Sincerely - Jow Forums

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Thank you Jow Forums. We often call you degenerates, because of your radical right opinions, but you are exactly what we need in these times

The Robot Liberation Front stands with you.
Faggots and sinners will burn.
Together we will take back our imageboard. We will free it of the faggots and cucks slowly brainwashing robots and forcing them into submission.

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We will survive this most recent storm comrades

Remove trap. Trap is stink

It is time to take back our board.

I am going to conscript anons from other boards.

So where are the fags we are gonna burn?

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Jow Forums and Jow Forums, eternal friends.

shouldn't you be watching a golden brainlet video?

Thank you, brothers. We will win this fight together.

/r9gay/, but there are also many degenerate porn threads.

You know what it really comes down to with you pathetic "stoic" "traditional" larpers? You know, in REALITY, that if it came down to you either taking some ass or getting your ass taken- you'd be the bitch. And whats more... You're afraid of how much you'd enjoy it

Later ladies~ :3

Fuck those fags. Take the board back

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I can't wait til the civil war when I get to hate rape you faggots until you bleed and call me daddy then torture you for hours making you a bitch to my dick then cutting your arms open and putting in maggots and letting you rot in a pile of corpses like the rest of your friends

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cringe, but quality

I agree

less traps, more cunny

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Stop that you, those are minors

Not so much! This is the type of faggot who can't even make eye contact with a cashier, but give him a keyboard and watch out! You bitch, raise a hand to anyone and you'll end up in county for a week, and probably offer your ass to the biggest bull there for protection once you've emptied your bladder. None of your online experience translates to the real world.

Get fucked, fairy. Make it purple lipstick for me

Leave it to a Jow Forumstard to only adopt pedophilia and bigotry from classical religious values.

I would never raise a hand to some one! I would dump a whole Glock 17 of ammunition into them

Says the faggot who probably can't even squat a plate, you call me a fairy yet you're probably a 28 year old man in a tutu who is going to die alone and the only thing that wakes you up in the morning is pleasure, and your mind telling you everything is going to be ok over and over and over until you finally break under realization. You will die alone and be forgotten and your family will be happy to be rid of you, and you will just be another statistic in suicide/murder with your boyfriend while hes asleep. God I can imagine you on a cross bleeding out crying already. The suffering of retards like you really gets me going in the gym, especially when I get to fuck Stacy who in reality you know is the only reason you turned to a faggot because you couldn't even touch your mom's vagina.

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Bless you Jow Forums.
Thank you for assisting in this dire fight.

I doubt you could even pull the slide on a Beretta without getting bit, but do keep larping.

My daily carry is a Glock 17, I have fired it before. It make bang noise, you should try one on yourself faggot

I doubt he hasn't tried already user, faggot shill here probably couldn't even fire the trigger, or for that fact even hold it steady enough against his head.

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Only the best for hunting user.

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You have a reaction image from /v/, you've outted yourself as a gymcel perpetual child at best who can only slam a pig resembling his own mother on a good day (while a skinnyboi in perfect makeup sucks my seed for the 5th time today with a thanks and smile). All else is invalid spergery. Try not to fall for the SARM meme while on Jow Forums by the way, theres been enough unjust gun violence around lately without a Jow Forumstard roider on the prowl

Faggots get the rope

Kek, soyim getting mad.

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Spam these posters, faggots hate them, and they are 100% true.

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Don't give in Anons, continue to shitpost against the fags

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Aids is natures way of solving the fag question!

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You really do love jumping the gun and thinking you know people don't you faggot? In reality its people like you who will be the ones 6 feet under in the war for liberation against the fags. The know it all, the brave leader, the strong speaker who no matter what won't give up until he either makes enough money off the event, or until what he wants happens or utterely fails as it is failing right now. Call me a Jow Forumstard, a /v/tard reactionary, Jow Forumsizen these are what makes us anons you fucking retard. Nor do I even browse /v/ because vidya is merely for pleasure once I am done hitting it with Stacy after a long day of lifting. I listen to Jow Forums for news and the truth that is hidden behind the rubble because I believe that logic matters more than hear, I lift because I prepare for what will eventually happen on the liberties of the world. You cannot transform anyone here to the faggot side unless they're new, or are mentally unstable enough to listen to your acceptance therapy. You fight for a worthless cause so why not go find a nice girl and settle down user? Just someone who will cook for you, listen to you, cry with you, and might even have kids who will play with you, enjoy life with you, and make you proud. Its not too late to change user, brotherhood and masculinity is an idea and mindset that can be changed at the flick of a wrist. Come home brother.

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Frankly I think an AR-10 would be nice for hunting, except for the fact that semi-auto is banned for large game in some areas, along with "assault" magazines. A .223 just ain't great for a deer

This. These types of posters are great ammunition

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Why do you want little kids to be molested!? say no to fag "parents"!

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How's spamming a board with nonsense supposed to fix anything

You ask why all the sudden I am so nice and accepting well that is because I want you to push for what I said. Being able to fire a glock in rapid succession without dropping right after, being able to squat a plate and feel a major confidence boost after you hit over your max, surviving even in a horrible situation such as civil war. Think user, do you really want to waste away as an old man over this shit? This will only last until you're 30 and rotting away because you threw it all away. Go back to highschool and think about her user, everyone has that one.

