Never been on this board before, but from the news that's leaked over to Jow Forums and other boards i'd just like to let you know that you're all a bunch of sick fucks and that none of you pathetic tranny virgins will ever feel the love of a woman or get any sexual pleasure from another human. The most you'll ever get is shoving household objects and vegetables up your asses like you disgusting degenerate fucks have been doing. The lot of you really should just kill yourselves. This kid already did so maybe the rest of you should follow in his footsteps and spare yourself from living out your miserable estrogen fueled lives.
> pic related
Never been on this board before...
Other urls found in this thread:
based OP, Jow Forums should be fucking deleted, you don't bring anything useful to this site.
t. /v/
>omg I'm edgy Jow Forumsfag worship my fag dick you trannies
>using the term degenerate
user you gotta grow up eventually
That's implying everyone on this board is into that shit. It is obvious you only lurked for a good 5 seconds. If you did lurk more you'ld also know that alot of people actually hate the trap spam too.
Tl;Dr lurk moar faggot.
*uses my cosmopsychic powers to transport you into a dimension made entirely of diarrhea*
You're right. This board is basically a porn board with /lgbt/ run off and some incel MGTOW shit thrown in.
> from the news that's leaked over to Jow Forums
Please Jow Forums and Jow Forums are one and the same.
>justifying sticking things in your ass and trying to turn yourself into a loli anime girl this hard
the absolute state of Jow Forums. Apalling.
I might be a Jow Forumsak but atleast i'm not a socially awkard incel whos never touched a vagina before like you deranged fucks
>t. Trap poster salty about his defeat
I am going to take you on a trip to one of Jupiter's moons and drop a nuclear warhead on you. This will achieve the goal of ending your existence without threatening any other life or scenery here on Earth.
this is an obvious tranny that is now larping as Jow Forums to create divides
Bitch your opinion is irrelevant and you should feel bad. Lol
This reiko discord raiders are on full force today
And the faggot confirms. You think we can't see past the blatantly obvious salt at the robot victory over the trapfags?
You're fucking retarded. No one wants the trannies here you moron that's why we're trying to get rid of them. They've been doxxing and harassing people on this board and we want them dead. That kid who shot himself in your pic wasn't a tranny fucking idiot, we was a victim.
Poll is trying to save this board from the trap menace.
I was not being salty, user. I was merely explaining what I was going to do to you. If I said I was going to make you a ham sandwich, would that be salty?
No, it wouldn't, unless the ham had a lot of salt in it. But I'm watching my sodium intake and I'm a vegetarian, so neither of those are applicable. Goodbye.
Bye! Remember: never come back to our board, you have /lgbt/ for your perverted shit
They have been ruining this board more like. Its something Jow Forums would actually agree on here, isnt it? And Shuaiby wasnt a tranny, leave him alone.
You don't have girls dressing up as you go back to larping you get vag because you're an edgelord
Or you know i'm just a guy that's disgusted by you and the people on your shitty board.
The irony of anyone on this board telling me I don't get "vag" just for being disgusted by your pathetic trap idolizing behaviour.
Yes, this Reiko is trying to corrupt you all, we Jow Forumsacks want to stand up with robots. We are a community (Jow Forums), we shall not let them prevail.
~~~~~~~~FIGHT DEGENERACY~~~~~~~~
If you're disgusted by people that themselves are disgusted at the idea of a gay raid attempting to sway impressionable, vulnerable depressed anons into cross dressing as a solution, then you're cancer plain and simple
idk dude you sound like quite a faggot