ITT: Autistic shit you do only when no one is around
>have a terrible habit of singing about only the most menial shit
>IE, I'll go grab a can of soda and sing/rap
I can't fucking stop no matter how hard I try
Autistic shit you do only when no one is around
I don't do autistic shit.
i make a retarded back of the throat clicking sound when no one is around
I stim sometimes
Do I even want to know?
None of this ever worked, you sociopathic fuck.
Made me laugh. Gave me a hearty El Oh El if i do say so myself!
i hunt Jow Forums threads for femanon posters and ask them to be my gf
the fact you are herer proves you wrong
>talk to myself a lot
>talk to my dog a lot
>dance around like a flailing lunatic, looks like a seizure
>rock back and forth to calm myself
>has to be naked as often as possible
>turn off all the lights in the house, stumbling in the dark is better than bright lights
>goes on Jow Forums
>say shit like "you're retarded" to myself under my breath
>think about random embarrassing moments and my life and audibly curse
Holy fuck I literally do the exact same shit OP, but I think it's funny as fuck so it becomes REALLY autistic.
>chuckle randomly (at nothing)
>smile with my eyes closed for up to a minute at a time (usually when i'm upset about something)
>organize something that's mess and immediately make it a mess again once it's fully tidy
i can make myself fall asleep like this
>Screech and act completely crazy,tell myself im losing my mind and that this is the best way to control all the rage i have in me
>Say "Ebin" in a retarded sounding voice
>Say "Brap" when I fart loudly
>pace back and forth in my room making speeches or arguing with myself about shit like politics or philosophy
>say memes like btfo and "really makes me think" out loud about 70 times a day
i watch twitch tv :-)
>pace back and forth in my room making speeches or arguing with myself about shit like politics or philosophy
i do this all the time why am i so autistic
Out of all the posts in this thread this one is so far the most autistic by a wide margin
>tfw single
>out shopping
>make it a point to find the cutest cashier
>probably look like a total creep scoping the registers
>shoot the shit with said cute cashier
>can sometimes make them laugh
>never once asked for a number
Hahahah are you serious? That's pretty fucking awesome bro! LMAO post moar lyrics of yours! :D
Volume needs to be on an even number on every piece of electronics I own
I make the Metal Gear Solid ration consumption noise every time I eat.
In the shower I pretend like I can control the water as it runs off my fingertips.
why you gotta shit on me user