How do liberals who use Jow Forums justify it...

How do liberals who use Jow Forums justify it? The left paints Jow Forums as an evil place that only sick people would visit or people who are ideologically opposed to the left.
I'm really confused. Shouldn't you liberals be on Reddit instead, the lefts culturally accepted imageboard?

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I think you really have no fucking clue what liberals or the left believe except for your cherry picked examples of screaming retards

you know as much about liberalism as mark dice does

Don't you have some trap threads to post?

Then how come it's a social faux pas to say "I browse Jow Forums"?

I'm a leftie but not a liberal. I was basically raised on Jow Forums, I just wound up disagreeing with you guys ideologically on a lot of shit. But your average idpol liberal normie is pretty dumb as well.

this absolute fucking newfag

pic related.

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>Don't you have some trap threads to post?
I can post trap threads and respond to your thread at the same time

that has dick all to do with politics you're openly admitting to being autistic enough to go on Jow Forums, and possibly a pedophile.

Attached: 300px-Bill_O'Reilly_on_Sarah_Palin_Incident.jpg (300x220, 17K)

Actually, I'm usually on reddit, but I have decided to check this place out after reading r/Jow Forums and r/greentext for a year now.

My observations: Reddit is easier to explore, is built up in a more logical manner, easier to find your favorite content on there.

Jow Forums on the other hand is a mess, threads get deleted often, you can't look back on your favorite posts, ect. Kinda shit, but I'm here to check the autists.

This just makes it look like no side wants to claim Jow Forums. So then how do conservatives justify using Jow Forums?

It's also easier to talk politics or to at least shitpost about it on Jow Forums because you can walk away and take a shit and by the time someone may or may not have replied to your 15th post the thread is done.

In reddit you can argue back and forth forever and even message people directly. I'd get anxiety when I'd log in and saw that my mailbox was orange, not knowing if this was some dumb poitical bullshit from 3 weeks ago that I stopped giving a shit about but still had to defend.

You're posting on an entire board that's become dedicated to talking about how women are evil roasties who only fuck Chad, if you have to ask why browsing Jow Forums is a social faux pas you have autism

Yeah, for politics this might be better. But I don't care that much about politics either way.

The worst thing about reddit is all the nazi mods who ban for the simplest reasons.

I don't come here to discuss politics, that's how

try harder
r e d d i t s p a c e i n g

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Yes. But if you said to someone "I browse Jow Forums" and then say "I've heard of that. That's disgusting. Are you a pedophile or something?" Then I say "No I only browse /lit/, the literature board." People still think Jow Forums is bad even if you visit the normal boards

>How do liberals who use Jow Forums justify it? The left paints Jow Forums as an evil place that only sick people would visit or people who are ideologically opposed to the left.
>I'm really confused. Shouldn't you liberals be on Reddit instead, the lefts culturally accepted imageboard?

>So then how do conservatives justify using Jow Forums?

They don't. Only MAGA KEK alt-right retards do. and even then they're reddit refugees. Conservatives just stay away or don't even know about Jow Forums.

I used to be a far-left anarcho-meme extremist and I actually respect normal Christian bible-thumping iraq-bombing conservatives because they at least care about their family and their community and have some universal values.

the whole kekistan alt-right thing is just smelly autism with no purpose.

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Choose one, Amerimutt.

us leftyanons don't talk politics, we're just here to troll you autistic fucks.

Liberals are on the left in America Eurotard.

The truth hurts, fishy, isn't it?

that's because there's a million other websites for you to talk about fitness and books

like it's not even like you're secretly a homosexual or a racist so you have to come on here and anonymously talk about how you want to suck white dick, you're only talking about normal hobbies right? So why not join a normal website

I dont give a fuck about America. You can go fuck yourselves, mutts.

Because there are really two lefts: There's the vocal left, which is the one you hear about crying and whining that there isn't a perfect 50/50 gender gap in every job and role in society. Then there's the silent left, which is the one comprised of people who don't like the vocal left but agree with more of their stances than those of the Jow Forumsacks.

>r e d d i t s p a c e i n g

Hello 2015 newfag and welcome to the site

People come here to screen cap stuff for their tumblrs and subreddit. I would say you shouldn't care, but a few subreddit I used to go to have been shut down by them.

>This fucking thread

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I started going on Jow Forums back in 2011, before the site became the political shitshow that it is these days, and I always kept the fact that I come here a secret IRL.

>Then how come it's a social faux pas to say "I browse Jow Forums"?
Unless you exclusively interact complete fucking idiots who only respond based on their emotions, it's easy to say "Jow Forums isn't really the way you think it is". My parents, my roommates, people who I talk to semi-often may come to know I browse Jow Forums, and regardless of their opinion of Jow Forums beforehand come to realize it's just a forum for internet discussion after talking to me.

I mean, I agree with you, there are many people who have a negative opinion about Jow Forums for various reasons. In the past it may have been due to raiding and porn, now it may be to reactive politics, which clearly brought OP to this site. But even with all these things, Jow Forums is still fundamentally just a place to talk with other people and hang out. The people who come here for politics like OP will never control the site.

and the other thing is, this never comes up until you are at least a little close to someone else. Do you just say "I browse Jow Forums" to strangers or whatever?


This is pretty similar to my experience
It's just far easier to have a conversation on Jow Forums than it ever could be on reddit. The idea that people literally rate and judge every post you make is dumb shit, I don't see how anyone can participate in reddit for more than a few days.

There's actually two lefts, the social and economic.

I support many leftist principles like universal healthcare and even free education - that doesn't mean that I also think that gender should be illegal and that deviant sexuality should be promoted to kids who barely learned their ABCs.

I have no problems with the board because I'm an actual leftist. That is, I don't give a shit about social issues and identity politics, and I would gladly send degenerates to the Gulag; all I really want is to exterminate the richfags leeching off of other people's labor and for everyone to have an equal opportunity of having a good life.

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I like to question my beliefs. I find it interesting to see other's viewpoints, because I don't want to be stuck viewing the world from one perspective. I'm not against people who are right-wing, and i'm able to separate personality from political beliefs.
Although Jow Forums has its bad parts, it gives freedom for people to say what they think and I prefer having complete chaos over a censored discussion.
most of Jow Forums is not even about politics anyway.

reddit and neo-Jow Forums go hand in hand