How long till we can fagpost again bois?
How long till we can fagpost again bois?
Other urls found in this thread:
We need to wait till the mods cool it. Are you a rogue trap poster user?
We must keep the underground resistance strong, but silent. The bussy will ride again!
Burn the trap. Purge the tranny. Kill the faggot
When you stroll back on over to /lgbt/.
You opened pandoras box, next time maybe keep your social engineering plans to yourself?
you can't
fuck off to /lgbt/
goddamn man just calm down
it'll only be an hour or so, as long as Jow Forumstards are going to bitch and spam the board the mods need to do something
there is, of course, a solution
posting on the archive is just like posting on Jow Forums. Why not go there and continue as usual?
it's literally the same experience
Their puttin estrogen in the hotpockets Jow Forums! They're turning the freakin neckbeards gay!!
I've wanted to be a trap long before Jow Forums came and brought their stupid "war".
I kept to myself and was as much a robot as anybody here, but now there is no place even on the internet that I can call home.
Keep lingering around here and we'll call ISIS
FUCK traps. When they turn hairy and get too many ingrown hairs from shaving so much they'll just commit suicide.
Go to lgbt Faggot or at least b
We need to make this into an image. Orginally
I get off around 11 est
You can do it over at
fuck off niggerfaggot
i dont want trapshit here you can fuck right off
Reminder that /lgbt/ is a sfw board and most trap posts like the ones here would get deleted there.
There needs to be an nsfw lgbt board.
You fags all kill yourself before your 30.
You will all be dead before the mods start cucking.
Polish your online persona or be negatively discriminated as you should.
No there doesn't. Your destructive degenerate behavior should be kept to yourself.
You have no right to spread propaganda to ruin young men lives.
Just letting you know once again, um that you will never ever be a girl. You will never be a girl no matter how much of their clothes you put on :)
if you want to kill the trap posters, come here
You could live to 130 and a hot, smooth trap will have experienced more pleasure & validation in 10 minutes of getting gangbanged than you will in your entire life.
So go ask for one and stop raiding every other board with faggotry
gets an inch, takes a mile
Not op but I'm a rouge
/lgbt/ being a sfw board doesn't stop you fags from posting and talking about being a fag and you want a nsfw board it's called /hm/
now fuck off you cancer
Thanks for keeping this thread alive.
>tfw no drug dealer bf to slowly fall in love with
If somebody's life can be so easily ruined, than it was probably going to be ruined anyways.
Post spidy
Reminder that anti-traps defence force members are repressed faggots who are more likely to break down and become hons before suiciding than the well-adjusted, heterosexual connoisseurs of bussy.
What we are experiencing now is cognitive dissonance at its ugliest.
>Having my ass prolapsed and being used by a group of middle aged homosexuals provides me with more validation that a life four times as long filled with sex, family and achievement could ever provide you
I know you're bitter and angry and all but thats just silly
Die in a fire you commie-tranny faggot. You are trying to subvert this board with your trap fetish. Fuck off
>tfw no drug dealer bf to slowly fall in love with
degen desu
That was an amazing thread and I hope to hear more of it
You disgusting sack of shit. Being a disgusting degenerate is one thing, but trying to spread your self destructive lifestyle to others is just down right evil.
spidy posting it is
this is now a spidy thread gays need not apply
>You could live to 130 and a hot, smooth trap will have experienced more pleasure & validation in 10 minutes of getting gangbanged than you will in your entire life.
I wish that was me
> (You)
>>Having my ass prolapsed and being used by a group of middle aged homosexuals
Stimulant drugs and poppers as in combination with lube does wonders to prevent prolapse. The tops are more often college athlete types or rich studs by the way, this isn't some NTR hentai.
>a life four times as long filled with sex, family and achievement could ever provide
You don't seriously think thats your life trajectory do you?
How strange, the toned sissy that I posted seems like more of a man than you or any obese or aushwitz tier Jow Forumstard ever will be, serving the US in person rather than behind a keyboard, all despite being obssessed with taking cock. What does that make you, if not but a very angry self loathing shell of a man?
There is literally a board on this website dedicated to you.
Reminder that men who hate homosexuality so much it makes them rage are closet homosexuals in denial. Thera nothing wrong with it user, its okay to be gay.
I am a robot before I am anything else, user.
Are you interested in video games? If so, why are you here and not on /v/? Because some facet of your personality is more prominent than some other.
2D does not equal 3D
Shut up, you fucking faggot. I hate you because you make me sick, not because I love you.
>Derision from a man so pathetic he literally chose to cross dress as a living
Your attacks dont really have as much edge as you think they do m8
Enjoy the prolapse and inability to age as a woman
>gangbanged by group of homosexual men while high
>married, family, achievement
If these are the options you see as goals and you willingly choose to pursue the former then I think that I know why you're in the state you're in.
Nothing is as good as initially presented. but the degraded form of the latter is far more appealing than that of the former.
Leave Faggot, and prey on these men no more.
Don't fall for it. It's a trap
Pretty funny how both of you dodged the question
you belong here
Either way you're a dull faggot that makes their entire personality revolve around their genitals and lack of human contact to said gentials. Get a hobby loser.
