Who /shrooms/ here?

Who /shrooms/ here?

>Have nothing but bad trips on Cubensis ever since losing my wagecuck job
>Every time, feel like a worthless loser that fucked up his life hard and feel like a total piece of shit for the way I treat people
>Trip again and again, hoping to gain some new insight, only to have yet another horrible experience
>Repeat at least 5 times with similar results
>Finally grow the highest regarded species of magic mushroom (Panaeolus Cyanescens) after much research, trial, and error
>Decide to trip off my entire first harvest of them, despite thinking it was a bad idea since I'd had only negative experiences for months. I just had to test them out.
>End up having the most positive (and visual) trip of my life, where I am in awe at the beauty of existence, pretty much in a fit of love and joy
>The mere act of breathing deeply becomes an exercise in loving myself
>It was like the universe was saying, "How dare you have any remotely negative thought? Let me show you the beauty and wonder of existence!"
>Was able to forgive myself and realize that all the things that worried me didn't matter, and that we would all be okay
High end shrooms are great, yo. Cubensis (common pleb shrooms) were reviled by the native Mexicans for shamanic use in favor of different species, and I can now see why.

Attached: panaeolus-cyanescens-angels-600x600.jpg (600x600, 114K)

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Interesting. I'm trying to use shrooms to eliminate my 10 year depression/anxiety. I've settled on choosing golden teacher as my guide throughout my trip. I'll look into Panaeolus Cyanescens.

How are your experiences with weed? If it gives you anxiety, shrooms will be 10x worse.

This. Don't fall for the shrooms are not as bad as weed meme. A bad high ruins your day but a bad shroom trip can fuck you up for life.

My experiences with weed are pretty okay. I am very susceptible to time-loops/time dilation. My through processes are mostly scattered. It's very flowing and energetic. I'm high right now. I only have small overtones of anxiety. I feel the air around me is a bit tense, but that's it.

>fuck you up for life

That's a bit excessive. My boyfriend psychologically torturted me, locked me in the room, and anally raped me and I recovered within a day. Mental strength is required when using psychs but it's far from a breakable scenario.

You should be fine as long as you don't take too much. I'd recommend just a gram for your first time but I know some people who were tripping for 10 hours after just a gram.

OP here. Negative trips can feel like hell and make you feel suicidal. Ultimately, they are a microscope on your life, and that can make for an amazing and profound, or absolutely dreadful experience. Like I said, to me, cubes had a high tendency for negativity after I lost my job. Before then, they gave me the best experiences of my life because I legitimately felt like I was making real progress in life. Panaeolus seemed to cut through all that, maybe through their sheer potency, their presence of serotonin which cubensis doesn't have, or maybe I was just "ready" for a good trip despite still being unemployed. I did finally get a job about 3 weeks after that trip though, and finished my first day last Sunday. Things are looking up, but what sucks is that my Panaeolus contaminated because I was careless with the moisture content of my casing layer. Hard, expensive lessons, but at least I have a stash of pleb cubensis to dip into while I get some pans going again.

Also, they can't really "eliminate" depression. They can show you the way, but it's ultimately up to you and your own efforts.

Pardon my beginner's mindset, but I had intended to employ the McKenna method (5gs, in the dark, with no music, just silence). I talked myself down to 3.5gs, as it seems light enough to not go crazy on, but just enough to provide a meaningfully mystic experience.

I actually found a couple a. muscaria in my neighborhood on a tree on a couple occasions once at the end of Fall and once at the beginning of Spring in the same pair, a little one and a substantially larger one their skin was pinked and they were not growing further to develop the white speckles/gills and the effect was extremely acute and probably totally unnoticeable if you've never experienced mescaline before. It was a weird sight though seeing mostly psilocybins and the area is so unlandscaped that some sterile psilocybins break through soft ground and become as large as a foot in diameter.

i can attest to this
shrooms are literally the robots choice drug as it allows you to come to peace with yourself and accept who you are, you can also grow them yourself easy so you dont have to interact with people
>my personal experience they "fixed' (i used the term fixed loosly) my depression and somewhat my anxiety

learn how to make mushroom tea and you can use 2gs and have an incredible time, theres also no nausea, downside is the trip is only 4 hours

How did you get into growing shrooms yourself? It's something I've thought about but I have no idea where I'd even start

Where do you get the shit to grow em? What all do you need?

