Go on my favorite home board Jow Forums

>go on my favorite home board Jow Forums
>come to this shit show
>all these normies and Jow Forumstards infesting my board
>crying about tranny posting
>be brainlet and not filter it out

The fuck is happening to my board? I come to this board to share feels, not fucking fight against anything you fucking retards.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't see what your problem is.
We are getting rid of cancer killing this board.

it's the normies man
just gotta keep posting trap porn until they give up and never come back
it's time for us to get our board back

Just wait it out for another 24 hours and all the poltards and transfags will disappear soon
I hope

Knoll vs tranny cultists

Rare bog

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>crying about pol posting
>be brainlet and not filter it out

As soon as Reiko gets doxxed.

are you a retard? where on r9k is anyone posting regarding political events? are you that much of a dumbass? unironically kill yourself

Even with the spam hidden it's still there killing other threads.

nice damage control

for anyone confused
there was a discord created and run by gays and traps where they have been sending out raids to try and literally brainwash kids from Jow Forums into becoming traps and sending them pics

now there is a bunch of damage control like this queer suggesting that its "Jow Forums" or "normies" when in reality the hubris is over the fact that we realised we're the targets of gays trying to make us gay too

>Jow Forumstards infesting my board

>literally killing another thread so you can draw attention to some sad retards

Part of the problem op

>damage control

imagine being this upset and also at the same time admitting that you're retarded enough to fall for that shit

We're here to clean up the degeneracy friend.

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here you go

>trying to make us gay too
but you can't turn gay also factually not everyone is 100% straight.
Fuck off my board faggot

ok im going to click on a youtube video
what kind of fucking normie shit is this my fucking GOD

Oh right, I forgot AIDS was the cure for cancer.

Its normies from pewdiepie just wait few days until he makes another trend and they will be gone

Why not go to /lgbt/ if you like dicks that much faggots.

you lost already faggot

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If filtering is a good solution to the trannies instead of complaining, why don't you just filter this stuff too?

I love how every single time they say "just hide the trap threads bro it's not a big deal" but they can't do the same for Jow Forums threads and they absolutely must demand that people go back to Jow Forums

Really stimulates the ol' thinking molecules

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>Jow Forumstard
How can this be your favorite board if you're cancer? I welcome the crossdressers and hope they take the board from you normalfags as you took it from me.

Everyone who gets brainwashed on r9k deserves it, lol. I mean how much of a loser u need to be so it can work on you

that's it folks he said we lost pack it in

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>hey guys only stupid people are falling for it! You shouldnt care at all and you should just shutup and leave us be!

cry more you queers got exposed for the psyoping faggots you are

you lose

Kot will bring pece to this desolate land. Gather Round and rejoice in his presence.

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but it literally is stupid people though
why are you trying to protect people?
what kind of 4channer are you?

yeah, why else would you just confirm your faggotry like that?
it's over, you're exposed, party van inc for all of you discord trapposters

why must every individual that goes on this topic about hiding threads have to be ABSOLUTELY RETARDED? what do you NOT understand that people do NOT make threads regarding Jow Forums but for the fact that they reply to threads with Jow Forums level replies you fucking autist. holy shit you must absolutely have shit lodged inside your brain

im not in any discord

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>hey guys only moralfags want to stop a tranny psyop targetting Jow Forums
how about we just dont like you faggots?

Just filter it instead of crying like you think we should do about the trannies.

>anyone that disagrees with me is a Jow Forums
>not knowing you can hide individual posts as well as threads

This isn't reddit kid

Checked. Informative as hell. Fuck the discord shills running damage control.

no you're just cancer posting trannies trying to provoke people into desensitising themselves to it until they start jeking to it


>how much of a loser u need to be
> Jow Forums