To any robots who want tap posting and psyop threads to be purged and sent to /lgbt/ - Jow Forums Has your back

To any robots who want tap posting and psyop threads to be purged and sent to /lgbt/ - Jow Forums Has your back.

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Thank Allah that Jow Forums has our back

Sieg Heil! Praise Hitler.

I like how a few hours ago you were pretending that you wen't raiding Jow Forums in another thread. Now it's the holy alliance. I will destroy you you subhuman maggots. Jow Forumstards are the dumbest, scummiest people on Jow Forums



Fuck off you faggot you think we can fix this problem on our own. Definitely not with a fucking retard like you.

Jow Forumstards are way worse than traps and nothing you say will change that you idiot. just move to that shithole of a board if you want the authentic experience and after a month you'l be begging to come back here, traps and all.

you are fucking delusional
. what has reiko done to you to make you like this?

Yes finally these fucking faggots are going to be purged.

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>Jow Forumstards are way worse than traps
I havent seen a Jow Forumsak blackmail a robot into taking HRT

You're a fucking loser kys no one would want to come back to some faggot traps

I don't even know what you're talking about. I feel like most real robots are just avoiding this board right now but I feel like I have to say something. Jow Forumstards are stupid, annoying, and have zero self awareness. They infest every single thread with their nonsense and forced memes. They are the ultimate form of cancer. It's like locusts but even more brainless.

thats the only place for them
they are attracted to penises and claim not to be gay

Heil fuhrer! These trad traps will bite the dust. Onwards!

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Thank you Jow Forums
You're not so bad after all

We need to sort this problem sooner than later

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Just to let you guys know, this trap shit has spread to our board too. Lets work together guys

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>ou guys know, this trap shit has spread to our board too. Lets work together guys

They're like a fucking infection soon they will be gone we just need to push it over the edge if you know what i'm saying

Jow Forums are the most degenerate cunts on the planet

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The fag shills are sure rushing aren't they. We must have touched a nerve in trying to kick them out of a place that they invaded.

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wrong traps are stop being a fag and stick up for whats right

God speed my friend.
May the Thousand Year Alliance last for a millennia.

Light and Dark user... Light and Dark

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