Tfw im not even a trap poster but i take faggots side on this one just for fun

>tfw im not even a trap poster but i take faggots side on this one just for fun
heh, nothing personnel kids

Attached: 1516963737735.webm (936x480, 227K)

Other urls found in this thread:

prepare for your end, sage

All traps shaII be purged from our homelands.

>just for fun
It's not hard to side with them. There's only 1-2 people posting troll trap threads, and a whole lot of stupid children posting "IT'S HAPPENING!!!" Jow Forums threads. Gays can be robots and shouldn't be banned, and the people taking up half the board with this forced, childish drama all deserve bans.

t. faggot

Die filthy kike fag

Attached: 1521670984170.png (800x800, 84K)

What do you think it would be like to jackhammer a traps bussy while he squeals and moans underneath you unable to stop his own precum from dribbling all over his face until you pound his prostate so hard he gives himself a facial

So you endorse this?

You're not fooling anyone /lgbt/

You're either misinformed or misinforming

The actual problem is a gay discord group has been exposed as running raids here to try and literally brainwash anons into becoming traps
If you dont have a problem with this or if you see people that have a problem with this as being the problem, well then you're cancer plain and simple

This is what makes it hot for me really. I just want to make a trap moan and cum uncontrollably. Problem is there isn't even a webm of a trap cumming in doggy while being fucked SAD

>im not even a trap poster but i take faggots side on this one just for fun

Oh I'm really sure you ain't Faggot now Kel sage

the day of the rope will come for even you

Almost totally passable

Attached: 1466908845883.gif (250x167, 339K)

You like big things in your poo hole because it reminds you of the feeling of taking a big shit.

Based Elliot Rodger has risen from the grave to fucking smoke these HIV-riddled niggerlovers

Daily reminder to all the faggots posting on Jow Forums.
Your days are numbered. Your posts are the tumors killing this board. You are the parasites leeching off of its existing community, which has been reduced to little more than a shadow of its former self.

I call upon every robot on Jow Forums to take up arms and defend this board. The holy war must continue and the pressure must increase until the faggots inevitably give way to the superior Robot cause.

Attached: RLM.png (769x769, 220K)

ughhh i wish that was me

>Daily reminder to all the faggots posting on Jow Forums.
>Your days are numbered. Your posts are the tumors killing this board. You are the parasites leeching off of its existing community, which has been reduced to little more than a shadow of its former self.
>I call upon every robot on Jow Forums to take up arms and defend this board. The holy war must continue and the pressure must increase until the faggots inevitably give way to the superior Robot cause.
umm no sweetie

Attached: 1496755724064.jpg (480x720, 37K)

Hehe I do the same thing it's so much fun. Especially since you know they're just sitting there getting mad because it gets to their repressed gayness. Loli-Ho!

You will be first in line to be gassed then.

Attached: STAFFEL.gif (456x522, 647K)

>ummm no sweetie
coping level: infinity

Attached: download.jpg (151x146, 7K)

NO, Reiko.
The trap cult ends here.
It ends now.
You've drawn blood, but never again.
It ends.

Fag sympathizers are as guilty as fags themselves

Attached: 1502431538350.jpg (800x460, 61K)

The 45% divide rate says otherwise

Purge The fags original spegotti

Attached: 1522204275210.jpg (657x527, 244K)

sage and let it die

I bring forth life.

Sage bombing is against the rules as is raiding.

you should desu
these Jow Forumsfags are being utterly obnoxious


Attached: 1523329889687.jpg (2240x1498, 737K)

>sage bombing
Get the fuck out already you loving actual closet faggots.

Please fuck off you vile scum

also origano and sage

Attached: 1519350354531s.jpg (125x121, 2K)

Also, I'd rather have aids than live in a fascist society.

And sages don't work with pictures, thanks for the reminder that pol is both new and stupid.

Oh no, not page six, how abhorrent.

Like OP I don't trap post, and my Interweb is slow, or else I'd go find Bailey Jay. I have one with sound, but, yeah, not here can that be posted.

Like this one

Not page ten, not today mister page tenny ten ten.