You will always be a 5'4" manlet

>You will always be a 5'4" manlet
Is there even a point in living, lads? I'm not a real man and never will be. I'll never be respected or cared about :(

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jesus christ was 5'9. don't let it get to you, user.

Probably not.
I feel as if I'm not respected at 5'8. Whether that's true or not, you almost certainly have no chance at 5'4.

many girls care, but some do not
if you are competing for the ones that do not care about height(or prefer short), you can still improve yourself and get the stacys that don't mind short guys

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nerdbate is nothing but a spook. look up "charls carroll" on google. overcome your height.

You should transition
All bois under 5'6 will never be men and should just become women already

at 5'4" you're just a little boi, your best bet is to become a cute gril

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I finally went all the gay, and have a loving, adorable long distance 6 foot boyfriend. I'm 5'4" as well, it's a PLUS with guys. Stop feeling shame and embrace faggotry. Plus anal feels so good once you're into it!
We're gonna meet up eventually

(Also you gotta meet a cutie somewhere decent so u don't get AIDS or a stupid slut. He's mostly straight but we slowly fell in love)

faggot trap posters

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5'9 was probably tall for the time.

the more you use and abuse me verbally and physically, the more i get turned on, user!

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Imagine being so fucked in the head that pic related doesn't turn you on. That's you. You're fucked up and ruined your life.

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Yeah, humans have been getting taller overtime.
Napoleon was 59 too

I can't help it, man, It hurts. I want to be taken seriously, to get to the top. But at 5'4" it all seems meaningless

Go back to Discord mongrel

I'm 5"5 and my life is great

Just don't be an unconfident bitch

Unirionically would rather be a midget than be shorter than 5'9
Think of all the fun midget things you could do vs just being another manlet

Dude, its not your height. You think it is, just like a fat or skinny dude thinks its his weight. Youre just insecure. Chill the fuck out. You arent weird or non-manly lul. If you think chicks dont like shorter dudes you really are stupid. Chicks go for any all types. Havent you ever seen some fatass with a beautiful girlfriend and wondered wtf??? Trust me dude. What you need to do is take a step back and chill on the self hate.

Self-hate is hard to let up on, man. I need a therapist soon. Height for me is the main reason for my extremely low self-esteem, even though it's uncontrollable

i feel the same way, the worst part is the uncontrollability. If youre ugly in the face sure it would take some surgery but thats just a financial barrier, still attainable. Fat? Literally just work out. Short? Yeah go fuck yourself modern science hasnt progressed even the slightest on this because no one truly cares.

You can become a more convincing trap.

5'4 is ridiculously short, the vast majority of women would not be interested in a "man" of that size. Not saying most women demand 6'+ but nearly all want a taller man or at the very least a man of their own height, which is not a unreasonable standard.

If I was a skeleton manlet I would probably kill myself.

The other day I was eating at a restaraunt and nothing but skeletons worked there. Like wrists the size of dimes.

Looked like chemo patients.

Goddamn, the worst feel. Jesus, just end my life now....

Damn, that hurts. Should just commit suicide?

Probably not. I'm sure you can find things that you enjoy. It's not like real robots get any regardless of height.

If you're under 6' you're not really a man

Lmao, the guy looks shopped, actually that is shopped. Proportions are all fucked up.

Not true. I'm a 5'4" manlet and a lot of women show interest in me.

Limb lengthening surgery?

Getting real tired of these manlet whine spam threads. What are you gonna do, fight genetics?

I'd say your best bet is to find some chick who's shorter than you are and hope for the best


Purchase wig, purchase fishnets, purchase thongs, purchase makeup, purchase clittycage, purchase tittyskittles. I already have a leash, collar, & lube. We'll work something out ;)

Go to Mexico, the land of the midgets.

No, white men are appx. 1.5 inches taller and women only 1 than we were 100 years ago.
We aren't getting taller. Also Napoleon was 5'7"

Height is just a social construct lad don't worry about it.

6'5 still sucks

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Any girl who doesn't date someone based on your height is a shallow piece of shit anyway, user. Being short is cool cause you look much more fit than tall guys like me. Use that to your advantage.

Stop looking for validation in other people user

If all the manlets kill themselves then how will women choose a desirable height amongst the tall fags?

Die faggot. You are a cancer to western civilization

Where can I find me a cute femboi??