ITT: Post the truth about trannies

Post all your material here

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Do not take the pink pill. It will only make your life worse.

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bumping a truth thread

This is the end result of mutilating your penis because you deluded yourself into thinking you're a girl

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Here's some more

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this biogirl approves of your thread

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I mean it's definitely bad, but it's not as bad looking as the ftm franken penis.

shut the fuck up you ugly tranny

Much better to deal with this than to deal with gender dysphoria, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety.

This is their

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Woaw user you look pretty good!

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No no it really is not

Its not as bad as youd think heres an anecdote from a trans

My dilation schedule from Christine McGinn was five times a day for the first eight weeks
Three times a day for weeks 9 24 Once a day for weeks 25 52
And then twice a week from then on Each session should last about 20 minutes once its fully in

It definitely is for me. I'd rather have to deal with this than wanting to die all the time.

Most trannies post OP commit suicide and have regrets about mangling their dick so you're wrong. You'll eventually join them.

yeah turns out combating a mental illness is actually hard??? you took the easy way out you degenerate trap faggot, you probably already realise this and know deep down that you'll kill yourself in about 3-5 years so yeah gl

eh, your gonna blow your brains out anyway.
Why make other ppl miserable having to look at your hideous man face pretending while you pretend to be a girl?

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Post a source for this claim.
>getting medication and surgery to fix my problem which is what scientists, doctors, and psychologists recommend is the "easy way out"
I don't care if it was anyways. My dysphoria is gone. I'm happy now.

Do you feel the same way when you go out with your face pretending to be someone with a soul?

Your anxiety will only get worse when you realize you can't pass and society rejects you even more. The only time it will work if you're blessed with genes and rich. And even then, getting rid of your penis and hormone playing is still a bad idea.
See you in hell tranny

Trannies are mentally retarded

>not combating the root source of your mental illness """gender dysphoria""" and instead pretending to be a little girl
you're a complete fucking idiot and you deserve the shit life you've created for yourself

Firstly nice job moving the goal posts.
>Inpatient care for psychiatric disorders was significantly more common among sex-reassigned persons than among matched controls, both before and after sex reassignment. It is generally accepted that transsexuals have more psychiatric ill-health than the general population prior to the sex reassignment.[18], [21], [22], [33] It should therefore come as no surprise that studies have found high rates of depression,[9] and low quality of life[16], [25] also after sex reassignment. Notably, however, in this study the increased risk for psychiatric hospitalisation persisted even after adjusting for psychiatric hospitalisation prior to sex reassignment. This suggests that even though sex reassignment alleviates gender dysphoria, there is a need to identify and treat co-occurring psychiatric morbidity in transsexual persons not only before but also after sex reassignment.
Thirdly, it's been the case for me that gender dysphoria was the primary cause for my depression and anxiety. So alleviating gender dysphoria led to me becoming mentally healthy. I don't have a comorbid psychiatric illness.
And finally,
>see you in hell
That means you're going to go to hell too.

>have healthy genitals, but still wish you were a girl

>permafuck your genitals and cut your benis :D off to pretend you're a girl
>constantly dealing with infections, pain, blood and pus coming from your open wound you refuse to allow to heal
>you STILL think the 2nd option is better

ahahahahahahha the absolute STATE of trapfags!!!!!

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>root source
Nobody knows the root source for transgenderism. Neuroscientists are finding things in trans brains that might indicate that we're neurologically wired like our innate gender but of course you're probably going to go off about pseudoscience like Blanchardism.
Nope. I'm doing great. :)

I don't deal with any of those problems. I'd rather do what I think is best for myself and what the scientific community believes is best for me than what some loser here thinks is best because of his ignorance.

Not him, but I have a soul. I feel pity for you transfags. I wish the medical industry tried harder to fix your mental illness instead of making it worse. But they dont, and there's not much I can do but shitpost and hope you have some common sense and decide not to chop your benis off. Those that cut their benis off deserve to be laughed at.

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> finding things in trans brains that might indicate that we're neurologically wired like our innate gender
no its just called being a delusional faggot. you won't admit that you let your weird little fetish go too far and get out of control to the point of legitimately thinking you were born the wrong gender lmao, there's a reason you lot try to kill yourself at extremely high rates and we both know why :)

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Jesus wtf
is worse than I thought

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Everyone who takes the pink pill should stay away from the penile inversion surgery. It's expensive and takes away the whole reason people like trannies.

There are men and women who both like trannies for the sole reason they are for all practical purposes girls with dick. Take the dick away and the whole prospect becomes less attractive.

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fuck your tranny bullshit cunt
stay in /lgbt/ and dont prey on depressed anons looking for anything you absolute cunt

Seriously, those docs are blowing smoke up your ass. Sex change technology is absolute shit. The're doing not much more than chopping the benis off and molding the remaining flesh into something vaguely like a bagina. Your body is still designed to be a man, despite all the hormones and surgery you fucked your body up with. And your body will fight to fix your fuck up as best it can.

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This is why we can't shame gay people. Instead of just being normal healthy people that like to have a dick up their but they are ashamed messes of people that think the only acceptable way for them to have sex with a man is if they are a "woman".

Blame women for this, they influence men and other women to ostracize, reject and hate beta males while upholding the feminine as the ultimate human image. If it weren't for this these people would be intact men.

i actually feel sorry for him

I'm a biofembot lesbian who's been getting into lgbt communities to stop loneliness and depression and therefore have made a bunch of tranny friends

And if you are like "well I'll just fuck one of the ones that DIDN'T cut off their dick"... it's not a pretty sight

It atrophies REALLY REALLY easily.
They have to masturbate at least twice a day to make sure it doesn't shrivel up and die. It's something about how the blood pumping and the hormone stop men from having morning wood which stops the atrophying in normal men.