I've done tea and there is definitely nausea and it lasted 12 hours, but then again my dumb ass did fucking 28g. The nausea was horrific, but I kinda screwed up the preparation by overblending dried shrooms into too fine a powder, so I couldn't properly strain them and the volume of the tea was quite large, like 3 cups or so.

>Cubensis (common pleb shrooms) were reviled by the native Mexicans for shamanic use in favor of different species
got a source for this?

Copypasted grow guide. Needs a bit work in the fruiting department, but looking into monotubs at shroomery.org is a great start.

1) Get your Panaeolus Spores.

I prefer thesporedepot and sporeworks because I've always had good experiences and fast shipping. Use the code shroom-15 for 15% off if you use thesporedepot.

Here's a comparison of the most commonly available Panaeolus Cyanescens strains based on anecdotal evidence I've gathered in the past few days. Take it with a grain of salt:

Jamaican - has a higher tendency to grow in clusters, and is the most available/popular from what I've seen, not necessarily due to being better though. Just more common to be seen by growers and vendors

Hawaiian - retains potency better after drying SUPPOSEDLY, due to higher psilocybin vs psilocin compared to other Pan Cyans

Australian - grows taller even with good air exchange, and can topple under their own weight

2) Lid tek:


Don't skip this. I've always gotten a high contamination rate before I made these lids, but not anymore. I do it slightly different in that I apply RTV over the disc instead of under so I can see that it's properly sealed, and I use a dime to stencil out where I cut so it's nice and neat.

3) Oat prep tek:


I use oats because it's much cheaper than rye berries and available locally. After steam drying, I also towel dry and maybe even air dry/fan dry depending what I feel like. Panaeolus don't need manure to colonize grains, but they do need manure in their substrate to fruit. Also, I only pressure cook for 90 minutes at 15psi.

>My boyfriend psychologically torturted me, locked me in the room, and anally raped me and I recovered within a day. Mental strength is required when using psychs but it's far from a breakable scenario.


4) Inoculation tek:

-wipe down jar lids/self healing injection ports with alcohol
-flame sterilize your needle until red hot. Wait about 15-25 seconds for it to cool. DON'T wipe the needle down with alcohol
-inject your jar with spores, anywhere from just a few drops or 1-1.5 ccs per quart jar, so as not to disrupt the moisture content
Most people flame sterilize the needle before inoculating each jar, but I've had 100% success just flame sterilizing before the first jar and quickly inoculating everything without flame sterilizing in between. You could compromise and flame sterilize every 6 jars or something like that, but it's all up to you.

5) Mix your substrate:
Panaeolus require a manure based substrate to fruit. Horse manure is generally regarded to be the best due to it's texture. I had to sift the horse manure I got from ebay since it was about 40% wood chips despite the dickweed seller saying it was nothing but horse manure. I used about 50% coir, 30% manure, 20% vermiculite, and a small amount of gypsum. I'm currently experimenting with cheap store bought manure like Black Kow, which needs to be sifted of sticks, etc, and spread out to let urea evaporate as per Roger Rabbit's recommendation. Also gonna try out a couple different brands of humus and manure mixes, but you can easily buy pure horse manure from other sources online if you want to pay extra for convenience/quality. Even poultry manure is effective, as seen in David Barlow's Copelandia (Panaeolus) Cyanescens growing video (youtube.com/watch?v=lUU6vSnP2mA

). Willy Myco does a mix of 50/50 horse manure and vermiculite. A different formula by another experienced grower (stonesun of shroomery.org) is 50/30/15/5 manure, coir, vermiculite, and gypsum.

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wet, right?


