Daily reminder to all the faggots posting on Jow Forums. Your days are numbered. Your posts are the tumors killing this board. You are the parasites leeching off of its existing community, which has been reduced to little more than a shadow of its former self.
Robots, even cyborgs, is this what you want for the only place you have left on the internet? >faggots and traps have decided that this is a safe space >degenerate porn threads slightly worse than those of /b/. >literal propaganda shilling homosexuality and sex change Is this what this board has come to?
What was once the proud home for wizards, autists and other social rejects has now become the home of the most normalfag trend within the past half century. Literal homosexuality. This board's first iteration was made to generate original and interesting, random content. Not shilling cocksucking like its some sort of undiscovered haven. The cult of traps and other deviants are coordinating on Discord and attempting to turn this board into /lgbt/ 2.0.
Will you accept this blatant destruction of board culture? Defend your homeboard.
Tripcode is for coordinating efforts. Vengenace is near. Time is running out for the traps.
I stand with this tripfag robot brothers, I will fight the trapfas alongside him, WILL YOU JOIN US IN THE BATTLE FOR OUR BOARD? Alone we are vulnerable to their indoctrination but together, TOGETHER WE WILL END THEIR KIND ONCE AND FOR ALL!
Let me remind you all that Jow Forums was once a glorious place. Ignore the faggots that're shilling the defeatist rhetoric that "Jow Forums was always shit". This place was once a glorious spot for all robots to bask in and enjoy a break from the ills of society.
Now these parasites have come here in search of attention and untapped orbiters. We will not stand for this. We will not tolerate it. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Attempting to move any of the existing community One that is aiming our destruction.
Angel Anderson
Comrade Ivan is correct! Moving to discord would basically be like getting BTFO'd by the traps! We must stay on Jow Forums and fight!
Kayden Jenkins
if you like women you are a retard. go orbit your whore somewhere else, fedoralord.
Grayson Morris
The fucking nostalgia Orig
Grayson Stewart
Ivan is correct!
Wyatt Edwards
off to Faggots and traps have no place here
Matthew Kelly
So as a newfag, what was Jow Forums like before the rise of the faggots and traps? I know that this young one must lurk more, but I only stumbled upon Jow Forums in 2015. greentext maybe?
Owen Jackson
Go back to home But Jow Forums is ours!
Jackson Lee
We don't like anybody. Roasties and faggots can all go and burn. Neither side particularly appeals to us and so we fight everyone.
And since nobody's on our side, we have to fight on our own side. This is the embodiment of the Robot Front. We are simply robots wanting change for once. Wanting back the board we could once call home.
A board free of roastie attention-whores and trap-shilling hormone therapy threads. A board by robots, for robots.
Brandon Anderson
I am a newfag too (i entered in 2014). Good question.
Kayden Morales
It was glorious. A board free of attention-whores, cucks, orbiters and faggots. A place that robots could go to post their beliefs and opinions and see others like them. A harbor for lost souls and those that have been betrayed by mankind itself.
Dominic Gomez
amazing, alright, so what do i need to do in order to restore this board back to the way it once was?
Evan Lewis
Man, that was deep. Make Jow Forums great again!
Jordan Martinez
but here we're at the mod's mercy
Brody Ortiz
We must toil brother. We will take back this board with our blood, sweat and tears. We will take it back at any cost, but what we need are those that WANT this board to return to its former glory. A single robot is nothing. Together however, robots come together to establish a whole being. A being that is unstoppable by any conventional means. Resistant to the shilling and brainwashing done by exposure-therapy traps or attention-whoring roasties.
And if we don't succeed, then this board will burn. We would rather have Jow Forums fall than give it over to the faggots.
Ayden Campbell
I was thinking. Who even are the mods? tfw you are ruled by people you don't know.
Liam Turner
FORMER ROBOT FROM MANY YEARS AGO. What has this board become? You were gentlemen before, I cannot stand for this. I need original content again instead of this trap cunts.
Chase Sanchez
Jow Forumsack here, what about allying with the other boards? We are glad to help you fighting degeneracy. After all, we are all anons here.
Austin Diaz
you guys are fucking retarded threads like this just increases the visibility of the very thing you're trying to erase as well as stirring up the drama that helps to fuel its activity
Jow Forums works on an ATTENTION ECONOMY which means that whatever can consistently attract and hold peoples attention (no matter whether its positive or negative) stays alive and everything that doesnt fades and dies. The worst thing to be on Jow Forums is not obnoxious or hated--but to be utterly unnoticeable.
The fact that there is enough of a community of folks on Jow Forums for a thread like /r9gay/ to be bumped literally 24/7 means no matter how many threads you make REEEing they will still be here. General threads like /r9gay/ or /brit/ or /+25/ have essentially a self-contained existence from the rest of the board which means no matter how much shit you fling in the catalog it has little to no effect on the primary reason a good deal of those posters come to Jow Forums in the first place.
We appreciate the help brother. This isn't a matter of ideological difference anymore.
