MFW the traps are in full on panic mode

>MFW the traps are in full on panic mode
it feels good to be fighting against the traps and their evil

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Other urls found in this thread:

>saving someone from the cruelty of women is evil
t. whore

>mfw they've already lost
>mfw this is just our victory lap

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Jow Forums is a fuckin battlefield, more 404's today than the past month
'tis entertaining.

I'm feelin chill as ever. The Jow Forumsfats seem to have gone full rabid with the thread creation.

One might even call it spam.

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>saving someone
>from their natural opposite
>turning them into a fake woman is helping them
the absolute state of /lgbt/

just go back to Jow Forums

all you're doing is transforming one trap thread into one trap thread one thread complaining about traps

you're damaging the board

but it's completely true.

No you go back to /lgbt/ turd raper, fuck off.

t. trap fag

Really wouldn't suprise me if half of them really are ogre looking bleeders. I've been subtly showing the female peers in my life the "amazing scientific development" in traps via sfw images of Bailey Jay, Natalie Mars, etc, all traps who far surpass them in beauty and always will. Wouldn't suprise me if the phenomena comes to a cultural head soon, likely before the sexbot controversy does.

The tears of legions of pussy hat wearers will be so delicious as they realize men have outsmarted them at the only thing they ever had of worth. Oh that sweet bussy.

It's hilarious because you Jow Forums niggers are the most evil fucks to have ever walked the earth.

>saving them
you are infecting them with your evil you are killing them

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fuck off you disgusting abomination, once this board was free of trapfags like you and it will be again

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>turd raper
Kek nice
Fags should be gassed

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No one who doesn't want to be a trap is gonna be convinced of it by shitposting you mongoloid. This is why you seem so repressed, fear of your own mind and desires shouldn't even be part of the equation.

>bailey jay
>"amazing scientific development"...traps who far surpass them in beauty

btw you check out linetrap today
obvious man with manly features poking through the haircut, the fake tits, the makeup

Bussybros dabbin on the haters. We outchea

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you fags are prying on broken and depressed young men you are the evil ones

>people that reject the notion that they should be replaced in their own homelands are THE MOST EVIL FUCKS TO EVER HAVE WALKED THE EARTH


based bussybro

these poltards are mental

>you're evil because you don't want me to post my asshole in all your threads and talk about getting fucked in the ass from niggers on craigslist, make up disgusting terms like "boypussy" and crossdressing and catching AIDS

Catch on fire and burn faggot that's what you're for, that's why you're called faggots. Fire coming to a gay bar near you to burn your ass up. Stay on your shitty board and fuck off.

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can you guys give me the basic gestalt? i was away today

Can someone tell me what the hell is going on

Are we? You're the ones who kill yourselves at extremely disproportionate rates, and lop off your own genitals. That seems pretty mental to me.

Beta uprising. We had enough of the tranny shills.

Absolutely SEETHING
The rage of the phallically challenged.
Please get raped and stomped to death by a pack of niggers. TODAY

I keep hearing about traps and blackmail; what the fuck is going on?

Fuck this gay shit keep fighting make it all go away

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The roasts I send that to don't know that. I haven't fapped to Bailey in years since she put on all that weight. Kitty Valentino is the pulse in my cock now

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Imagine all the infected HIV blood in this place after those fags got smushed. Rescuers probably had to wear hazmat suits. Must have been a nighmare.

We need more based fag removers.

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read up and join up

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Why do they like poop holes so much?

Anti trap serverXKgDtk
anti trap server
Anti trap server

>ooga booga muh asshole muh AIDS
Okay cool. Go the fuck away now faggot freak.

Onward and upward brothers! Keep the faggotry from this board and we may survive this harrowing raid! FOR GOD! FOR BOARD! FOR LIBERATION!

Shilling campaign to turn lonely depressed robots into traps.

Raiding boards on here is a rule violation.

Everyone should report these threads for violating global rules.



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Nothing turns on a queer like the smell of liquid faeces.

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Why isn't this a meme yet? A new variation of poo poo pee pee pepe and wojak gay edition.

i will not stop until all traps are gone from our home bother

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What the fuck is going on now and why are traps having a mental breakdown?

You mean like gay threads, raids from /lgbt/? kys

The Robot Liberation Front is happening. We're finally fighting back for the sake of Jow Forums and robots everywhere.

There's nothing going on as far as I know, but it's normal for traps and other leftists to be having breakdowns.

watch this it's crazy

reiko gets raped

Ah the beta uprising part 1. Its an honor serving with you bros

> trying to be a whore is better than being a whore
t. Retard

I can see your threads on Jow Forums blanting saying you are raiding here dipshit. /lgbt/ doesn't directly come out and say they are raiding because they aren't raiding, there a just a ton of fags on this website... hmm a website known for having traps on it... go figure!




Wait, are people only now realizing there's a cabal of trannies deliberately shitting up the board?

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No. We are just doing something about it now thanks to alies from pol

How do we stop men falling into the poo poo 'trap'?

Jow Forums has the attention span of a goldfish, they'll just forget about it in a few hours and the tranny spam will resume. What this board needs is actual mods.

It's hilarious you think they are allies.
Oh yeah at first it's "TOTALLY BASED!" and "CLEAN YOUR ROOM BUCKO!"
But then they'll take over your board like a virus and the former community you once had will be gone because everything devolves into Jow Forums shitflinging.
It'll happed to you because it happened to us.
truly, /tv/

>implying the trap threads and /r9gay/ aren't spam

They probably feel entitled to be psyopping this board like it's their right.