I am not interested in masculine men. But males with feminine characteristics make me hard as diamonds...

I am not interested in masculine men. But males with feminine characteristics make me hard as diamonds. When I see a cute trap or tranney I just want to eat out their asshole and fuck the shit out of it. Are there others who feel the same as me? How do we make more feminine penis?

Attached: 3 trap asses.jpg (315x236, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hello trap shill

Attached: 1523320704551.gif (2123x2734, 639K)

What is wrong with feminine penis?
How does that make me a shill?

Leave and don't post that shit here again

Attached: 1523321596813.jpg (396x385, 32K)

make me transfobe.

Attached: Trap Ass.jpg (1280x1920, 1.44M)

>read this douijin
>came buckets
Why are elves so lewd

what doujin owowo


Itsuka Otokonoko Elf-tachi ga Wagaya ni Kitara.
By all means, check it out. members.luscious.net/albums/itsuka-otokonoko-elf-tachi-ga-wagaya-ni-kitara-english_115442/




This way to stop the trapfags

Oi! No traps allowed!


Nothing can stop the feminine penis. It is just that good.

Attached: Trap Ass 2.jpg (1000x1333, 757K)

Go back to your proper board, the reason you get hate isn't "transphobia" it's irritation that you seem to be too handicapped to understand this. You don't see me posting threads about my 3D work here because it belongs on /3/ The same can be said for other communities besides you fuckbags
Hang yourself soon

Says who? Since when are traps not allowed?

Attached: lusciousnet_lusciousnet_img_01_1545092981.315x0.jpg (315x445, 79K)

go back to /lgbt/ you absolute queer

The board doesn't have any explicit rules about what content is and isn't allowed. As long as your post is original it is supposed to be kosher, or the opposite of kosher if you migrated from POL.

>The same can be said for other communitie
So go back to Jow Forums

Dude, just go to /b/.

We here are all stuck in the he'll hole of the friend zone with depression. The last thing we want is to be turned gay, or get caught with your trash on the screen. Go tf away.

Attached: bfece2b91a11559b060ed68027e849ee156a1476544ff7db8f908948c2e60e13_1.jpg (800x553, 64K)

I don't know about eating the bussy
But every fibre of my being wants to wreck the bussy


Attached: 2UDsdFA.jpg (399x388, 19K)

fuck off you delusional transsexual

Attached: anti-trans1.png (360x220, 72K)

I made this thread before I knew about Rieko and his trap psyop thing. Sorry everyone. I feel awful. Like I drunkenly raped someone who was just knocked out and raped by someone else.

>announce I am from /3/
>you are from pol because you dislike trap posting

You sound like a real fucking genius

Yes that's technically true but the board was in its original inception for original discussions stemming from the unique posts. Half a catalog of threads about the same topic is counter productive (as are ten women hate threads but they're less prominent thanks to you faggots)

>i feel the need to convince people i'm not a poltard when i'm a poltard

do you lie to your parents when they ask if you're gay when you bring guys home?

Just busted a fat nut to this one. That bratty brown elf was such a slut. Thanks user!

Leave. Leave, and never come back.


Attached: 1523325893520.jpg (515x496, 42K)

Robots don't like you either, they must be Jow Forums as well huh?

Again. I made this thread before I knew about Reiko's trap doxing psyop. If I had known that actual sexual abuse and exploitation was what started this conflict, I would have never jumped in.

please go take a knife and slit your fucking throat.

Attached: STAFFEL.gif (456x522, 647K)

>the traps are still trying to hold even a small foothold on this board

Attached: 1495949368765.png (200x200, 74K)

Apply sage to the faggot shills.

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I am bumping because this thread is really cute :3

Attached: 121F9A41-7BF5-415E-BFD0-95497C1F773C.jpg (640x950, 58K)

sage goes in options

Attached: exposed2.png (720x1232, 166K)