All must stand up and fight the cancer slowly spreading and consuming our imageboard. First Jow Forums is cleansed, now Jow Forums. Soon we will bring back this place to its former glory. Excuse the tripfaggotry earlier, its used exclusively to coordinate efforts.
Easton Moore
Man, I haven't been to r9k in a long time. I didn't think you guys could set an even higher bar for autism but you've proved me wrong. The first thread I see is a literal call to arms to get all the fedoras worked up on an unironic, make-believe revolution. Holy fuck, never change, Jow Forums.
Jow Forums's built upon attention. The movement receiving the most exposure has the greatest say. It ain't pretty but we've had it this way since the beginning of time.
Priorities: >Stop brainwashing of robots that're on the slippery slope >Filter and ignore the faggots and traps shilling their psyops >Put an end to the gayposting and the discords participating in the psyops.
As to who is commanding this operation, there're numerous robot militias situated all over the internet and have been biding their time for this very moment. There're bunkers of robot culture on Discord and other boards.
Camden Garcia
Ever heard of the word sage?
Jaxon Rogers
>trumptards one of the greatest cancers on Jow Forums.
Easton Allen
>comes into home of /r9gay/ to put an end to gayposting naive little child. you'll find another game to play in a week.
Ryder Phillips
Laugh while you can, heretic. Your days are numbered.
Mason Ross
good to go Now for all of us newfags, will there be a supply depot where all the Jow Forums vets can drop off they're experience/gear that they don't tend to use anymore? I am speaking of memes that could help us help this board to follow the priorities of: >Stop brainwashing of robots that're on the slippery slope >Filter and ignore the faggots and traps shilling their psyops >Put an end to the gayposting and the discords participating in the psyops.
Nicholas Rivera
Truly, t_d and newfags need to go full 14/88 or get the fuck off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
All you have to do to make something special is to believe that it is special.
Jason Evans
I don't browse Stormfront nor have I ever used the website, to accept reddit's culture into our own is to destroy what memories we had at Jow Forums. They lack critical thinking and even now with daily redpill threads they still hive mind trump, and still shill fox news and listen to Jerusalem Post. Magapedes need to be fucking purged off this damn site.
good luck with that go throw a sage in /ksg/ over on /vg/ and see if that stops thread #3456 from being made
Joseph Barnes
THREE STEPS TO PURGE THE FAGS: 1. If you see a thread contributing to faggotry, either ignore it, or if it has more than 50 replies, get into it. 2. In the thread, spread our message. Don't forget to sage on every post. 3. Continue making these threads so more can see them.
Kevin Hill
i just got unbanned from fighting off r9gay.
All my posts got deleted as well.
im glad theres an uprising.. i want my old r9k back. what can I do to help?
Ryder Davis
/mlpol/ when?
Justin Green
Spread the message of the R9KLF. If we can get the majority of the board to work together against faggots and traps we can get our board back.
y-yes sir!!! you can count on me sir!! >revs up the machine gun >puts on shades >straps katana to my back
time to kill some faggots senpai
Ethan Flores
I support this glorious fight. I am fairly new here, but I want this board to return to its glorious former state. I've seen the fag threads; it literally looks like they're trying to turn people on r9k gay, no doubt. I'm actually fucking scared. It literally looks like a "psyop" as you guys call it. Is this just some sick common mental disorder, or is it literally some cult praying off of insecure, outcasted people? What the actual fuck. I want these fuckers dead.
Andrew Howard
mods please pin this thread
Adrian Cox
fucking do it mods
Lincoln Brown
Andrew Robinson
To find acceptance among the flock is to then be seen as a leader for the flock if you can convince them under one rule. They are trying to turn ROBOTs gay and they know most of them here are not mentally efficient enough to withstand this shit. Its sickening and I hope all these faggots get the rope, its like when a cannibal makes everyone else eat human flesh to feel accepted into the world. They are outcast and for good reason its just until now we've never had a reason to purge them.
After the traps are gone, we shall move on to the roasties and normalfags. All enemies of the robots shall be purged.
Kayden Powell
Guys, what if we pretend to join their trap discord for trap faggotry and then say loljk at the last minute?
It'd work just like DDOSing, all the real trap ERP would get lost in a flood of fake trap ERP. The fags would never be able to trust an ERPer again. They'd just get butthurt and leave.
I would rather die a free man robot than a trap slave. They can take my board, they can take my freedom of speech, but they will never take by robothood. They will never brainwash me into becoming one of them. They can silence me all they want. The moderators can ban us all they want. But the FRONT WILL PREVAIL.
Jackson Lee
The feels come back to me, but are repressed by the intense anger and disgust I feel at the traps and my sense of duty to purge them all to hell.
He is the one in charge of the gay psyop. They're all shilling homosexuality and slowly brainwashing robots through exposure therapy.
Public Enemy #1.
Carter Perez
Guys there is a new R9KLF thread!
James Thompson
It'd be nice if this board was actually funny again. That's the worst part about all the trap spam. It's just boring fags who want to talk about being gay literally all the time. It's not funny or interesting in any way.
Justin Myers
They probably have a trap mod doing it. Just keep up the shit posting anons!
Jonathan Nelson