affectionate cat who she also wants to fuck
at least i have a better chance than some of you lankoid fucks
Dated a girl 2 inches taller, 4 inches taller and about 8 inches taller
Dated girls shorter too
Being average is great, best of both worlds
*grabs them all by the throat*