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I thought it was a meme, there's really tranny pedohpiles

The effects of estrogen are irreversible and will cause you to be sterile along with blood clotting and liver damage on males. It is scary to think people are encouraging this.

Also encouraging from a young age sexualizes minors.

Well there's a surprise!

Like 66% of pedos are gay, why are you surprised?

Who the fuck are these people? Why do you fags keep orbitting random message board and twitter users? Its really weird to be that invested in someone elses online persona.

Unfortunately links between pedophilia and homosexuality is far from a meme. Its very real and VERY dangerous when pushed as an agenda. the genuinely terrifying thing is that its impossible to tell which fags are insidious and which genuinely think they are helping.

hahah this nigger dun goofed

We need to gass the tranny menace

not saying I agree with this but where in this post is it implied or flat out said that they're pedos?

I was going to say something that was really important or pertained to my comment but I forgot

The last sentence, he outright says that the younger the person they push their tranny disease on the better.

just because they want them to transition young doesn't mean that they want to fuck little children
I get that you hate trannies but don't go spreading false information


reiko said that wants to fucking brainwash a boy into becoming a tranny by locking him up in a basement.
so yeah, it pretty much means he a pedo

ALso a fbi nigger.

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so because reiko is a pedo, that means "THEY'RE ALL PEDOPHILES" as OP puts it

Gamergate on Jow Forums. Beautiful.

>just wanted trap posting to cease or at least slow down
>now it's a full conspiracy with tranny pedophiles
This is some scary shit bros

considering they have been targeting a group of kids trying to get them to transition and cross dress, send them pics, and generally have been fantasising around it, yes its not that much of a stretch to call them pedos

reiko has them all brainwashed in his discord so its safe to say they all think exactly like him

40% isn't nearly enough.

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eh fair enough, so I guess a bunch of robots, most of which are pedos, or rather "I like lolis but that doesn't make me a pedo" pedos, are bitching about a gang of blackmailing trannies being pedos, but they're taking the high ground for pointing out that they're pedos.

You just outed yourself retard, not fooling anyone now might as well go stink up another thread.




genocide all pedophiles, make Jow Forums great again

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24 Stanford St, Warwick, Rhode Island, 02888 It is found.

>hey guys you are pedos too
Not everyone likes loli
you're just a pedo

Until robots start going around and blackmailing little girls then yeah I guess they can take the high ground

Lolicons have always been a minority on this board

You couldn't be more of a newfag if you tried

literally everytime i have seen a loli thread on this board people just reply calling op a nigger.

what do you mean mate? I'm only bitching that you're trying to make them being pedos as a bad thing
I bet your normie ass didn't know that there used to be a lolicon board on Jow Forums long ago, only got deleted because people kept spamming real CP.
Jow Forums is deeply rooted in pedophilia, normies came here and now they act like its some fucking taboo that never happened in the first place

>le edgy meme nothing wrong with pedo lol xd

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Wowee, maybe that's because you're not from around here? Return, invader, you're not welcome here.

People learn and grow. Day of the Rope is coming, pedophile.

it's not that we are after all pedos on Jow Forums, most of them do not bother others. however the evil trap manipulators such as Reiko deserve aids, ebola, and cancer. we need to use pedophilia against the traps and rid them of this board

there's nothing wrong with being a pedo as long as you don't put anyone in danger (that includes lewding a small child), as long as you keep to your drawings everything should be fine, you can choose to go to therapy or get your nuts lobbed off if you truly feel like your going to do it.
sure they don't openly say they're a lolicon on this board but they've surely been here since this websites inception you dumbfuck
not a pedo, but I am aware that they've been here, kids gross me out, I would rather fap to a midget and that too grosses me out. anyways, I haven't felt sexual arousal since my last psychotic episode. also I don't have a dick

can we get to the task at hand, taking down a recruiting blackmailing gang of trannies?

>i don"t have a dick
why am i even listening to you. makes sense a women would defend a bunch of pedo trannies

Pedophilia isn't a sexual preference you fucking idiot.

I repeat

Lolicons have always been a minority

They were never "most robots" or most anything on any board

You are a newfag, stop posting

Pretty sure lolicon was legitimately ironic to scare away or freak out normies. Apparently Jow Forums was like that with stormfagging but was always legitimately anti Semitic.

Go away pedo, no one wants you here.

They literally work in the ontario board of education.

why even respond if you're not listening to me?
I'm just a dumb woman who needs to go back to the kitchen, but I'm too dumb to know how to cook, maybe I'll say something about how you're too much of a virgin to use my holes like a dumb woman does
maybe some day you'll look around and realize that theres nothing you can do to stop the degeneracy in the world and you'll either commit a mass murder, kill yourself, or realize that you can't put up a fight and live with it like you live with the millions of corpses in the graves around the world that cant be brought back to life
if by sexual preference you mean sexuality, then no its not a sexuality, however if you mean sexual preference as in fetish, yes, it is a fetish. if you mean neither, then what the fuck is it?
>you say something that goes against my narrative and therefore you are a newfag
thanks guess I'll just pretend the last 8 years of my life havent happened lol xd I'll go back to facebook and post about what I experienced on /b/ today

again again, haven't felt sexual desire in around 2 years, disgusted by children etc.etc. stuff that you wont believe

Sure thing glow in the dark.

