>trap threads that only convinced retards to buy girls clothes and a dildo
>Jow Forums threads claiming you as a subsidiary and dictating how you should live your life and how you should think
Why is every Jow Forums reaction to something so over the top and retarded
Inb4 one of them accuses me of being a tranny, I'm a robot and not some strawman you can use to push your agenda
Trap threads that only convinced retards to buy girls clothes and a dildo
Weren't the organized trap posters the ones really trying to
>"dictate how you live your life"
Yeah but who seriously is gonna go full hrt because of r9k? If they do we should laugh at them.
They never filled half the catalog
there's a man dead because of your disgusting antics.
have you no shame?
I'll take Jow Forums shit over endless tranny spam any day. This board is often borderline unreadable because a group of discord homos just cannot go a few seconds without telling you how gay they are.
A little because he liked one of my videos before he offed himself.
Nigger it's unreadable right now because of Jow Forumstards going into every thread with this shit
We are fucking /tv/ tier right now
Who the fuck died
The thing is that Jow Forums shit is infinitely more interesting and funny than tranny shit. That's not to say it is particularly interesting but literally anything is better spamming pics of dicks and assholes, or anime avatarfags just saying some proxy of "I AM GAY".
There's a rumor going around that the guy who shot himself on stream several weeks ago was pressured to do so by the Reiko trap cult
>infinitely more interesting and funny
Dude don't lie, it's just sperging out about trannies
There's very depressed, lonely, desperate men here who are told by literal deviant sexual predators that they will receive affection and love by destroying their body with hormones.
Then there's right wingers telling people to not listen to them and sort their lives out without destroying their bodies and changing their gender.
No matter which way you look at it, there's shitposting and then there's actual threats to people's mental health. Imagine a group of people that organize on discord simply to get as many robots to kill themselves as possible, relentlessly spamming it.
That's smells of more bullshit than the blackmail allegations
I just want to see what the average
poster looks like. More acne and grease than live skin, I'd imagine.
>Imagine a group of people that organize on discord simply to get as many robots to kill themselves as possible, relentlessly spamming it.
My dad works for 9/11
m00t did WTC
which IS more interesting and funny than literally anything trannies have ever posted
>Then there's right wingers telling people their lives will be fixed if they kill all the niggers, spics, and jews and that it's societies fault they are alone and if they just listen and bring back "conservative" values then their perfect wife is waiting for them
>what they look like
It's guys like this mostly
There is
Why should we put up with constant trap spam when there's boards specifically for this.
Theres also people who spend every waking hour of their day in front of a computer getting an endless feedback loop of all the evils and injustices that they PERCIEVE in the world as a form of distraction from the fact that they soend every waking hour of the day on the computer.
The spam is in reply to Jow Forums leaking here, if you were here for more than a week you would know that
>hey guys you can either side with LITERAL SOCIAL ENGINEERING RAIDS designed to make you a tranny or you're A NAZI
>hey guys change your political philosophy
Is not the same as
>hey guys you'll be loved if you destroy your body with drugs and become a sissy slut
Convince me otherwise.
no its literally part of raids meant to turn as many Jow Forums anons into traps
you cant lie about this you disgusting faggot
its been exposed now
deal with it
Read that back to me and tell me you didn't meme yourself retarded
>reeeeeeeeeeee kill everyone that doesn't act like or look like is, the day if the rope is coming, drive them all out everything belongs to me, it's mine and you belong to me and must do as I say or you're an enemy that should die
Is not
>hey guys change your political philosophy
Dont try to present one side as being reasonable when both are acting nuts, that discredits you and shows a bias
How fucking retarded do you have to come up with this?
>some people have right wing views
>better psyop the entire board with 30 trap spams a day
Praise Trump! Praise Kek!
Board wars are some gay shit I tell ya what but it's not like this is the first time this has happened. It usually blows over after a day when everyone calms down only to happen again a month later. Best thing to do is to just avoid the board for today and go do something else. The good thing about the people raiding Jow Forums have pretty short attention spans so they'll get bored pretty quickly and go away. As for the trap shit, just spam that shit with dubs or filter them out and make better threads instead.
