What if we start a board exactly like Jow Forums but more delete ALL threads relating to pornography and especially trap shit?
What if we start a board exactly like Jow Forums but more delete ALL threads relating to pornography and especially...
what if we annoy Hiro and make him do that on this board?
Create a Blue sexuality board and a Red transgender, trap, etc board.
so a board for normies? go ahead, nobody will miss you here.
fags do this in every board
they come in, try and force their own way, then when they are rejected, they state that its the worse board ever, that its filled with the most stupid posters, that all other boards they shitpost on are better despite them saying the exact same thing across all boards
no they will not be taking Jow Forums simply because they have been exposed as being social engineering sociopaths turning people into trannies for luls and sexual gratification
No, we take back this board and make porn posting & fembot threads bannable. You cannot abandon R9K and create another board, leaving this place with its title in this state. Thats how the previous Exodus happen to other chans years ago.
.....can fembots come?
I hate trannies too
WHat if we made r9k a blue board and tttt a red board?? Would that solve everything?
We already have Jow Forums
Let's just have Jow Forums be a blue board.
How did your ENTIRE GENDER fail hard enough to allow men to be more attractive feminine partners than you? You had ONE JOB.
of course you do, it's competition
/inc/. Incel blueboard
please stop talking like you speak for anyone other than /lgbt/
trannies are BTFO
fembots and robots belong together
Fucking kill yourself faggot.
Get the fuck outta here
Why... Is that some roast? But my, I do believe it has become toast!
It's men's duty to keep women in their places.
Instead you let the like three percent of us who became old maids and teachers instead of busy mothers to make cultural decisions that ruined traditional marriage. The type of Good Woman COULDN'T fucking stop the tide of bullshit, they were too busy cooking, cleaning and raising kids.
Would you die if you took responsibility for anything in your life? Would your heart simply stop?
How loathesome.
>giving the metromods even more power
you belong in /lgbt/
enjoy the fact that Jow Forums no longer wants you here due to you faggots not being content with just being here, but literally trying to brainwash the rest of us to become gay
I mean fuck
Get over yourselves
>men couldn't keep their women in place so they blame women
it's like blaming a dog
you trained it poorly, man
It would be beautiful.
You're not even a true robot, you're just fucking bored. Buy the way I have some anti-gay pills to sell you, 200 a bottle but they block out the gay waves sent out by the jew machines and chink cartoons
Thats utter garbage and if you are so maddened by a single night of shitposting that you are willing to white knight in defence of this logical equivalent of a dumpster fire then both sides have truly lost. Women are humans and must be held accountable for your actions, have you really forgotten the basic principles we hold ourselves by?
Faggot, go to /soc/
>Add rule to this board that says no porn but still nsfw to keep culture intact.
>Make /lgbt/ nsfw and have mods auto move any trap threads on /b/ there
In two moves they can save /b/, Jow Forums, and improve /lgbt/. Literally that simple.
I'd like that, and also all Jow Forums threads. Maybe even make it a SFW thread.
Do it faggot. You will not be missed.
So I heard you guys like traps?
no, only kot is the thing you should like
It already exists on 8ch
i'm fine with whatever as long as I can keep posting umaru
Sick of seeing shit like this. Faggots like you should have been crushed under a boot ages ago