Wtf Jow Forums

I hope none of you are seriously considering becoming a trap
just kys now and save yourself some time

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trap spammers are annoying but so are pseudo christ cucks

I'm not a pseudo christ cuck I'm an actual one
this board you people inhabit is full of misery and hopelessness kind of like hell. you guys all need a break from the internet.

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Nice christ chan thank you OP

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DAILY REMINDER: Tr*ps have a suicide rate on par with schizophrenics

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Sorry then, most people here just LARP as christians without actually participating in the religion and I find it embarrassing. Still, I just can't bring myself to believe in any god beyond maybe a vague omnipotent deity far off from any human religion. I'm too much of a cynic.

Glad to see another Christ-bro. No I'm not going to be trap even through all this degeneracy. Though the amount of trap and bussy threads is getting annoying.

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>posting christ chan
go kill yourself please

if I was a deranged homosexual I might consider it

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christ chan was made by the faggot that drew these comics
youre essentially a literal faggot for posting his oc

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Who cares christchan is cute desu desu

Is op posting christ chan OC or other people's interpretations of Christ chan? There's a difference between the author's and other sources of this.

fuck you asshole i like those comics

I was thinking about going out with you but you defiled Gods temple.
I never want to see you again you heathen

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To the chamber you go

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>christ chan was made by the faggot that drew these comics

Objectively wrong.

Christ-chan, along with Rachel Purity (pictured) was created by this American or British guy on Jow Forums who went by Chaimberlain.

Then after it got popular a Malaysian drawfag started the comic.

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Demon slut desu

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>an actual christcuck


damn. that ass was made for bbc.