No bussy thread

>no bussy thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

delete your thread and then blow your brains out no one wants your filth here

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Needs more busy

>ss wojak
lmaoing at ur life

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Thanks for posting my waifu again, OP. I love Chocola so much.
KYS redditor


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oregano oreo oregairu

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pls retards go to your designated shitting board

>posting anime in 2018
lmaoing @ your gay life

Get out of here, reddit invader!
I come here to share stories with fellow robots, not drown in your raid.


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Chocola isn't a trap. Kill yourself, reddit scum.


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you should try it user ^_^

Return to your website, invader! This is anime-lover territory!

t. faggots on the defensive

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Really really surpsied this is an original post Des Des desu

friendly reminder that anime is a ploy by the japanese to turn the west gay.

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>calls others faggots
>doesn't like the perfect waifu
Go back to your camp, invader.

your time has finally come we will not let you pray on our brothers any more. now begone and never come back.

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sage the trap threads.
burn the fag.
gas the tranny .

Why are you on an anime website? How many times must this be asked?
Lurk moar or leave, invader.

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We must keep pushing comrade, the Nat-Bol alliance will exterminate all fags

>faggots on the defensive
i-i'll be your s-sub user... :p

Get out, invaders. Chocola isn't a trap. For the love of God, why must you come to Jow Forums to spread such nonsense against 2D kind?

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>still thinking Jow Forums is an anime website
there's a reason you fags have containment boards.

most anime is fine it's all the trap shit that needs to go

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You really need to fucking leave, you cancer.

Reminder to all robots,

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Get off my board and head back over to fucking faggot

Chocola isn't a trap, you fucking turdlet.

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fuck off Jow Forumsscum. this is an anime board.


ALL anime is only made to turn young vulnerable men gay. there's a reason reiko and his cronies all use anime names and profile pics

i love 2d pussy but i hate traps

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a-a-are y-you cute

>mfw a bussy thread has gotten this many (you)s

This war is go splendidly

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>this is what the invaders ACTUALLY believe
Anime is our gateway out of anxiety. Stop trying to take everything from us.

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>no bussy thread up

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that's exactly what the japs want you to think. they know you are vulnerable and they are taking advantage of you. don't let them win, user

Chocola is so cute. I'd rather fight the invaders here than in other threads with stolen Jow Forums memes.

If you're not into anime, if you don't require an escape from reality, why are you on Jow, of ALL places? How lost are you, young soul?

y-yes... i'll be extra cute just for you user :s

But jap boys are practically already girls ready to be bred by strong American cock?
>what did user mean by this?

>turn men gay
all most all anime girls have big tits and fat asses. and there aren't that many traps in most anime.

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what the fuck are you even trying to say?
has anime rotted your brain this much?

The jews and the japs want you to become gay. that's why the water and plastic has so much estrogen and why anime makes you a fag.
you're the lost soul

Please remain on /lgbt/ and your discords. Your ruining the fun of people who don't care either way. Do this shit to normies.

He's clearly asking why someone (You) who isn't a depressed anime fan is spending time on a site strictly for depressed anime fans

How bad is your reading comprehension retard? Why is it that all you Jow Forumsniggers have such a low IQ?
>stupid Jewish conspiracy nonsense
You idiots are too stupid to think of anything else. You want the world to be so simple and for their to be some "final boss" you can fight because otherwise you can't handle the world.

that's not the point. men looking at cute anime girls make them want to become like them. especially when they are sexually frustrated like most men on Jow Forums. they think it will make their life better and then they just end killing themselves when they age.

I am a lost soul, but I found my place here. It is YOU who don't belong here.
I want you to rethink your position on anime, please. You'd do better with converting us robots to your cause if you were in the very least likable, like the anime posters(Who may be gay, I don't know) can be.

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>Do this shit to normies.
Splendid idea for our next phase! You will surely make a strong captain in the grand bussy war!



I-Id like that owo

Enjoy getting v& by glow in the dark Chips Hanson FBIs guy

you don't even realize what they're doing to you.
its a slow boil my friend. you may not think you're gay right now but as you take in more anime shit you will become more comfortable with these ideas and before you know it you will be on hrt.

>implying I would ever seek out underaged or otherwise illegal gains in my quest for bussy
Disgusting! Consider yourself demerited!

>its a slow boil my friend
Surely no slower than the cum churning, brewing in my loins? I require release user, and if I'm not mistaken you have 2 cum receptacles built right in...

i'm wearing some lingerie right now underneath this frilly dress

I feel bad that you see anime, which is an art form, as some form of degenerate trick. I can assure you, not all anime exists to turn you gay. I'm at least comfortable enough with my loneliness and heterosexuality to indulge in anime quite often. If you're not lonely or feel so insecure about the effects of a video on your willpower you must use to stop you from trying to transition, I can see why you'd want to refrain from anime.
May I suggest stopping in your quest against anime, though? It's not the medium you think it to be. Even if it's dangerous for you, as you're on the edge of transitioning, not all of us are even close to that. I enjoy seeing other people's taste in anime and love discussion on such topics, as well as cute reaction images taken from anime. There's nothing wrong with it, as it beats having to talk on a microphone or face-to-face with real people. Besides, I hold pic related to be true in my heart.

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i have never looked at a cute anime girl and thought i wanted to be a girl. and i don't know that anybody thinks like that.

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how fucking dare you imply that i am contemplating transitioning. i don't even think you're worth saving anymore.
enjoy the many cocks that will be in your mouth in the future faggoloid

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Oh shit, I hope I didn't set you over.
I might as well be helpful since I did that. Here's where you can get started.
My apologies, user. At least you can start watching anime again!

fucks off jew.

You forgot your anime girl picture. Here's one on me.

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literally only 3 of these people are relevant to r9ks current situation