>if you're so jealous of women, why not become one
If you're so jealous of women, why not become one
Other urls found in this thread:
Roses are red, I yearn for death. Why get a girlfriend when you can be the GF.
Because Bara are superior in every way.
Traps will never be women. they are just a male abomination trying to look like them.
>Tfw you will never have magical powers.
thanks to hrt i am a women now
Why would I want to become a weak, overly emotional subhuman with no ability to think logically or intellectually that is basically a retarded child in an adult body?
These original replys
>Why would I want to become a weak, overly emotional subhuman with no ability to think logically or intellectually that is basically a retarded child in an adult body?
HRT won't do that to you
it will just do the last part, making you weak and more childish, but you retain your intellect and previous logical ability
Trannys are always gross
wow did you discord butt buddies tell you to make this thread? go fuck yourself you fucking weirdo.
Because I'm not a mentally ill soyboy faggot
no, go away
If that is a man on the left then color me several different colors
Kys OP
>we're so down because we cant get laid
This. Big manly men >>>>>> traps
Nah, it's a real girl. Traps never actually look like that.
iwant to fug a girl not get fucced like one
But user, having a trap as a fucksleeve in your rotation is the true trophy of achieving manly man status
Oh how embarrassing for you user, you seem to think you're in /lgbt/ surrounded by queers
No, fucking little effeminate mentally ill boys isn't manly. The growl of a big daddy bear as he cums inside you... now that's manly.
Because someone has to be doing the fucking in the relationship?
>i can be the strongest man
Heh, meanwhile women graduate college more often and commit less crimes of all types and aren't hated like men.
Hi. Silly bakas.
>cherry picking the worst example
Females don't look good old anyway.
>soy boy meme
Literal retardation, the meme.
>feminist AND misogyny
Such silly bakas.
Also, fuck off brit.
Give in user.
Give in.
It's perfectly natural response to failing at being men then being the easy mode female.
No one likes that.
Traps have penises, and can fist fuck each other if not.
never reply to anyone again with this low quality response
Can someone PLEASE post the source of that
>>cherry picking the worst example
>Females don't look good old anyway.
You wish fag. Trannies always end up like chris chan and you know it.
>Traps have penises, and can fist fuck each other if not.
Sex is mostly a biological need that builds and needs release. Like 10x a sneeze. It feels better with another person. Given that everything is about power, sex would not be omitted from that. Power is basically the ability to make someone do something they wouldn't do otherwise. There are two types of people: People who desire power for themselves, and people who desire the powerful for themselves. The former is what modern culture calls "dominant" or "the male" and the latter is "submissive" or "the female". The vast majority of men are dominant in nature, and vice versa. This isn't ignoring the men who are submissive willingly, but it also isn't rephrasing the rules of relationships simply because they exist and are outliers. The rules of math aren't changed just because of a retard's inability to do it right.
>Females don't look good old anyway.
Females shouldn't be married to men the same age as them. They should be around 10-20 years younger.
heh guise i replied to everyone, i am cool now right?
shills will NOT be tolerated! anti-trap discord here: gg/eAWsW Thank you anons.
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