The cavalry's here boys. The trap cult are fucked

The cavalry's here boys. The trap cult are fucked.

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brumppity brumpf

Bump, this shit is serious and needs to be stopped

You know Jim is lurking and hating the queers with us

Bump, cleanse this board

Thats not true, Shuaiby had no connection to Reiko, no Interconnected friends on steam and reddit. Besides anime they had nothing in common.
Dont spread lies for our papa metokur

>a redditor is bringing more redditors here
fuck off

nice hopefully they find out who reiko actually is irl so we can see what a frail faggot he looks like

unless he is larping reiko fucking admitted to knowing him. gtfo

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>the man who rekt eichenwald will now get a bunch of sexual predators vanned

Feels comfy bois

probably some original fat faggot

Jim is now saving Jow Forums

/r9pol/ shall rise

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bumping with extreme prejudice

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>Jim's on the case
this will be good

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Bumperoni with delivery from a Jow Forumsowboy and some levergats. End this degeneracy of our brother boards. Go full Joshua Graham and purge them.

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Oh my fucking god who gives a fuck you moralfag retard. Why does you care if some random nobody wants to transition? Let them do it. I just want my board back so i can share and read about stuff that is grounded.


>all these people who actually like this eceleb
More proof that Jow Forums is infesting this site with reddit.

You're not even trying to hide yourself. The panic is real lmao.

he already admitted that they were "trying to help him through it"

hes fucked

Thank you supreme gentleman

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tranny freaks

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Good ol rei rei is lookin at some years
Hope the autism was worth it kiddo

If anyone can bring this story the light it deserves it's Jim.

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The fire rises trap fags

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How old are you and how low is your iq? Im not a faggot and i dont care about them. The main theme of this board is are the logic and feeling of a loner and these made the board so good for me. And now you retards just keep shilling this garbage like it matters. I would love to see some dumb normalfag actually for this gay meme and kill himsels 4 years from now cuz that will boost the quality of this board to its former self. I used to just hide the gay threads but now you morons just have to invent new ways to annoy me

this is more exciting than syria gassings

>Egomaniac said he did a thing
>He must've done it
he wants the attention, hes not responsible for anything more than being an autistic faggot on Jow Forums and getting those kids to be traps (allegedly)

>retard incriminates himself
Its like 2d checkers


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Payday is coming
Reiko, your days are counted


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Fake and gay. Why are people insisting

>tfw you enjoyed the occasional tranny threads and now you find out it was all apart of some tranny cult scheme

What the fuck is happening, why is every year just getting more and more insane.

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He's panicking lads

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The phoenix rises. Lies are being revealed, and the world crumbles.
If you think this is insane watch what happens next.

anyone above the age the age 15 can care less

do you mean 'could' care less?

meaning you're a retard because its "couldnt"?


also no, adults are having fun with this too ;^)

>posting Jow Forums screenshots on twitter.

and peole still deny Jow Forums ruined Jow Forums.

Patron Saint of Jow Forums, intercede with Kek for us so that we may drive the trannies and their acolytes back from out holy board.


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>people actually believe this

this is getting out of control, there's absolutely no fucking way that all of these "events" are related or even as remotely fucking significant as you autistic retards are pretending them to be

Reiko is a 100% a troll who's just doing this shit to wind you retards up, he probably """""""""exposed""""""""" himself on purpose for a laugh.

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the power of Christ has lead us to this point, Christ loves his children. Reiko will have to repent for his sins or else he will endure great eternal suffering

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Who /Robot Liberation Front/ here?

Any vets from the /wiz/ project itt?

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holy shit I don't think you could be more of a newfag if you tried.
Just leave and get the highlights from reddit ffs.

Reiko, stop trying to defend yourself like that, not everyone is going to fall for the self insulting trick.


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hey chara

so you admit to grooming kids eh

This had nothing to do with it. Can you retards NOT spread such information?


I literally just said that he probably took the screenshot himself and posted it just to trigger you autistic guilible retards, don't you think this shit is a little fucking absurbed?

the sign of the beast, he creates abominations
reiko must repent or be sent to eternal damnation

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whatever rape enabler

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More tribalism. You faggots really can't help but look for a personality to feed. Sam Hyde, okay at least he's an artist. These random tumblrinas though? Now some random twitter faggot? Nazis really were sheep before people after all, holy fuck. I can't imagine having such a low sense of identity or ego.

there is legitimately no way that people are being paid by this nerd to shill for trap threads. This is the dumbest fucking 'happening' I've seen in a long ass time.

Ok faggot believe what you want

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Huh, I didn't know reiko fags would be here after all this.

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Just like how it is mentally devastating to be trans and never transition, like if you had a rotting liver and never operated, forcing mentally ill but not trans people to transition in false hopes that they will get love, is tyrannical. If you are not a woman then living as one will destroy you.

