Don't forget who started all this drama...

Don't forget who started all this drama. If you're a robot and you didn't want any of this fighting between pol and trannies, you need to blame silmaryl#4526 for making the thread on Jow Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

>trying to distract people
>getting desperate


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i did not do that

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Silmaryl convinced me to buy all this hrt

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We know its Reiko trying to avoid the party van
We just want Reiko and accomplices heads and trap and gay shit go back where it belongs.

you better take some fucking hrt or i'll dox you

>If you're a robot and you didn't want
If you are a robot then you wanted this fight.
We must cleanse this board.

Probably too late for that for them especially after admitting to grooming the shotgun guy


Come at me you silly cunt.

traps threads need to go. but whats so bad about the one gay thread?

it needs to at least leave for now after that I dont know, why even have a lgbt board if you arent going to use it. go be r9gay over there. and be just r9k here

its not /r9gay/
thats a meme from the discord group that has been trying to psy op us into becoming trannies

>he doesn't know about /tttt/

its funny how they are all throwing him under the bus as if they werent complicit

Here's all I know on Silmaryl.
He's a kiwi and the previous admin/OP of the r9gay server/threads. He fell out of love with the server and resorted to shitposting about the internet.
At some point he infiltrated Reiko's server and got some people to go public about the cult-like behavior on the server.
He went public earlier today, posting the thread on Jow Forums that was tweeted out by Metokur and dragged all of Jow Forums in on this.
He's an attention whore, and thrives off of his server which he is now back on.

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yeah, and? Why do you need to know anything about him lmao? He's already been doxxed

that shows you don't know much about me

This we want REIKO

Besides all generals being cancer that redditfags treat like subs? The fact /lgbt/ already exists for general gay discussion springs to mind.

Fags vs tranny cults. Interesting.

care to drop a presser for inquiring minds

No I blame the trannies for this. I would rather have Jow Forums here temporarily to end the raiding from /lgbt/. I know they had to move to discord from /lgbt/ because their raid planning threads got banned but they still are raiders. It needs to fucking end once and for all. It should end with Reiko killing himself in real life. That is the only way justice will be fulfilled. He is a monster.

Clean your fucking nails you disgusting shitstirring faggot

why isn't this shit on /soc/. all this discord cancer needs purging?

Drop a dime to the FBI glowbois kiddo maybe Reiko will get the van

Hah who doxxed him? Is his family going to realize what their son is?

me, and no, I don't plan on telling them. Why would I? Eh's a cool guy who shitposts and doesn't afraid of anything

We would of come with or without their alleged words. You need us more than you need answers for us being here. War is messy, but in the ruins you will find a home free of trapposters, discord, and have your fields returned for you to farm your green text memes.

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