Jow Forums, how do we stop the anti-trap spam? How do we send the Jow Forumstards back where they belong?
Jow Forums, how do we stop the anti-trap spam? How do we send the Jow Forumstards back where they belong?
The Jow Forumstards arent the ones doing this.
Its some discord trap personality cult led by some man child
Jow Forumstards are a blessing desu
None of us are from Jow Forums, we're from Jow Forums and we're sick of your fucking faggotry.
it isnt pol, everyone here is sick of traposting and reiko cultists
I've been here forever and I'll take any opportunity to fuck discordfags over
We'll stop once these subhuman traps GTFO of our board. sage
Jow Forumstards have no attention span, they'll get bored and leave in a few hours
Tranny niggers fuck off
Poltards and faggots need to go the fuck back to their own boards and stay there.
>implying the majority of robots aren't crossposters
Jow Forums here, I've been doing my part to help get rid of this degenerate cancer
a woman with a dick is a man
if its chromosomes are Xy a man shouldn't find it attractive
ironically the board for losers has been taken over by bigger losers
Fuck off trap-fag. Saged
I'm actualy fairly sure that there's like a 90% overlap between Jow Forumstards and trannies.
I visited the trump general the other and it was a bunch of people avatarfagging with little anime girls who were talking about pizza.
Jow Forums isn't doing this, we're just tired of the trap shit. It's become too much.
The Jow Forumstards will get bored eventually when they realize that they can't win. Just ignore them and keep posting in hot trap threads. :)
I hate traps as much as the next guy, but do people unironically think this is a coordinated effort? That's retarded. There's just more fags now.
Traps were originally not apart of Jow Forums new fag get the hell out and stay in /lgbt/ you shit up the board along with /b/ go fuck off and die.
Faggots need to do the same and go back to /lgbt/.
No that's reddit.
This. They're just larping to create drama in their otherwise uninteresting lives.
Make sure you stay there.
Jow Forumstards are trying to ruin our board and bring their gfs and other bullshit with them. These people believe everything they're told, they'll believe that reiko is behind everything that happened on Jow Forums
man the trap cult discord members are scared. look at this thread.
>muh pol conspiracy
Jow Forums never loses. Fags are finished on Jow Forums.
You must be new here huh
Are you triggered Jow Forumstard? We aren't going anywhere. Here is a sexy trap for you. ;)
Iam tired of all of it the gays the traps the \pol fags trying to pull you into thier agendas I say we counter spam
nobody here liked trapposters long before the half-assed "raid" by Jow Forums
can this board just die already? there are virtually no threads unrelated to femanons or traps.
>implying winning Jow Forums is easier than winning a US election
Faggots not welcome
Homosexuality is a sin all gays must die
You can't win against them. Jow Forums is always right, even when they're left, but especially when they're right.
Because traps are gay and utter degeneracy
>5 threads active
Jesus H. Christ use filters if you don't like traps.
why not a real life one? you can't fuck a cartoon
Jow Forums, how do we stop the anti-anti-trap spam? How do we send the /lgbt/tards back where they belong?
>Thinks I screencapped this
I got this from another user
If you actually cared about sin you wouldn't advocate for mass homicide. You need Jesus more than these homosexuals.
And polfags
compile everything you have onto the arcgeneral reddit
''Twas bait user
Filters work no matter who takes the screencap, desu.
There's a subreddit for this pol shit? There's multiple places you guys need to fuck off back too.
You are the ones bringing degeneracy to Jow Forums, it never was a trap board and it will never be, gtf back to lgbt
>Deflecting this hard
People would have a problem with trans if they didn't try to force it on low self esteem children who have yet to even figure out who they are mentally.
Any trans person who helped do this shit, is raping children's body and life
How does one single board cause so much asspain?
>everyone who dislikes tr*ps constantly shilling and generally shitting up the board is le ebin pol boogeyman
>Jow Forums
you're not under 18 are you user? >:}
by infesting everything else and having braindead opinions on everything that they can't stop sharing in every thread
What does this have to do with Jow Forums?
hue hue you got me le ebin memez XDDD
Why did you take your tripfag name off haruka? afraid to face the fact that you have done nothing to help trans people except make us look like degenerates who want to exploit kids.
You have a whole board for your faggotry. Why do you constantly spam tranny shit here.
blackmailing young men into becoming transgender while they are in a weak place.
Robots allow this shit
We are all Jow Forums here
All Jow Forums old fags are Jow Forums
You do not belong here
You do not belong here
>telling someone they're a Newfag
You have a whole board for your pol shit. Why do you constantly spam pol shit here.
Jow Forums is for 18+, pol friend.
This, but a bit more original
your here? so...
No, pol only got popular after gamer gate. 2012 does not an old fag make.
Traps cant be robots, period, I don't see the problem
>Everyone who has a different opinion than me is automatically from Jow Forums
Wow its a real redditor! Wow, can i touch you?
I'm not that faggot Haruka haha
>A marginalized group doesnt fit in with the rest of us true robots
Disgusting how you all let this happen. Trans people are fine but don't push this shit on other when they are at a low point and already confused
>marginalized group
reddit is here
I'm a leftie you fucking mongoloid. Not everyone who disagrees with your constant spamming is Jow Forums
if you're mentally weak enough to fall for this shit you deserve to be mindfucked and mutlated
They are literally aspiring to become roasties. That is their greatest desire. How is that not the most unrobot thing imaginable? Jow Forums isn't about inclusiveness, it's a community where you have to fit in just like any other. Traps are not, and will never be welcome.
Fuck you. Your jig is up FAGGOT
Faggots cannot be robots. They always have a whole group of other freaks that have open arms.
Traps are gay and transgenders are mentally ill. Fags cannot be robots.
>uses words like "faggotry" and "tranny"
Don't you have a Sargon of Akaad video to post about on T_D?
>have enough motivation and care enough about improving their lives to go through all the trouble of dressing up/getting hormones
>delusions of hope that their lives will get better
>attentionwhores who desire validation from others
>desperate to fit in with society by being able to express their 'true selves'
>have huge support groups that they can identify with
The Jow Forumstards are here because of the relentless spam by the fags.
He says while posting on the board with the most mentally weak users These literal faggots are taking advantage of extremely depressed people and in some cases the mentally ill.
Why can't fags be robots again? Are you sure you're not just embracing what you perceive to be traditionalism because you think it'll pay off some day?
>mentally ill taking advantage of the mentally ill
Wew lad, do you actually think that giving anons a chance at fleeting happiness is a bad thing?
>do people unironically think this is a coordinated effort?
Some people browse Jow Forums regularly. So yes.
Looks like I was right. I hope hating trans gets you somewhere in life.
If you did you'd notice that trapposting grew over time naturally like any other meme.
Fuck off with your pc bullshit. If you honestly think faggot is offensive on Jow Forums no less you should kys. Since you only understand identity politics I should tell you I'm black bi guy. So go ahead tick me off your bigotry checklist
>coordinated efforts don't know how to look natural
I don't think you understand how ((they)) work
Fleeting happiness? I'm sure the abuser gets a kick out of it. The other side seems to be increasing their chances of suicide.
>traps have their own board
>try to shit up other boards for attention
Yeah nah fuck off