You seem tense, user. Mind if I rub your shoulders?
Silly user you're just proving his point just leave the gays alone and nothing bad can happen
>makes their entire personality revolve around their genitals and lack of human contact to said gentials.
But I don't do that, user
>Get a hobby loser.
Where do you think we are?
Just screenshot his comments and post them any time someone tries to convert people to this trap shit so they know what they're in for.
It was so much fun shitposting with you guys and causing tons of butthurt. I hate to see the end of the trap era but we had such a good run. I can't believe we didn't get dealt with sooner.
>it's ok to be gay it's not
>He never considered the fact that some of us are already successful
Hence our ability to come in and completely fuck up your blackpill tranny psyop within a few minutes
enjoy cross dressing until you cant even convince yourself, even with all the delusion
Sure is alot of fag shills on Jow Forums today. They're scared of the awakening that's happening. Don't loose hope brothers. >pic related
>But I don't do that, user
>I am a depressed loser who can't get laid before I am anything else, such as a man who enjoys dressing up as a girl and getting railed by dudes
Your words, not mine
Reminded for the ones who struggle with loneliness and fags prey on you. Don't give up on what you were born , if you were born a man , be a man , if a woman , be a woman. Everyone gets a hard time in life when loneliness fucks you over, but as any rainy day there is sunlight coming after. So don't give in to whatever fags lure in , keep being a man or woman and don't be degenerate and don't let yourself fall.Mentally ill faggots are not the answers to your problems.
>some of us are already successful
Then it is you who needs to leave, not me
But those literally are not my words. I didn't type them, nor do they match my opinions.
>picture familiar
>WFM the trapfags will be gone soon
Leave so you can continue your psyop to try and suck people into becoming traps like yourself?
Lol, no
>arachnophobia is a fear
>homophobia is a fear
Are you scared of me user? Or your repressed sexuality?
I'll tell you right now Im not all intimidating.
I don't get fucked. I fuck. A boi with the right criteria will make a better girl than a girl 10/10. They usually have their own source of income via bs like streaming because they're not too stupid to use computers (again, better than girls)
Theres nothing you can say to convince me traps are gay. A tiny little dick is infinitely more aesthetic than a roast, and a boislut will always be yours once you have their heart, and their hole. A roast will bettay you at the soonest convenience.
>people who hate murderers are closeted murderers
>people who hate genocide are closeted dictators
>people who hate dogs are closeted dogs
Leave because if you are successful then you are not a robot and this place is not for you.
I'm nothing to do with this """psyop""". I just want to be left alone by normalfags like you.
Daily reminder that faggots are mongrels and should be eliminated on sight.
I didn't come from /lgbt/. Leave me alone.
It's a place for faggots like you, so you should just go there then.
don't you go and make me face all of my internal struggles i'm not ready
No, because this is a place for robots like me, so I'm staying here.
Go back to hell then where you crawled out of.
You have to go back. Fucking faggot
Too bad you aren't a robot, are you now?
>Homophobic has phobic in it
>You must be scared
You're a fucking retard. Do everyone a favor and get AIDS, You have no value to anyone.
Only if you leave other boards alone.
Yes I am. I know more about me than you do.
Hell isn't real.
That's exactly the point he's making, dummy.
Homophobia isn't a fear so it's not comparable to arachnophobia.
But aids are...
I'd believe you if I knew you came from anywhere but hell. Stop shilling your degenerate ways and exposing robots to constant brainwashing in order to convert them into insane heretics like yourself.
Sure, but I don't have it or any sexually transmitted diseases. Nor am I ever likely to, because I'm a robot and don't have sex.
I would be willing to bet money that you are from Jow Forums.
this post will never be muted as it is an original post
And I'd be willing to bet your remaining masculinity that you're from /lgbt/.
At least he has an inch.
What's your excuse white bitch?
Wrong. Does that mean I get to take some of your masculinity, now?
>we don't like your mental illness
>therefore, we are from Jow Forums
sure kid
Well, I'd be glad if you finally took your masculinity back and manned up, but instead you choose to take the degenerate trap path.
Take my hand and together we shall ascend. Deep inside you know what you're doing to yourself isn't right. Deep inside you know that something's very wrong and you use homosexuality as a false illusion to cover the harsh truth.
You must face reality itself and realize that this path will bring you down.
>calling it a mental illness
Definitely Jow Forums
I like it up my poopy hole. ;)
The reason my life is in shambles is not because of homosexuality or traps or anything like that.
I am doomed whether or not I take a path that I enjoy, so I may as well do it.
>A man wanting to dress as a woman, do HRT and eventually turn your penis inside out is not a mental illness.
Really makes me think.
>calling it natural
Definitely /lgbt/.
Trans =/= Traps =/= Gays
You didn't think hard enough
I didn't say it was natural. But it's not supernatural, or anything. All that happens is the result of natural processes.
No. Fuck off back to your containment board, fago
You can't stop us. Im getting paid 5 cents a post.
We have the jews on our side. Isreal is our greatest ally.