>Hello sir! I'm your new neighbor. Nice to meet you.
Wat do?
Hello sir! I'm your new neighbor. Nice to meet you
Ask if I can come to the fish fry
Say hello and introduce myself. Shake her hands. Crack a joke maybe. Then go home and furiously masterbate to the thought of her tight body.
Hippity Hoppity get the fuck off my property
I love a girl who likes fishing and going outdoors
I gotta get me a gf
Give her a penis inspection
am i in the catching a predator reality? shit looks fishy
literally a bait
Can't tell how old she is, and as a single man living alone I probably would have not even answered the door.
>I'm user, nice to meet you!
>Wait, how did you buy this house? What do you do for a living?
Dude I'm sorry but I don't care man
Scare her away with my extremely chapped lips and creepy vibes. It doesnt matter. Eating chapstick and dead lipskin is better than some stupid ugly fish
>my mom told me not to talk to strangers
also girls smell like fish
Ask her to go fishing together sometime (i have no experience and no equipment to go on my own), fresh fish is best fish
>looks fishy
Lol I see what you did there.
Also funny.
Keep up the good work boys
are you literally an autist? a girl that age obviously lives with her parents
"Nice to meet you too, have a nice day!" And never talk to her ever again. I don't get the deal, I haven't really met anyone who ever talks to their neighbours unless they are qualified plumbers/ electricians and can lend a quick hand with the drainage.
do americans really do this? i've never talked with my neighbors in +20 years. i have no idea if a 10/10 qt teen is living next to me
How old does she look?
>tfw cant distinguish the ages of girls anymore
>I swear she looks 18+
kill yourself, pedo scum
Whoa there guy slow down. She doesnt look 18 to me, but hormones in the water supply has made girls go into puberty at younger ages. I'm asking because I really cannot tell, not because I'm attracted to her, because I'm not.
>I'm not attracted to her
Good. Nobody in his right mind would even suggest that
say hi back and not do anything else because im not that creepy
Tell her to get off my fuckin property goddammit. Who the fuck even talks to his neighbors
Sorry but urbanites cannot be robots
So you dont answer my question, you just come here to be some kind of internet justice warrior or something? I hate pedos just like any other normal person but you shouldn't just start accusing people out of nowhere.
if you don't wash your hand after shaking hers, is practically like she's giving you a handjob
Groom her until I can make a move
>i've never talked with my neighbors in +20 years
I live in a rural area, commute to a small town.
>Les go down to da crick
tell her to gtfo out my property. I have a security fence and a sign that says trespassers will be shot
>trespassers will be shot
>she's on your property
>trespassers will be shot
>doesn't shoot her.
Beta as all fuck.