How fucked am I?

How fucked am I?
Be honest. Will I ever get laid or will I be laughed out of the bedroom? It is flaccid btw

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Legs need hair, kinda gross looking. Why do you shave?

Nice penis, friend, it looks a lot like mine, and I love mine. Maybe shave.

he has hair on his legs, are you blind?
I like your dick OP no homo

checked nice trip ooregano

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>why don't you shave
Literally no one has seen my dick nor has anyone ever expressed interest in seeing my dick. No point in shaving if I don't have a gf since the pubes keep me warm and are fun to play with.

Why are your legs so hairless?

Its not your dick that's the problem
I mean unless you're approaching people with no pants on

Because I'm a blond haired blue eyed freak

nice minge

why do guys not shave but expects us to be perfectly shaved? this is fucking nasty

I'm OP and I love bush on women.

Because they're men. Don't even bother here, you'll just be called slut

oh u love it be quiet

nordic is the natural state of all europeans, I'd be proud if I were you
fuck off roastie, women can't be robots

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Oh, well they look like girls legs. Wouldnt be surprised if your thread is soon hijacked by a bunch of people telling you to transition

I prefer shaved for both genders. In all honesty though, I wouldn't care when my penis is in it.
I'll never feel my penis in one anyways
enjoy your (you)

The size of vaginas varies just like the size of penises. Don't worry about your size. Just pound the pavement till you find a vagina that fits your penis.

I hate traps. My worst fear is I'll be tricked by a trap. Every time I see one of these ugly transistion fags in public I want to beat them into a coma. They're disgusting.

I wouldn't worry too much about what a stupid sow would think. You're pure and amazing just the way you are OP! Now get a good wax job and toss that bussy over here

I don't expect a woman to shave her pussy, she does what she wants with her hair
she likes if i keep my pubes trimmed but not shaved though

>sticc legs thinks he can beat anything up
lol keep acting tough faggot, while posting your cock for a bunch of guys to compliment you lmao.

lmao what is that like 4.5 inches?

Because women typically don't mind as much? Guys are normally just fine with shaving if their gf wants them too from my experience. It just does not happen as often. My gf for instance doesn't care, but I keep it trimmed anyways.

>tfw you posted this thread for easy (You)'s from homos

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I would mind if it was hairy like op's. I would literally throw up.

Put your hand by your cock and take a pic. Easier to get a picture of the size.

how the fuck is that flaccid, flaccid dicks aren't filled with that much blood

better check a doctor if thats really "flaccid"

it worked
now fuck me user

that doesn't look flaccid

Mods need to start cracking down on this shit hard before we become /soc/ 2.0 with nothing but dicks filling the catalog.

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