Anti Reiko Coalition - /arc/

Reiko is a member of a trap/tranny discord channel who blackmails anons into taking HRT and may have already driven some to suicide. This video talks more about it
It's very good to see bots rising up against the traps and reiko, but we need a singular effort against it to be effective. I hereby found the Anti Reiko Coalition, created for the purpose of driving out trap threads, and all those belonging to Reikos group. His discord tag is reiko#3333, proceed with caution when attempting to confront him.

I suggest constantly filling any trap/tranny/sissy thread with evidence of his treachery and advising all who are enticed by him to stay away.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>lets draw more attention to the underage kids who want attention

you're one of them aren't you?

Is there a way to report these fags to discord? I imagine doxxing and blackmailing people must breach the terms of use.

Dumping some previous info on the faggot blackmailer

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More Reiko bullshit

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Shit he lives in my state well someone give the discord

They're ruining the site more than it ever has been before. Ignoring won't help this time.
This is him I am working on finding a face

if you only knew how stupid you look lmao

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You sound like one of those Reddit incel refugees.

The only cure for the gay is a big black ass

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You sound like a faggot trap lover from discord. Fuck off.

post how reiko looks like
is s/he cute?

This is it, we must resort to black magic.

you're no worse than the trap posters themselves. reddit incels need to go.

This information is wrong. Reiko lives in Rhode island

No way, Reiko. Nice try but no one is going to fall for it.

I will be on my way and let you play pretend on your anime imageboard
All you need to know

We should get rid of all the faggots honestly

Hey guys old user here, I left this board months ago when the sissy trap shit got to the roof. I just came to say I fucking told you it was something more than faggots. I still believe there is a sort of psyop in this fucking board. Do not fall for the gay/trap meme fellow robots, you are great.

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This, we resort to magic. Christ cucks pray for God to dismantle it all.

Isn't Reiko doing us a favor by thinning out these weak minded autist? Miester shit poster at work.

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As long as you have the right filters, you will never see the faggot threads. They are still a minority and don't represent what the majority of this board is, in fact they are deeply despised.
>NEETs being blackmailed to become traps
fucking hilarious

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>Majority of the video is dissing robots and Jow Forums instead of traps.
Why did you post this again, OP?

Nothing he said in the vid is untrue, the overall message to be taken away is that some homo somewhere is trying to turn these fuckers into traps.

about to privatize Jow Forumsarcgeneral once it gets a few posts

The real question I have about this Reiko drama is that how would they have sent nudes to the parents and family of people who refused to take HRT? How would they have doxxed him?

They demanded a picture of him crossdressing, with his face visible. Then they would use the info he had to find any social media accounts, and then find his families accounts. Very easy if you have social media, which is why i don't have any at all.

He makes it seem like the majority of Jow Forums falls for it.