>mfw not only trannies have extreme suicide rates, they'll also be hanged on lamp posts on the day of the rope

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Even if a pedo is attracted to a childs body, which isn't even always the case, it is secondary to the primary goal of overpowering a child. The "fetish" is manipulation and humiliation of a child.

>it is a fetish
No it's not you mentally ill anally-fixated faggot. It's a mental illness.


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Leave, normalfaggot. If you aren't mentally ill, you're shitting up my board.

>that image
>all caps
how to spot a normgroid 101

alright I'll bite the bait, wheres the projection?

>you'll either commit a mass murder, kill yourself, or realize that you can't put up a fight and live with it like you live with the millions of corpses in the graves around the world that cant be brought back to life
right here nigger

and what am I projecting? that I have given up just like any other robot? that I have no fight left in me?

you are defending a group of pedo trannies that are trying to brainwash vulnerable men on Jow Forums and you say i'm the one thats gonna go on a mass shooting

I am not defending the trannies
in fact, they can get fucked for all I care, forcing men to become women, making them take hrt, doxxing them, fuck reiko and his gang
and them targeting young children is a shitty thing to do since they're most likely in the most vulnerable states of their life, it's just that I personally can't do anything about it as I have neither the skills or tools necessary

but a pedo that has done absolutely nothing wrong besides look at image macros of drawn young looking people doesn't call for hate, they've literally done nothing wrong

I think this was a simple misunderstanding

Molesting children is how gay people breed

then what are we even arguing about?

thinking that pedophilia makes these filth any worse than they already are and that pedophiles and trannies who ruin our board are in some way better than pedophiles that do nothing to make this place worse

I proposed in an earlier comment to return to the topic at hand but people wanted to continue arguing with me for whatever reason


shut up hole. nobody cares or want your opinions. you're nearly as bad as tranny fags.

Having sex with children is fine if it's straight

So stopping them is tantamount to genocide?

>he still wants to fight instead of talking about the thread topic

yes yes good, I am clearly nothing but a hole, I belong nowhere, so robotic that not even robots will accept me, I belong nowhere, nobody likes me, how do I know that the one person who claims that I am accepted here isn't just lying to me
I am but a hole on a place that relies only on text and images excluding images of yourself, I am clearly only a hole. not because I want to be but because an anonymous faceless falic told me I was

shut up falic. nobody cares or wants your opinions. you're nearly as bad as nazi fags

>ohhhhh i'm such a robot that even robots dont like me
>Look its a woman acting like a victim again when she can go outside and get male attention purely by spreading her legs
Your problems are miniscule compared to nearly every robot on this board. Stop fucking complaining shut the fuck up, and go browse /cgl/ or something.

Oh shit, I'm going to have to apologize to my evangelical schoolbus driver who ranted that Gay marriage was the beginning of the slippery slope to pedophilia.
He was right all along

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>2d loli
>having anything to do with actual pedophilia

heres a personal one just for you

I am a peadosexual. Please do not lump us with tranny freaks.

im not going to look at that shit fuck off. i dont trust you

okay, user, go on blindly thinking that you are right in everything you say and that I can fuck chad if I went up to him and pulled down my pants to reveal my vagina power, because I am a woman and by default have it 100x easier than any male ever would have.
never mind the fact that I'm mentally deranged, and don't look like anybodies female ideals whatsoever and don't act like anything anyone would willingly hang out with
nevermind the fact that every single person I've asked out with has laughed in my face and even reported me for stalking and harassment, that I have never felt the taste of love except in my delusions and hallucinations

we're going to pretend that I'm just like every other stacy, long flowing hair, cute friendly personality, pretends to be "asocial" and have no friends because it makes her look unique, all that good stuff, I am just another girl.

you're not any of those things and you can still change who you are

sup reiko

alright, you win, you're pathetic beyond belief, well done

its too late user, its way too late for that. I don't know how to go back anymore

why would I be bashing reiko if I was reiko, apparently reiko is an asian or something. reiko is an mtf by the way I used to think I was an ftm, now I'm just forcing myself along in life and going with whatever the fuck people think I am, still pretty degenerate amiright, 99% of the time in public people say I am a man and I'm too scared to tell my parents and brother that I want to detransition. they're so proud of me "being myself" and spent so much money on therapy, fake dicks (just one dick that you can piss out of is 200$ and we're very poor) and other things that detransitioning would practically be like fucking killing myself
what makes you think I am reiko?
no, I'm just another stacy whore normie fucker


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thread has gone to shit real fast

im not him btwi never admitted to you being pathetic.
but you are pathetic but you still have an inate advantage because men will still want you for having a hole.