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What's your grand plan?

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Why are faggots so disgusting?

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Finally we can be free from this faggotry

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We need to gas the faggots.

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Eh, its mostly for small animals like rabbits and squirrels, they make killer BBQ user you should try it some time. I leave the big guns when I go out camping in the woods, especially boar hunting, just cook the skin right off and taste meat right off the skin with BBQ sauce my God its a match made in heaven.

Completely original filters

In ancient Germany, they would drown faggots in the bog, and their bodies sink to the ground "to hide the shame that they brought to society"


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Get /comfy/ anons. This isn't even close to over

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thats very not nice. you guys post girl 24/7, why cant we post girl with cute penises?

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Fuck off faggot this isn't your board they aren't 'girls with dicks' they are abominations to the human race

You really did ignore my post after all I said, you truly are in denial and need help. Please let us help you brother, there is no need to attack your own any longer, why fight for the end when you can fight against it. You can fight it user, don't let this shit get to your head and ruin you, you can come back from this.

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Because those abominations are not "women" but disgusting creatures, not even human at this point!

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Yeah, good for pests. Hopefully they are good for home defense because I keep one next to the ol' 45

EIN REICH. EIN VOLK. EIN FUHRER. SIEG HEIL!! also fuck the whole not being original thing reeeee

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Bet the fuck they are, pierce human skin easily with the right rounds, and the blast from up close can really fuck some one up with the after shock, also nice trips user.

I don't care what you do, just keep it off r9k

>Because those abominations are not "women" but disgusting creatures, not even human at this point!

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Faggots are the shame of our societys

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you need to implant a bullet in your brain at high velocity.

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>I don't care what you do, just keep it off r9k
sorry user i just cant

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Holy shit, three dubs, my lucky day. Kind of thinking about springing for the tax stamp on a kalashnikov

Into the gas chamber you go, degenerate.

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Traps are gay in all conceivable scenarios and if you think otherwise then kill yourself
Anal sex is gay unless it's with a woman (no traps allowed)
Anal sex is not actual sex
Dying your hair is gay
Masturbating to anime or manga or whatever you faggots call it is gay
Fart-sniffing fetish (and all shit related fantasies in general) is degenerate and if this is you then go die a happy man by gassing yourself
Any sort of sexuality other than heterosexuality is gay
Atheism is heresy
Scientology is degenerate
Spending >$100 on a sex toy is degenerate
Not wanting to reproduce is both gay and degenerate (unless you have downs syndrome or you're not white or something, in which case it would be chivalrous)
Leftism as it exists today is degenerate, heretical, and gay
Feel free to extend the list

Fags are abominations. Kill them with fire

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post yfw we're relieved of all of the trap and gay shit on Jow Forums

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Instead of attacking them convert them user, hit them with the realization of what they're missing out on, surfing at the beach after a long day of work, enjoying a nice nighttime cuddle with my gf on the couch after a long day, feeling emotions of despair, happiness, and anger besides the illusion of pleasure, seeing your kids grow up and show you your grandchildren then when its all over and you breathe your last breath you see your big family surrounded all around you before it goes dark and light again, and before you fade away or go to heaven, you remember all the times you had in one go and smile one last time at your fulfillment.

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Why do you want to fuck mutilated, men? you sick fuck

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Actually I forgot 2 very important ones:
Miscegenation is degenerate in all conceivable scenarios aside from a white man and fertile asian woman being the last existing human beings on earth
Being attracted to a nigger or a part of one in any way, shape, or form is degenerate

By the dubs invested in me I say unto thee not to be a faggot and invest in a D. Eagle

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Well then fuck you and your heathen fetish

Why the fuck not both my dude. NOW THAT is a badass combination

Gas yourself immediately you degenerate fucking faggot


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>Miscegenation is fine as long as its i find it "QT"
Kill yourself, degenerate. Gonna make a bunch of "supreme gentlemen"

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Ill help
PS McGregor is a pussy

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You're first in line to the gas chamber.

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fucking attach the eagle to the front of the kov and figure out a way to fire both at the same time. Fucking shred flesh and bone like nothing but you might get launched 5 feet back from the impact

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Though I am more of a .500 man myself


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I could attach it as a front grip I suppose...

Christ, the projecting is through the roof in this post.

Whatever works user, or just duel wield kalashnikovs, unless you unlocked the akimbo perk and can duel wield desert eagles. Also magnums are for cowboy LARPers imo, the colt although a meme gun sounds beautiful when fired.

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the magnum may be a meme gun, but it IS more powerful than the eagle

>it is better to let the human races go extinct than at least create a mutt race between the 2 highest IQ races to survive the humans and continue man's quest towards the stars in a hypothetical scenario where only 2 humans are left in existence
How is this degenerate?

The fucking human species isn't going to go extinct "there's billions of chinks for fucks sake" only the white races existence is threatened, in reality there is no justification for burning the rice.

It's a hypothetical scenario. Aside from that, all miscegenation is degenerate to an absolute, including the consumption of rice.

>implying "radical" right isn't exactly what society needs right now.

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And pooing in the loo (figuratively speaking, for indians).

Neck yourself asap.

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pic semi-related

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