Reminder that Astolfo would never solicit illicit pics out of you or blackmail you into bitcoin sex trafficking, or make you kill yourself by exploiting how pathetic you are.

He also wouldn't post on a Chinese psyop webzone like a fat autistic (((tranny))).

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>couldnt afford HRT
>could afford a KSG
something aint right

>wanting a happening this bad
the only fucking faggots who would do this shit in the first place are the ones who would've done it without being coerced.
>oh no, the fag putting on girly clothes and posting them online is a victim!
>oh no, my mom might find out I'm wearing girly clothes because of what I DID.
LOL. Embarrassing.

Here is the discord code and him admitting to be a fbi nigger.

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He admits to leading a kid to suicide

I swear some of my shit posting better be in there so I know I make impacts

no no, don't misconstrue reality here. The kid led himself to suicide by literally volunteering the 'blackmail', that he was apparently so ashamed of. Not ashamed enough to not post it on the internet though.

A cheap screencap of this.

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Clearly the HRT wasn't working right Reiko?

Original tranny genocide when?

the fact that the kid voluntarily engaged in HRT washes Reiko's hands of guilt. The whole edgy 'blood is on your hands' spiel is just non-sense.

Hey faggot

don't you think for a second that this all staged and he's just doing it for Jow Forums drama? You keep posting """""""""""""evidence""""""""""""" but it's not proving anything to anyone critizing your stupid thread

>inb4 fuck of reiko!!!!!

Reiko has already """""""admited""""""""" to this on discord you fuckwanker

holy shit you retards are so easy to bait, I might have to do this myself soon

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>voluntarily engaged
"Hey kid takes these drugs or I'll show your mom the pics"

>"scrub" discord
>i-its just a prank, bro

Yeah nah this dude is fugged

I literally called this shit out almost a week ago and got told that all the trap shit was just "shitposting". Glad more people are realizing how fucked up this shit is.

Especially given the absurdly high suicide rate for people who've taken HRT and it fails to make them look like a real girl. It's indirect murder to manipulate people down that path.

Who cares if it's bait or drama or whatever? I just want someone to find this kid and fucking ruin him IRL.
All tripfags must hang.

>hey kid take these drugs that you just conveniently have on you or I'll show your mother the pics that YOU gave me.

trying to wash yourself of any involvement arent you bud.

Robots just wanted love and you guys took advantage of that

as if I needed any more reason to believe faggots should be ostracized from society

throw these fags in the bog

first good answer in this entire thread

sadly you're alone on this, because 90% of this thread is full of delusional faggots who want to engage in a fantasy where they're part of some right wing internet vigilante group or some autistic shit

holy shit this is cringe

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I just don't think the whole muh reiko is guilty of murder bullshit is going to stick. You would have to be clinical to believe that it will. Show me the evidence of reiko sending the drugs to take and you'll have something to work with.

Reiko is FUCKED

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I hope reiko ends his life soon too. What a fucking faggot

reiko seems pretty guilty of blackmail which is a felony.

Rope day is here you fucking faggot.

can I get a rundown on whats afoot

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Jim has always been great at getting deep info and being able to pull (thought to be) long delete shit

Reiko is delusional and full of himself. This means he should be easy to catfish. Has really no one ever approached him by larping as a trap?

I will kill him myself if you give the address and a little cash. Haha just kidding! This was a joke, please don't take it seriously!

a little vigilante justice never hurt

>Implying that a faggot shill does't ruin Jow Forums
I would rather take redd*t pol than a /lgbt/ who just can't stay in /lgbt/

We're killing fags and eating at wendys

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Nice. How can I get involved? I hate faggots with all my heart.

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>Blackmail has been defined in the broad sense to mean "compelling someone to act against their will or gaining or attempting to gain something of value." Courts vary on interpreting what "something of value" includes, but it is not necessarily a money payment in all cases.
>uses a picture sent voluntarily and not under duress to blackmail you for more pictures.
I'm just not sure it's going to hold up.

Thats the definition of blackmail bozo
Look into the Keith Raniert case, this is the gay autistic version of that

Reiko's game is up. He fucked up.

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Para-legal here if he's guilty of blackmail and any of his deleted discord posts pop up in trial he's looking at additional counts of Obstruction Of Justice.

If he gets sued, how long do you think he'll get?

a few years, probably

HAHAHHA. Watch this little rat squeal. The party van is coming for you!

24 Stanford St, Warwick, Rhode Island, 02888
It has been found.

It all depends on the severity of crimes, how the judge is feeling, etc.
Blackmail is actually only one year, but he's likely guilty of multiple counts of Blackmail. If we tack stuff like Obstruction onto his sentence we could get a couple more years out of it. If he's responsible for a suicide, that'll add up too.
Ultimately? Probably 5-10 years. Maybe 15 if he's been especially heinous and/or the judge decides he doesn't like the cut of his jib.