>gf out buying weed from a coworker for her sleeping teeth grinding issues
who /dudeweedlmao/ here?
>gf out buying weed from a coworker for her sleeping teeth grinding issues
who /dudeweedlmao/ here?
she prob zukd his dink so she saves money lol
Why not just get one of those mouth pieces for sleeping?
its a girl and I'm paying for it tho
Apparently she says it doesn't work. I don't see how though, seems fine when shes sleepin.
Weed is addictive as much as people would like to tell you otherwise, she's just a user looking for an excuse.
Stop spreading lies GTFO. I bet you haven't even smoked the plant before. Double stuff oreos are literally more addictive than weed.
>lowered IQ
>mental deficiencies and illness
>lung tar
I don't think it's as addictive as other things but it's certainly not perfect. If she does nothing all day but smoke weed I think I'll confront her about it. I'm more worried about my apartment smelling like it.
Girls that do illegal drugs dont always pay with money
Sorry user
She eats pussy and keeps the money? Win win
I don't like the dry plant too much but I like dabs a lot. They feel a bit different to me. Like the dry plant makes me stoned and paranoid while the dabs just lifts my mood and senses. Can one of you degenerates explain this to me I only do it with friends
The people replying to you are dumb. Weed is habit forming, and while it's not physically addictive it can be mentally addictive. I use weed for pain and depression. I am trying to quit but I'm having real trouble.
Smoked enough to know I hate the experience.
Good luck, user, knew a few kids who struggled to quit, don't give up.
Weed is another thing that allows people with addictive personalities to channel their addiction through. It's as good as alcohol or tabacoo because
1. It's easy to obtain
2. It's effortless to consume
3. It's effective within an hour of consumption(quick)
so now if you're the average depressed loser Jow Forums poster, you have an easy way of neglecting your responsibility to yourself to be a better person by consuming these degen drugs. I don't know why this is hard for people with addiction problems to grasp. You can smoke weed or drink alcohol once in a while, but there is a problem if you consume then on the regular.
Weed is good and makes me feel good and I have nothing to prove to a guy posting on a lambic homebrewing forum
>1. It's easy to obtain
Floridafag with no friends here. I beg to differ.
>Don't know you can buy concetrated THC extract online for your vape. No odour
It's easy if you're not retarded
I'm too paranoid to do that
Okay, so it's easy to obtain but you're too fucking paranoid.
Good. Don't go down that road , user.
But it's not like I'm doing anything else with my life. I'm tired of the bad feelings, maybe going to jail would be worth it.
unironically this
You paid for her to get dick from her girldealers BF.