I know I'm late but who is this and why did he do it?
Shuaiby Suicide
Other urls found in this thread:
He's a robot who committed suicide.
He did it because he was suicidal.
What the fuck do you want from me, a history essay?
he got blackmailed with trap shit, then couldnt afford the hrt and killed himself with a shotgun live on YT
hes a cool guy, but probably needs to end himself
Basically this orignianla
He was that mentally unstable that he killed himself? shows what HRT can do to you jfc
another robot free. cant wait to join
he fall for the trap scam that is going on r9k.
ROBOTS need to take back their board, making it free from trap manipulation.
>got fooled into all this trap shit
>tried taking HRT
>committed suicide by blowing his brains out for his mom and relatives to find
>fuck this guy
He simply wanted to be a NEET, and that wasnt an option.
Where is the evidence for all this trap nonsense?
>Where is the evidence for all this trap nonsense?
What ... what the fuck? Look at this board you fucking retard. You have people posting trap hentai, and fooling dumb ugly men into thinking that that's how they look when in fact 99% of most traps look like ugly men in drags.
And they are promoting a mental illness where 40% of the sufferers commit suicide because they realize too late how much they fucked themselves..
I simply cannot buy that every male on this board is that gullible, unless there is some evidence in the discords he was part of suggesting it.
no fuck the people who coerced into that state, we are working on vengence for our fallen brother and the others that where indoctrinated and mutilated themselves because of these bastards
There are screenshots of their discord where they plan this. This video has most of the evidence gathered so far.
Justice for Shuaiby desu
not every male obviously, just a small percentage that actually believe the lowtier trap bait threads because they're fucking idiots
Wtf thats some crazy shit. Still dont know if I am entirely convinced but interesting for sure.
No fucking proof. I watched the video, there is not even a hint that shuaiby killed himself because of this
False. Reiko kid just wants to make himself look like he has more power here.
This. His friend posted with a trip and a never seen before photo of him explaining shit.
In the discord screenshots he vaguely explains whats going on in his life, but nothing points in this direction. It all sounds like domestic issues.
Also, he seemed almost euphoric in his last moments. That doesnt come off as someone who is doing it for this reason, but more like someone who is fed up with life.
His friend even asks him if he wants to talk and all he says is - enough talking man, enough talking; - again, as though hes just had enough.
How often do robots livestream their moments of heroism? I kinda got the impression it's not too uncommon, but there's been so much shitposting about this guy. Why was his suicide such a big deal?
>Why was his suicide such a big deal?
I think it was in part the gruesome nature of the suicide, but probably mostly the fact that the aftermath with his family discovering his was caught in the recording. Thats something you wont usually see.
>Why was his suicide such a big deal?
I think it was in part the gruesome nature of the suicide, but probably mostly the fact that the aftermath with his family discovering his body was caught in the recording. Thats something you wont usually see.
Also, redditors posted the video on some popular edgelord subreddit, and VICE made an article about it, resulting in bad publicity and a bunch of drama