Just start being a jerk to women

Just start being a jerk to women

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A-at least she's honest about it hahaha

I've tried. I'm too nice. I work at a nursing home and sometimes people bring flower donations.

Well someone brought this huge flower piece and I overheard my co worker she liked the yellow Rose's in it.

So I plucked the Rose's, put them in a vase, and put them on her desk. She was happy, but it was like her little brother did her something nice.

I'm sure if I told her shes a retard and only liked the yellow roses because they matched her gook skin I'd have already fucked her.

We all know this, I genuinely love it when women are honest.
Women browsing this thread: we all know you're still cave woman idiots, just admit it.

>Be nice to women first 25 years of life
>Don't care about sex at all and more than willing to wait until marriage.
>Girls just want to be "friends" aka make me their slave.
>Remain dateless kissless virgin.
>Finally fucking snap one day.
>Act like a huge asshole from that point on toward women.
>Women respond by flirting with me.
>At that point outright disgusted by them.
>Legimiately hate women now.
>The more I hate them the more they want me.
I don't even want a relationship anymore I hate them that much. Been an asshole for almost 4 years and they absolutely love it. I hate them.

You know how failed normies like their "sour grapes" argument? Well, finding out women are so dangerous, irrational, and bad and then trying to adapt to them is actually eating those sour or poisoned grapes and then trying to convince yourself that it's good because then nobody will tease you while the suffer the same. Just eat some strawberries and jerk off, and focus on other things.

Wow. This is the most basic concept there is. The key is not to be a total asshole, but to be indifferent. Act like they don't matter to you and they will instantly try to get themselves to matter. It is all very instinctual.

>reddit spacing
not surprising that someone from r/incels can't comprehend something as simple as playful banter

>Just start being a jerk to women

No, I actually have principles.

Like Elliot said, women are a plague. They are cancer and this is an example of why

Women like attractive men who happen to be jerks. Ugly men who are jerks are creepy.

I've been here since 2007 faggot.
And its not banter. I've seen guys call girls literal retards and bed them the same night.

Oh by the way this doesn't work if you're ugly.

She's only attracted to Chads that are dickheads to her. She won't be attracted to you if you're an asshole and also a fat neckbeard.

Look here uglies

>Start job
>Nice to everyone
>Constantly ignored
>Girls are indifferent to me
>Eventually hit the IDGAF level
>Go to work months later
>Everyone knows I'm gay as fuck
>Constantly roast and banter with everyone equally
>Dudes respond to me like a friend
>Girls flirt with me like crazy
>One even asked if I was 100% gay or just partially
>Others have said behind my back they'd date me if I ever tried being straight

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And? If they're ugly I'm sure they'd know for sure. They are right. If you're a Chad it doesnt matter if you're nice or not. Women will twist whatever you do or say into a positive.

you misinterpreted my comment, one of those being my own ( (You)). I'm saying look "look here, uglies. Running jerk game only works if you're attractive.". I'm not calling anyone ugly. I'm saying if you're ugly, look at these comments because this is the truth and you won't get laid being an ugly jerk.

god my grammar is horrendous but you get point.

I feel you bro. I came out as gay and women started hitting on me after that. I dont get fucking women dude

this. my friend is extremely sexist and fucks everyone

You don't get it, she's not trying to have some introspection. She posted that on social media to signal to a creepy "nice guy" in her social circle to fuck off.

Chad doesn't just wake up and plan on being an asshole to woman, hes an asshole because he has options and can afford to treat woman like shit. Asshole behavior is attractive to woman because its a sign of value.

>"this guy doesn't worship me, he must have other woman! Oter woman like him!? He must have something nice! Ooga boooga!"

femanons (if any are here), what makes a guy more attractive:
beta & nice or alpha & asshole

lmao alpha & asshole is more attractive than alpha & nice, id even called the latter a contradiction

No. The only one it fucks is Chad because he actually gets laid.

God how stupid you guys can be to believe in this meme.

Is a known fact that women are only really attracted to chads

Not all Chads are dickhead, instead they behavior is logical, imagine if you have right now 10 super slutty college girls texting you begging for a date and sending you nude pictures... at a point you simply won't care and treat them like disposable trash, is like being billionaire you will throw away money since you have so much you won't care about it.

Instead normies may have at very top one or two girls semi-interested, thats why normies obsesses to do everything he can in order to secure at least one girl, gifts, treating her good, dinners, travels, being super nice, listening, etc... however roasties will change all that princess treatment for a Chad who pump and dumps

Mate just look at the society you live in. Actions speak louder than words. Who are the guys that have tons of women slobbering all over them?

Im tired of people pretending their shit smells like roses

how are you being an asshole. describe

I can't :(
I'm a good boy

>lol it's totally sexist it hurts everyone sweaty
>gobbles Chad cock after he calls her a whore

Ok sweetheart

I have a friend that's in a relationship, and she says that she's tired of the "hate-flirting" that he gives. She says I'd be good boyfriend material for the girl *I* want to ask out, but i dont think it'll happen because she's in the "popular girl" group (regardless of her being in band). Is there a way to distinguish these girls?

This site is 18 and over fag

niggas be actin like that aint how it be
but it do

but mommy said i could be on here the computer for 15 minutes before i go to bed

This is textbook friendzoning dude.

she probably has tattoos

Because being gay makes you unavailable and """broken.""" Women want to be the ones to unbreak you and turn you straight.

What if I'm just brutally honest to women? I mean I'm brutally honest to my friends and they say I can be an asshole at times

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is it the female need that they be accepted and for everyone to get along that makes them want to please the asshole guy so they are more likely to survive if he he likes them?

I'm not a cave woman I know why I don't actively seek nice partners, it's because I feel very unworthy of their love and uncomfortable with affection in general. Even hugs and kisses from my family makes me anxious although I do really want to show them that I love them

Like what that flower guy did was so SO nice I would've felt almost sad that he did something so sweet like that because I don't deserve it

Women always want what they cant have, the more unavailable you make yourself to women the more attractive you become

Are you attractive? That's all that matters/

I fucking HATE women like this
Sorry well no I'm not and I hope you fucking kill yourself

wow so youre saying that gay men are broken? umm thats NOT ok sweetie

Nah my chin is too small and I'm 5'5

I'm not the other guy who responded to you, in the guy you are responding to.
I don't know if I believe you. In my experience all woman say what you're saying and all women still like the dark triad men.
I don't blame you for it, but I do think we need to genetically engineer women to not be hypergamous, to be monogamous, to be attracted to smaller males. Like rabbits.

This thread is straight retarded. When will you reddit tourists realize it doesnt matter how you act? Its all about how you look. The reason girls dont fuck you is because you have weak genes not because you are "nice" to them.

>"I don't deserve a sweet guy like you!"
Bitch you don't deserve a million bucks either but if someone gave it to you, you'd take it.

There is no such thing as "weak" genes in the way you're thinking about it.

does this mean if I stop suppressing my sociopathic urges, then I'll be able to get a gf?
that's what they want right? a little bit of danger?

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Being a manlet and balding is a good example of weak genes in the way i meant.

Yes there are, genetic traits that no women find enjoyable, short, small penis, beta, kindness, etc. are weak

I use to give woman shit for doing this, but I went to a jesus christ memorial get together recently and there were so many plain "virgin" girls out there giving me attention. Deep down I knew I could never do anything with them because they were just too prudish and would want marriage and shit, and I'm just too much of a degenerate for that shit.

Neither of you know shit about evolution or genetics.

Flower guy here.
Hope you rot, ya dumb bitch.

Yes. Just let yourself go, user.

She's fingering herself to this right now.

That means I'm learning.