I've been sent a lot of weirdo tranny nudes. a) their tits are ALWAYS weird. Even the really well passing ones. They always look like weird triangle man tits.
b) Their dicks are always disgusting. I can't describe how. It always looks like it's one day from death.
Hair loss is BIG. Hormones especially the cheap internet kind causes hair loss like crazy. It's why so many trannies wear wigs.

Honestly, you might as well just fuck a drag queen.

You lesbian?

Its just a fantasy, nobody actually wants to have sex with one of these freaks.

>chopping the benis off
Not trans, but that's not how the surgery works. It's still pretty bad, but saying "chopping it off" just makes you look stupid.

It's worse than chopping it off, honestly.

I never said it was good.


The oregano in this post amaze me.

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You've confused "gay" and "trans", dumbass.

And not even all gay men like a dick up their ass.

I knew they had problems. When you argue with a tranny on the internet they act like life is all candy and sunshine, but this is what they're like behind closed doors.

I fukken knew it!!!

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It sucks too because not even therapy can help these people. They just want to reach their end goal and nothing is going to stop them from getting it. It's only after they reach the end that they decide whether they even wanted it in the first place.

Literally the first sentence in her post.

why would somebody do this to themselves?

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all these trap threads are just promoting being a mentally ill fucktard who has a 40% of committing suicide because they are lost in their delusions and realize too late how much they just fucked themselves over.

imagine the smell


You are correct. They are taught from their other trans friends who 'cracked their egg' that any regret or questioning they have is just 'dysphoria'.
"The fact I'm not the cute anime girl I thought I as going to be is dysphoria, not that I'm fucking retarded and thought I was going to be an anime girl"
They legitimately think that being a girl = being cute, ignoring that ugly women exist. And if they aren't that, they just haven't been on HRT enough or whatever else delusional shit.
Honestly the discord trap shit doesn't surprise me in the slightly based on the 'egg' shit I already know for sure is going on with trannies circles.

I think they are all autistic. They hang onto the idea of something and just can't let go. "I would be so happy as a cute girl I will be I will be" like an autistic downs kid getting obsessed over something. They can't let go.
I've made a few okay trans friends. Wouldn't touch one sexually with a ten foot pole though.

You don't choose to become afflicted with gender dysphoria, it's just something that happens. That fact makes me wish there were some alternative, I don't believe that HRT or surgery or even crossdressing is the way to go but no one here or anywhere else talks about other methods of treatment.

I'm not a tranny but I feel bad for them.

It's called mental illness. Also, kikes. Read Siege, and you'll understand that this is all due to the jews.

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>mental illness
Why does this seem to be synonymous with "intentionally not making good choices" whenever Jow Forumsfags use it?

Large majority of mtf like sex with men no?

So how do I bang that?

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>guy gets depressed
>has distorted view on world
>everyone agrees with his distorted world view instead of telling him it's not as bad as he thinks
>guy kills himself

this is what these fucking retards are doing with all this trap shit. you got mentally ill faggots with delusions, and people are promoting their delusions until these people end up fucked beyond repair and kill themselves.

most "traps" are ugly and are only fucking themselves up. this is so stupid it's kinda funny.

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It's called a trap because once you've tried it once, you can't go back

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toga isn't a trap though

>remembers that post from reddit about a tranny who fucked herself with dilator too soon after srs and ruined her vagina

>I think they are all autistic. They hang onto the idea of something and just can't let go
Transgender disease is rampant in the speedrunning community

Doesn't matter had sex desu

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>posts a pretty anime chick
>thinking most traps look like this
the delusions continue. plus, for actual decent looking traps, the chances of ending up with one is damn near zero. you have more chance getting with a pretty girl because of the simple fact that there are WAY more pretty girls than pretty traps. plus there's all that mentally ill stuff ... that kinda sucks to have to deal with.

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Most of reiko's gang only posts anime traps in their thread. Remember to bring everyone back to reality in their shill threads by posting what it really looks like.

You're mistaken, I'm addicted.
Actually I'm just laughing at how paranoid you dumb teenagers are. It's hilarious.

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>posting hentai traps who are practically chicks with dicks
>not delusional

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Poor lad's penis shriveled up and died because he believed the trap memes

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>shaved hair follicles poking in to an open wound

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You're wired to be a gay man but society fucked it up for you. Sorry user

And furry communities. Does Sonic have a large trans fanbase? That would make sense.

Jow Forums is such a strange case. Most of the time the 'trans' who are just gay dudes are the most sane and it's the """lesbians""" who are the most delusional. You guys are are truly exceptionable.

I'm a biological lesbian and accidental trans expert, AMA.

tfw no actual girls in my lgbt club have sent me nudes in the six months I've been there but three fucking trannies have

I was a trap for a year, then quit. Homosexuality is a choice and a sin, and it is what separates us from being animals.

I can't speak for the discord people but that doesn't seem to be the case in the times I've read through tranny stories, they don't always seem to be depressed and sometimes when they are the gender hang ups or desires seem to have come first. That's why I think an alternative treatment for dysphoria needs to exist, I don't think people should feel fake but being made comfortable to feel as a male and feeling like a genuine person in the clothes of your birth gender shouldn't be such a taboo goal for people with this illness.

Is that tranny Ben Franklin?

>they are for all practical purposes girls with dick
They're men with breasts.

Plastic surgery has all sorts of shit like this. faggots are injecting mineral oil into their ass. Not sure why you pick this issue as your world domination plot.

Imagine trying to help someone you really care about only to be called a transphobic and a bigot. Poor Dad.

Is it the feminisation narrative? because they inject their biceps too