Who else here /trap posting masterrace/

who else here /trap posting masterrace/
so much fun to watch the autistic poltards and frustrated virgins attack theyll eventually sucumb to the truth

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The truth that traps are gay

if traps are gay then you're a raging faggot bby

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Hahahaha, holy fuck, the damage control is real.
Your days are numbered you degenerate psychopathic pedophile s.


t. closeted sissys

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you and your kind must be erased permanently

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i hope yuo bleed out

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RIP fag psyop

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the only people that unironically find traps attractive are the lowest of the low on the social ladder, not everyone is as big of a fucking loser as you are

why are you calling yourself a loser senpai

Discord gang better get a good attorney on retainer

The truth that you'll kill yourself by 30?

so sorry your tranny psyop got exposed op, guess you will have to suffer in solitude :(

I trap post so goddamn much. Makes newfags ridiculously upset.

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TRANNIES GET THE ROPE TOO! Faggot degeneracy is WRONG.

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There are powerful men who disagree

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And here, we have, once more, the trademark response of every single trap, whenever confronted;

All this shit is so truly fucked, but right my dick is control. Little else makes me harder than seeing nice smooth erect girl dicks. The glans must be exposed. It's the most beautiful part.

Wouldn't you rather have her than some faggoty trap?

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Your existence is not tolerated here.

Woe to our sinful generation, leave this unnatural act and capital sin and convert to the Orthodox Church.

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Notice how they never post pictures of what HRT and transitioning does to you IRL

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Yeah taking HRT totally is exactly the same as getting surgery you

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does she have a feminine penis? then she might be something.

This thread should not exist. Go to Tumblr or anywhere else, but not our sacred Jow Forums.

The only feel i have is hatred for you literal niggers

both permanently damage you retard

Soda fucks your life up more and I don't see you raiding the coca cola twitter you idiot 56% ape.

>only love my waifu
>don't give a shit about male/female/tranny/otherobnoxiousshit
>get to sit back and watch the edge on all sides
True master race, reporting in.

>this desperate damage control

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>"hahahaha i have hundreds of pictures of trap porn saved to troll leee autist neets of r9k CCxx"
>"i don't jerk to it it's just for making virgins heated"

who's really taking damage here?

We're not stopping you traps from being traps, we're just sick of your constant propaganda threads. Can't you post without having to promote your sexual preferences all the time?


Ah, a fellow intellectual. Jow Forums is proving to be quite entertaining today, isn't it?

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>sucumb to the truth

The truth of eventual suicide lol.

Post real traps then not women with dicks

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It was a pleasant surprise, that's for sure. Had a decent, but taxing day, and this ragefest is the perfect thing to cap it off.

>Tfw no trap gf


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2 years on hrt, do i pass? :)

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Rand for president

I wonder how long this will last. I'm surprised the traps took the bait and are raging as much as the anti-traps.

All of this is definitely proving to be good background browsing while I play yugioh

>anime traps = girls with dicks
>real traps look like men in drags
stop this meme. it's old and boring.

It's the internet. Even worse, it's Jow Forums. Once I figured out what was going on I knew we'd be in it for the long haul.
I'm just getting my fingers in as many thread pies as I can, so when they inevitably 404 from the fagfest I can still net some (You)'s and have decent discussions.

That dick is shaped the wrong way for a prostate massage