6) Pasteurization tek:


My tweak on it is that I just saturate substrate/casing mix with water, then squeeze out everything I can by hand before loading it into the jars, fairly packed but not super dense. If you're confident in your ability to get field capacity right, just skip saturating/squeezing. I also put plastic lids on the jars, and only put foil on the center jar since they tend to float and tip in the water and you don't want to get any excess water leaked into your substrate. It also helps to have a thermometer in the water in addition to the center jar's mix, so you can better judge when to turn off or adjust the heat.

7) Fruiting:

These require a casing and daily misting, as well as a little more air exchange, so don't forget to fan at least 3X a day if your fruiting method/chamber requires it. As soon as pins form, stop misting, or you'll force them to abort. I noticed that pins can be both light and dark; don't worry, the dark pins aren't aborts and will lighten up. Apply the casing only after full colonization of the bulk substrate. Don't forget the 12/12 light schedule with a 65K/daylight spectrum bulb.


For a casing, I use plain, pasteurized, field capacity vermiculite, since it requires no mixing and is neutral in pH. It's more popular to use 50/50 peat moss/vermiculite, pH buffered with lime. There seems to be confusion/disagreement with which type of lime to use, and since I was out of money, I just used plain vermiculite. Willy Myco has good success with Espoma Garden Lime, but this is recommended against by shroomery members due to high magnesium content and it's supposedly non-instant buffering. They recommend Hi Yield Horticultural Lime.

HippieChick from shroomery.org's formula:

30 cups sifted peat, 30 cups vermiculite, 1 cup Hi Yield Agricultural Lime, bringing it to a pH of 7.4. Too lazy to do the math for you for smaller amounts.

Willy Myco's casing mix:
1/4 teaspoon Espoma Garden Lime per 3 cups of 50/50 peat/vermiculite mix

I've had modest success fruiting at 72F, but 75-82F is more optimal. I'm still experimenting with different fruiting methods, but they all have their pros and cons. I'm currently using shoeboxes with liners in a monotub (I always use liners since I always get side/bottom pins), as well as an unmodified monotub and plain shoeboxes. I use a ratio of 1:2 spawn:substrate since that's what more experienced growers say Pans like best. Pans prefer a substrate depth of 1 1/2 inch and a casing depth of 1/4 inch.

I'm currently trying to clone on agar so I can get uniform growth/flushes/fruits/results. I highly recommend this as well.

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8) Consumption:

As always, safety is paramount. Bad trips can happen with any strain or species. I can easily see someone having a freakout on any kind of psychedelic mushroom and could possibly cause damage to themselves or their surroundings, freak out those in the general vicinity, and even get arrested or committed to the insane asylum. In very rare occasions, some people have killed themselves deliberately or accidentally. Fortunately, Panaeolus has a reputation of being smoother, more positive, and easier on the mind and body. This means less body load and nausea, as well as tasting better than Cubensis, which I find to be musty/funky in a bad, gag inducing way. Panaeolus seems to lose much more of their potency in drying compared to Cubensis since it is especially high in psilocin. There are reports that, comparing them by dry weight, Pans are 3-5X stronger than Cubensis.

In my humble opinion, I think 1 gram of wet Panaeolus is even better than 1 gram of dry Cubensis, making them 10X more potent, in addition to the more positive and smooth experience, easier consumption due to amount and taste, and much less nausea. Of course, it's a bit unfair to compare wet to dry, and it's also possible my Cubensis just suck due to genetics, growing conditions, skill, etc.

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I'm planning to pick some in a month, at this point I'm really desperate for anything to stimulate my mind because it's been dead for the past 7 years.
Hopefully I end up hanging myself when I try to masturbate.

So is it not illegal to order the spores or do you need to darknet that shit?

Shrooms have never made my depression go away, or ever had a lasting effect... I just had a really good time for 12 hours.
Back to normality 24 hours later or so.

Nah, dog. Dry. Ironically, I was actually disappointed in the effects. Maybe because of the suboptimal preparation and the fact that I puked before I could absorb enough actives. The nausea was horrific though, and I was in pain for at least 10 hours.

