what the heck is happening. i've been here the whole time but i still don't get what's going on. is this a discord thing again?
What the heck is happening. i've been here the whole time but i still don't get what's going on...
Other urls found in this thread:
the gr8 purge
The end if you are foolish. Never go into discord, never give in to traps, fight for your land. Fight for your right to feel!
Jow Forums is counter-raiding the raiders from the tranny discord to save Jow Forums. They will leave once the tranny raiders stop making 50 threads a day.
let me simplify for you user
a group was discovered to be operating on discord
they have been raiding Jow Forums constantly with the intention of psyoping us into becoming trannies
now that people realise this due to them getting exposed, we are expectedly purging
They are already leaving the safe-space threads.
How do you feel about Jow Forums raiding to help Jow Forums?
huh that's very nice of them. i thought they hated r9k
What precisely is a "discord"?
> mfw I was wondering why all of a sudden everything is all-tranny all the time.
They do but they still want to save you from yourself from ruining your life even worse. They want to see you get better.
I took a break from with place due to all the gay shit. I mean for fucks sake why do faggots have to post cock porn everywhere they go?
it is the great kottening my frens
To be summarize, rei is a faggot in more ways than one.
Its basically a chatroom where you can post images and videos.
Here is another thing with his filth spread all over it.
We care more than you think. You are poor robots seeking peace in the rising fires of a culture war. If they want to strike you they come through us. We are not the bad guys and you lot are not helpless.
so who is this "reiko" person pls explain
give link
For those who don't know is that Reiko is blackmailing people into crossdressing and giving him the pics Once he gets them he blackmails into saying he will share the pics to all the persons family and social media unless they start taking HRT paid for by Sorion in real life and send them "progress" pictures.
e-even if i'm not white?
Here's really whats going to happen:
>Jow Forums gets bored in approximately 24 hours
>trannies get more zealous from having to fight nazis
>Jow Forums stops posting
>/r9gay/ declares victory
>trap posting resumes with even more faggottry(good)
As long as you aren't in a white country we don't give a shit.
Nope, we are staying until the trap threads are gone permanently. We are here for the long game.
Just make sure to hide when the DoTR comes if you're in a white nation. Or, better yet, move back to your ancestral home. We don't want you dead, we just want a right for white's existence too.
But, for now you are our ward. Wave to your allies in the threads. Stand together or die alone in a river of trap juices.
>tfw live in the US
okay nothing to worry about then phew
you underestimate the fact that people are able to cross post
you underestimate the appeal that /r9pol/ has
get used to it :^)
I don't know abut the rest of Jow Forums, but I will post here until the /r9gay/ is completely eliminated.
what is Reiko discord?
I've seen enough Jow Forums brigades to know that their attention span lasts from the time they finish their chicken tendies until they fall asleep on their cum encrusted keyboards
We will make a man out of you yet. If you're not white, that's fine, but youre on thin ice.
A bunch of fagsfrom Discord trying to convince robots into taking hrt and blackmailing them. It's not a bunch of people with similar porn interests, it's a group trying wanting to convert people into trannies and they're wanting to hurt more people.
Go ahead and crossdress, but don't let it become your identity like what disgusting trannies do. Let it stay as a hobby.
We have come to spread awareness about a certain group of anons who are targeting the insecurities of anons on Jow Forums.
We will be here a while.
Yet they were dedicated enough to find a meme lab within 2 days.
This video will explain everything and why Jow Forums is trying to save you all.
Just report them to the FBI already, stop bringing this retarded fucking spam here.
Nope fuck off faggot.
Jow Forums was making threads on their board all day gathering weeks of evidences and sending tips to fbi
>he honestly thinks they have more time than any other given shitposter on Jow Forums
/r9pol/ is reality now
no tears
only dreams now
well I guess theres no comfy board anymore now that we have a nazi regime keeping us "safe" from the traps
I honestly don't see what's wrong with a group of trannies encouraging robots to go full traps.
1. 90% of robots are never going to feel a fellow humans loving embrace
2. Crossdressing and getting laid is ridiculously ez
3. This allows robots to finally transcend their incel status and get sexual fulfillment
All in all we get less sexually starved arcanines and it establishes an easy way out for the alienated deadlock that a lot of males are experiencing these days.
