Internet Friends

You never knew what they looked like, you never learned their real names, but you fought a thousand deathmatches or ground your way to max level in that RPG with them. Then, all of the sudden, something happens, and this person you've spent years getting to know is gone forever without a trace.

ITT: We remember our faceless friends.

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I met my internet friends irl, do the same it was a good time.

My friend committed suicide at least that's what he said he was going to do.
I talked with him almost everyday watching films or playing vidya.
I miss him. I miss him a lot.

>tfw never played multiplayer
It's dark down here, really dark.

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Half the time you get to know somebody and they live halfway across the country. You want to help them but there's nothing you can do except keep playing games.

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He asked me for help and I did my best. I even offered for him to come to me or that I goto him.
I wish it didn't end like this. I still have a list of films that we didn't watch.
I didn't even know his name. I knew him for a year.

You should watch those movies. It's what he would've wanted. Even if you have to do it all by yourself it's important to at least find some closure.

Firerain and his son, Drizzle.
Played Socom:Fireteam Bravo with them back in 2008. Probably the most fun I've had since.
Scooby_602, Reymone, Chrisadamczyk, x911emergence, Susawarrior, MostlyHarmless.

I don't know. He may want that. He saved the Halloween playlist we made when I was deleting it.
I still add films to it like I'm going to send him a trailer and see if he wants to watch it.
I wish there was something I could have done. I want him back.

I realized the one internet friend i had been talking with since i was 10. Had started ignoring me, i thought he was depressed again so i offered some help, nope didnt work

Eventually i realized that i was the one initiating all the conversations. So i just stopped starting the convos and it ended. Now i have zero online friends and im okay with that. I can always go back to being an irl only normie.

Hard these days to avoid the friend collectors and memers when trying to make online friends tho

>Just go meet them brah

"Oh... user... I didn't realize you were a 33y/o hkhv neet that's close to 300lb's at 5'7". Maybe we should just be friends... Oh wait.. Maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore."

>Time and Eric Great job.

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my internet "friends" were probably more autistic than i am. even though we only spoke a few times and i only put in the minimal effort into our conversations they sent me pictures of their faces and gave me their full names, addresses, phone numbers etc. they're lucky i'm not gonna do anything with this info but i did think about writing their phone numbers on a bathroom stall to teach them a lesson

Tim. Timothy. Timmy. Tommy. Tom. Tammy. Tam.

Not time. Never time.

I had a small group of about 25 internet friends that I met through StarCraft between the years of 2002 and 2006. I even made a neat little invisionfree forum for them which they mainly used for RPing. Good times. Roy, Brian, Darrell, Eric... you were all good guys. I miss you guys. I have been trying to get in contact with Brian again recently, managed to find what appeared to be his Facebook and LinkedIn pages, but the guy is like 27 now, appears to be married, and has got an education and career and everything. It would just be too weird. Last time I chatted with him was way back in 2009, he was like 18 at the time. He was already growing out of video games by that point. We were already growing apart. Now I am a 29-year-old, unemployed, friendless, high school drop-out virgin.

the only person i resonated with on some level is now a normie with a gf

I miss having online friends so much. Everyone got married and had a kid or two and stopped playing. I'm leveling a on a private wow server by myself atm lol, pretty lame.

What have you been playing user?

>"Oh... user... I didn't realize you were a 33y/o hkhv neet that's close to 300lb's at 5'7". Maybe we should just be friends... Oh wait.. Maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore."
Literally this. They always turn out to be normalfags who don't want anything to do with me.

I like to think one day we'll all be saved and I'll know them again, not as the imperfect people they once were, but as the perfect person I knew in my heart they could be.

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let all of my friendships die because im a broken person and dont know how to salvage it happening right now and im just gonna let it happen again let me of this ride

We're all broken people, some of us are just less broken than others. The key is to accept your imperfection and learn how to put yourself back together again better than before.

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>used to play a f2p game called S4 League
>3rd person anime styled game that played sort of similar to Gunz
>Played since beta
>Originally played with /v/ a lot but started branching out a bit.
>Get really good at it, to the point where I could swing most public games I joined
>Start to notice some familiar names in the pubs I joined
>Add a few of them, nothing serious at first. About 6 total including myself
>We'd start lobbies with all of us stacked on one side
>Games would be so one sided that you start playing for kills rather than scores.
>Eventual clanning and competitive scene starts to develop
>We have a blast, come up with a team name, have coordinated banners on the forums, the whole shebang.
>Add each other on Skype so that we could have voice comms during tournament matches (all of us were too broke for a vent server)
>Never were the top team or anything but definitely high skilled enough that we wouldn't get washed by the top clans.
>Everyone starts to chat with each other outside of matches on Skype just for the hell of it.
>Turns out the first guy I ever added lived somewhat close to me.
>Even made plans to meet up but they'd usually fall through, no big deal.
>As with most f2p games, they inevitably started adding things that made the game much less balanced for people willing to drop cash.
>Combine this with a period of me not having a computer for a few months.
>A few of them stop playing but we continue chatting on Skype.
>Slowly some of the clan members stop logging into Skype.
>Even the first friend I made stopped posting as much since he was dealing with family issues.

There was no big moment where we all stopped hanging out, we all just sort of faded away. I wish I did more to keep in contact with them but it's a bit too late now. I do miss them though, and that game.

I have been playing various different games these past few years. My interest shifts from one game to another every few months. These past few months I have been playing Final Fantasy XIV a lot. Not necessarily because I enjoy it, I mean, I do sometimes still enjoy playing it, but the combat overall just feels so boring. But I guess I just kinda feel addicted to it.

You was never that cool with them if your scare to share a pic of yourself with them.

Great story. I have a similar story but with WoW.... went spent thousands of hours on vent together. Oh life was so much simpler back then...

My friend called John was someone I would hang out with all the time, we would play DayZ mod late into the night, eating beans out of a can over skype.

Miss you man. I had to get my life in order.