The first time I tripped on 28g was the hardest I ever tripped. I went fucking insaaane. I can post the trip report link if you'd like

At even a moderate dose, shrooms will likely make your dick limp for the trip duration.

Spores are perfectly legal to buy in all but 3 states. They're illegal to grow, but perfectly legal for microscopy. So, yeah, no one is gonna try and bust you for ordering legal spores.

>I puked before I could absorb enough actives. The nausea was horrific
ah yeah that'll be it then. you could always try some natural or pharmaceutical anti nausea.
semi unrelated, have you ever experimented with rue?
please post link

I had fresh squeezed lemon juice, tums, lemon essential oil, and fresh ginger. It helps a tiny bit I guess, but is generally ineffective at straight up preventing puking.

Are there special precautions you need to take in order to grow them safely then?

yeah. i'd go for something pharmaceutical.

but have you tried rue? and where is link

sterility and anticontamination protocols are key. cleanliness in general.

You obviously need privacy. Also general cleanliness, a small space heater, and a pressure cooker with a guage (Presto 01782 is generally considered the best for the price, but the bottom can bubble out if you apply too much heat).

If you're serious about growing, go to shroomery.org, visit the cultivation forum, and go through the stickies, trusted teks, and the most popular/viewed threads.

Don't know of any pharmas, and I have no insurance or connections, so it'll have to be OTC. I have thought of syrian rue for it's supposed MAOI properties, but that's it. I just accept nausea and puking as inevitable. Here's the link:

There are legal research chems you can get like 4-AcO-DMT that are similar to shrooms if you are too lazy to grow shrooms/think they taste disgusting.


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Fuck, I meant Presto 01781. It's the 23 quart model with a pressure gauge.

>I also puked into my hand and held up the slimy bile in a fist triumphantly in the air
the bowl i was smoking is all over the floor now but im not mad

Haha. Thanks, bro, and sorry. I didn't think you'd read all that shit, but then again, it's a niche interest. It was a crazy experience. I really miss weed. I haven't smoked in like 5 months or so.

>I didn't think you'd read all that shit
i was hoping it was one that i'd already read. i've been on shroomery since like a decade
nice report, good stuff about your mom.

How did you grow these mushrooms? Asking for a friend please provide intimate detail

I got a couple more breakthrough reports on reddit if you're interested. They were my first 2 Pan trips. I have one pan trip I didn't make a report on, but it wasn't quiiite as memorable as the first 2. And yes, the messenger entity (an "angel?") about my mom was quite memorable.

The username is Cuck_Liddell. Look at the threads posted. The second one has a rocky start, but whatever.

I only tripped once on shrooms and talked to animals,plants and trees looked man made. Everything looked too perfect like a cartoon.

Read the thread, you dumb fuk; I posted a guide. I'm only an intermediate and had only modest success, but for the expert advice of the largest, best, and most experienced growers on the planet, go to shroomery.org and read the stickies, trusted teks, and the most viewed threads. I highly recommend looking into monotubs and grain to grain transfers in a still air box.

I have a bag of 2 grams of dried shrooms my friend gave me back in like November.

Are these still good to use or will I die?

As long as they stayed dry, they'll be fine, maybe a little less potent depending on storage conditions.

Keep in mind mckenna didn't practice what he preached. According to his bro dennis, he had a bad shroom trip in the 80's and never did them again after that. Shrooms also vary hugely in potency. The strongest shroom experience I've had was off .5g, though it was in a combo with weed and harmalas. Ease into it imo.

hvnt had

>>Finally grow the highest regarded species of magic mushroom (Panaeolus Cyanescens) after much research
>High end shrooms are great, yo. Cubensis (common pleb shrooms) were reviled by the native Mexicans for shamanic use in favor of different species, and I can now see why.

Attached: 1521408514427.png (625x773, 111K)

secondhand accounts from people who actually read the books regarding native use by Maria Sabina and other shamans. So it's basically "some guys on the internet" but it is somewhat known, if obscure.

i was hoping for a name of a book or a link to an article