Also more womemes and traps for the heteros - winwin
If you had fought from the start this wouldn't be necessary. War isn't fun, but it has to be done.
you're a dumb faggot
you're not a nazi if you object to a gay discord group running a psyop trying to turn us gay, sheesh
Nice try Reiko keep it up
>implying Jow Forums actually gives a shit and you're not all just Jow Forums+Jow Forums cross boarders
>meme lab
but r9k trannies are locals and you are the outsiders. attrition by boredom is what will kill this and you all know it. Do you really want to spend the next weeks looking at autists posting tranny porn at you while trying to maintain a pretense of you actually having any effect.
This is Jow Forums's chance to do something for its unspoken bond with its feeble to the rest of the world, but similar at their core, r9k brothers. Do not let young robots fall victim to the mental diseases of the enemy.
Believe what you wish, brother. It wont change the result. The partisans are here and we're starting fires everywhere.
I havent been on Jow Forums for years
I am only here because of the tranny psyop
what now, faggot?
Gotta lurk moar, just look through the archives, apparently some kids wanted a secret meme lab to combat Jow Forums.
The losers here deserve it. Pol is next. You guys are real subhumans. Kys incels.
Does anyone have a link to the YT vid exposing Reiko?
pls send ty
I haven't been here since 2012 but I'm here just to back the trannyposters
I just want more neet traps to fuck with my magnum daddy dong.
Different user. I like traps but if I wanted to look at traps, I would go to a fucking different board like /d/. I come to Jow Forums for robot shit, not traps.
>Pol is next. You guys are real subhumans. Kys incels.
Jow Forums gets raided everyday, with the invaders becoming apart of Jow Forums if your planning to do it you will fail and most of your threads will be ignored.
Niggers like you are going to hell.
Oh that bullshit with the NRA school shooting kids.
I fully expect Jow Forums to take their moms pepp-pills and stay all night to BTFO the (((NWO))) kikeys or steal a meme flag
I don't think r9gay tranny brigade is going to blossom into that. all of the above has at least some political implications or lulz, this is literally wading through tons of tranny porn just to spam a neet-board into oblivion. This brigade is a snoozefest that's going to slow to a lull within the next 24 hours
>Doing it for the lulz
Haven't heard that in a while
>R9K went insane over Discord drama.
It sounds kinda non-sensical when you say it like that, doesn't it?
jesus fucking christ THIS right here is how you know this place is fucking invaded with normies
you can't even troll anymore, it's PSY-OPS and everyone is trying to look out for each other fucking faggot ass normies came to Jow Forums to anonymously post because that mask lets them be themselves which are racist little fuckwits
god damn i just want my fucking site back
Then quit being a bitch and repel your trapposting invaders and discorders. You want the expeditionary force gone? Pick up the rifles yourself.
/r9gay/ has nothing to do with it and have nothing to do with traps and trannies.
the discord shillers are actually weeding out the chaff you fucking dunce
if you're retarded enough to take trapposting that seriously that you need a localized private channel where people are assigned names you shouldn't be here
it takes a special kind of retard to out yourself to fucking 4CHANNERS especially on some fetish shit
these kids are learning extremely valuable life lessons by falling for this shit either they learn from it or fall from it either way we grow stronger as a species by having trap discords
Traps are gay and trannies aren't girls. They aren't for heterosexual people.
do you not know how words work?
You say as your board burns. This is like saying "hue hue the JIDF is making Jow Forums healtheir" to put it in our language.
you mean you "knew" them without knowing they were doing all this? explain that part
>school shooting
Hehe dumb normand
>make fun of dirty degenerate trannys
>if you're retarded enough to take trapposting that seriously
tell that to the parents of the guy who blew his head off because of these subversive faggots.