Reminder that trap pysops have been going on for MONTHS and the pol spam has been only 1 day at most. Also "DICTATE YOUR LIFE" is bullshit Trap posters were literally black mailing and fucking with peoples minds to make them fuck up their lives permanently.
Sage and report all trap posters.
Fight for your board and reclaim the comfy.
Trap posters just have a specific fetish and crossover with many Jow Forums users, same as giantess, mommy, cunny, and many others. Trap posters are not organized nor passionate enough about our fap material to raid. We're just laughing at how stupid and contrived a plot you've convinced yourself this all is and further bootyblasting you.
If mods disagreed we'd know. Theres not many other red boards woth high enough traffic to have nonstale trap threads. Filter the word bussy, hide the threads, move on.
Conversely, there IS a designated board for tinfoil hatters, bigots, racists, and politically minded posters. Its Jow Forums. Maybe fuck off back there and see if your mood changes
See? it's the same fat fucks that are stupid enough to follow politics even if they get fucked over either way.
I guarantee I've been here longer than you faggot. If you think this is the normal state of affairs. Not gonna fall for your Jow Forums boogyman. There's a concentrated effort to shill.
The normal state of affairs has always been sad boys hanging around with some fags also hanging around, then you stupid faggots showed up spouting Jow Forums retardation everywhere, putting people off, and then people pushed back in a way that easily made you upset
Jow Forums isnt your safe space, go back to r/the_donald faggot
>if you don't like faggots spamming your board trying to convince men to turn into submissive fake women you must OBVIOUSLY BE A EVIL RACIST NAZI THAT KILLS PEOPLE
Your argument is absolutely retarded, you talk about not having a bias yet it's plain to see you're the type that would ban any political talk right of Marx because you think it's an extremely dangerous ideology that must be censored at all times.
Again, I will reiterate that trap threads prey on weak people and Jow Forums threads don't. Nobody who is a leftist is suddenly going to become a right wing nazi death squad member who kills all minorities. There is a much higher chance that some desperate user who has been rejected by women all his life is going to be brainwashed into becoming a sissy faggot.
>y-your argument is bad
>even though it's backed up from just looking at the catalog
Fuck off Jow Forumstard, you lose this one
>>if you don't like faggots spamming your board trying to convince men to turn into submissive fake women you must OBVIOUSLY BE A EVIL RACIST NAZI THAT KILLS PEOPLE
Your lot keep posting pics of hanging niggers and glorifying nazi aesthetic/attire. Next.
>Your argument is absolutely retarded, you talk about not having a bias yet it's plain to see you're the type that would ban any political talk right of Marx because you think it's an extremely dangerous ideology that must be censored at all times.
Absolutely nothing to do wuth the topic at hand.
>Again, I will reiterate that trap threads prey on weak people and Jow Forums threads don't.
Bullshit, Jow Forums is tribalism incarnate. You are this mad about people with different tastes in porn than you. You also clearly don't have time that is valuable if carrying on like this feels good. Do some self reflection.
YOU are full of shit and an obvious bullshitter and anybody who has been on this board for more than a day can spot it. Nobody spams their fetish with multiple threads every day, every hour like trap posters. Nobody goes into random threads telling robots to transition and they'll feel better.
You're just trying to make it so anyone who opposes your sick fetish is some nazi, and you're terrible at it. Nobody's falling for your shtick. Go ahead call me a nazi even though I'm Jewish, faggot.
>trap threads prey on weak people and Jow Forums threads don't
lol. Jow Forums and other radical political groups' entire recruiting strategy is to focus on isolated social rejects and give them a sense of community and an enemy to fight against so they'll be your useless pawn. Stormniggers, alt-right fags, and other Jow Forumstards have all said this.
YOU are full of shit and an obvious bullshitter and anybody who has been on this board for more than a day can spot it. Nobody spams their fetish with multiple threads every day, every hour like trap posters
Theres always a giantess, mommy, lactation, blacked, colonized, sometimes even a vore thread up. I don't care what your political views, race, or religion is. I don't measure a man by such things. You've been bested by a guy who lusts for skinny faggots in skirts. Pop a xanax and sleep it off.
Edgy and ebin.