Please help us /nu-pol/

>please help us /nu-pol/

the absolute state of /nu-r9k/

Attached: Capture.jpg (1599x357, 97K)

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Scared trapposter detected

It's spelled "new."
I hate 2018 newfags.

That may be cringy larping but I prefer that shit 10000x compared to "why havent u transitioned yet user ull become a cute girl xD" with an anime picture over and over and over and over again

afraid arent we?

we hate tranny threads but hate Jow Forums as much. he'll get banned for calling for a raid

that rule is for other websites dipshit

I wish the raids would end already.
It's not April 1st anymore.

you have to go back nupol

Attached: Capture.jpg (344x89, 20K)

Are you acting like this is something new? Everyone knows this has been going on for years. Jow Forums has been gayified cancer since at least 2016

and other boards
all non-fags welcome, NEWfag.

Here is some nice things to post about in tranny threads.

Attached: dilating.jpg (960x696, 131K)

as well as fun srs regret story.

Attached: hmJQSBU.png (1409x4383, 685K)

We must stop this hostile invasion, by any means necessary.

Here is the outcome of said surgery

Attached: nu-vagina.jpg (1796x1960, 633K)

oh fuck thats disgusting

Jow Forumsfag here. Never fear little robots, Jow Forumsis a board of peace.

Which one? The tranny groomers or the anti tranny groomers?

obviously the raid that is trying to brainwash us into cross dressing

Kill yourself, faggot (((trap forcer))).
>well I was wrong, the Jow Forumstards are a godsend
>Isn't that a bit shortsighted, what happens when we're overrun by Jow Forumstards?
>No problem, we simply unleash wave after wave of lesbian tumblrinas, they'll wipe out the Jow Forumstards
>But aren't the tumblrinas even worse?
>Yes, but we're prepared for that. We've lined up a fabulous type of shitposter that posts scat porn
>But then we're stuck with scat porn!
>No, that's the beautiful part. When WW3 rolls around, we simply vaporize to death