>hey guys the trap discords that are trying to brainwash us into becoming traps by raiding Jow Forums are actually helping humanity
the absolute state of tranny damage control
Literal discord fags preying on robot insecurities managed to blackmail one into killing himself with their shitty forced psyop
i'd rather the board be on fire than what it was a few weeks ago for the last year or so of just fucking 20 something normies coming here and complaining about /soc/ tier shit
this isn't your /soc/ board it's Jow Forums where robots come to be robots
oh boo hoo the college my mommy and daddy paid for me to go to is so boooring!
oh boo hoo i have had sex for almost a whole year!
oh boo hoo some people have things better than me!
this board isn't for people that have shit like jobs, schooling, friends, no virginity, good relationships, any sort of healthy outlook on life.
it's for robots
people that are like 3 more bad things happening away from killing themselves with no note because there's nobody for them to leave it to
but that depresses the normalfaggots so they try to come and fix it
we don't want to be fixed we just want our fucking space
It's like skype and a chat room for gamers or streamers and other dumb crap
Oh user, he wasn't even from Jow Forums. He posted in Jow Forums first and was told to come here. You couldn't be more wrong.
cannot wait until the party van comes for you
that's scary and i don't really believe it's true. how could they think to do that and how could people fall for it?
lol stay mad dick loving abomination.
A guy fucking a trap is still within the male-female heterosexual dynamic. Both trap and dude are heterosexual as their sexuality is man-woman.
I didn't know that he was in there, but the bloke hooked me up with an invite and I got my fair share of gore in there.
you guys are literally proving my point
just go back to your fucking facebooks and twitters
oh wait you can't because everyone around you isn't a racist bigot
you gotta come here and shit up the place cause you don't have to display a name
Every moment we keep you here assblasted is another moment you aren't spreading your degenerate shit.
yeah cause this thread is closed off and not getting bumped to the top of Jow Forums everytime someone posts
Know what containment means, dipshit?
this thread just makes things even more confusing. so you're telling me actual people's lives are affected by a bunch of randoms on discord? why are they doing this. are they actual traps themselves or just doing this because they're psychopaths?
Im out of the loop on this shit but im GLAD Jow Forums seems to be helping us niggers these trap and
gay faggot threads were fucking retarded i hate when they post stupid threads like that
so are you one of those discord faggots? i hope so. prison rape is awful, enjoy your broken bones.
the trap threads have been here so long i actually don't remember what r9k was like before them. maybe it's just my meds making me forget things
>racist bigot
eternal desperate cry of the liberal degenerate
Hey guys! We need more cute trapbois on our thread! Pls join our discord :)
know that containment literally doesn't work?
notice how Jow Forums is an actual containment board yet there's still a bunch of Jow Forumsposters here?
notice how my images are on the front page still?
a bunch of autists are fucking with gullible fucking idiots and Jow Forums wants to protect the gullible fucking idiots for some idiotic reason even though their whole thing is to create a masterrace
can't be the master of anything if you abide these fucking fools to live amongst you
We are here for you, robot. We want you to be free to farm your green text feel memes. The era is not over, it is merely a temporary lapse of darkness. Help us. Be a part of the light.
Oh, we know.
There was still porn, bait, and spam, it wasn't trying to turn you into a trap, is all. Anyone who is offended by the dirty nature of it has no place on Jow Forums. The blackmail shit is only affecting complete retards, anyway. Just ignore it all and hopefully the Jow Forums/reddit/pewdiepie/twitter kids will go, too.
so mods are actually deleting the trap threads?
exactly but they won't learn they'll just lose steam but they'll be back in a few months again when there's some new shit that they think they should Jow Forumscrusade about
they're literally the fucking refugees they complain about but in digital form
infesting every corner of this place not even realizing what they're doing
just the very nature of the Jow Forumsposting normie insists that he can't understand the harm he does to the place he thinks he likes
Same way any other cult operates, by using another's personal void as their own blank canvas and mold to forcely shape.
Lure in nerd virgin, loser anons, and pretend to be their only friend who understands. Exploit their sex repressed emotions until you can solicit embarassing pics, then threaten to release them to their family and last few public acquaintances if they don't do what you say.
Probably not the smartest thing to take advantage of people who don't have much to live for anyway, or stab them in the back with a false pretense for a shitty fetish.
I hate faggots more
He does it through scamming people into crypto
> part of the blackmail reiko uses is getting people to invest their life savings into crypto
> was holding XRP LINK XLM TRX just to name a few
> He gets these victims to help spam crypto threads and discord servers with whatever he is holding
> the money he makes from this goes towards paying the now even more desperate effeminate boys to take compromising photos of themselves
> later doxxes the traps and threatens to send these photos to their families if they don't start HRT