MBTI and typology thread
>your MBTI
>MBTI you hate the most
>MBTI you would want your partner to be
Good MBTI tests: similarminds.com
Comfy MBTI based discord server: wwKevY6
MBTI and typology thread
>your MBTI
>MBTI you hate the most
>MBTI you would want your partner to be
Good MBTI tests: similarminds.com
Comfy MBTI based discord server: wwKevY6
Other urls found in this thread:
>INFP, fucking pussies
Ni doms, you guys feel like when you think you're not really thinking but you can see these thoughts shifting, and in some moment the answer appears to you of whatever you're trying to find? Is this what Ni is?
only good thread on Jow Forums right now
what the fuck is going on with this reiko faggot, give me a rundown user
jesus fucking christ, this is some retarded shit
>rothschilds bow to reiko
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control Jow Forums with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (trapdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be reiko Babies
>said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>he owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have reikobots inside you right now
>reiko is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>he learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with him. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. reiko
>he is 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>in reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the rei bang to the end of the universe
>reiko will guide robotdom into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
in actuality, i don't really know much about the situation. i think he is the person behind the trap thread spam and is luring vulnerable robots into his discord to blackmail them or something.
it's a good thing /mbti/ is safe
I used to not like ESTJ but they keep stuff afloat.
*NFP, I can fucks with ISFP too.
i am isfp, be my bf user
>INTP but fluctuate to INFP sometimes
>ENFP OR INFP would be pretty neet desu
Okay, user, I am now your boyfriend. As CBO (Chief Boyfriend Officer) I command you to have a good time.
Not the guy you responded to but I am also an Infp, please if you want to contact me on discord.
roger that officer, good time will be had
Idk, maybe a extreme INTP?
More importantly, how the fuck do INFPs beat procrastination? Is it possible or are we doomed to just fantasize about our potential but never achieve it until we die?
Niner Niner, Bravo Foxtrot calling in, commence fun time sequence alpha, over.
>fantasize about potential
sounds INTP, are you sure you are INFP?
Nope. I've always gotten INTP on tests but have decided to self proclaim myself as an INFP. Some of the major characteristics of INTPs I do not see in myself. But honestly I'm pretty sure I'm just borderline between the two. Also doesn't help that I seem to have depression which may skew things.
>youre mom
>youre dad
I'll probably kill myself before I get a partner anyways
interesting, thats a classic where people dont know if they are infp or intp, you can check out wikisocion and read descriptions for both types if you are interested.
I fucking hate ENTPs. You shouldnt argue for the sake of argument, why the fuck would you do that?
Yeah, ENTPs are objectively the most annoying type. You just cant shut those fuckers up
Got ISTP then INTP. I usually get INTP though might be thrown off by my depression
INTP but couldn't answer your gay shit because I don't know anything about this personality stuff. The test was pissing me off, is my view on immigration really that pivotal to defining who I am?
just answer neutral if you cant decide, shit ability to answer the questions is common. one cant really type themselves with just a test
>You shouldnt argue for the sake of argument
Yet you fail to provide argument for not arguing about your dumb stuff :^)
>"lole im a cool argumentative nigger i am so cool"
fuck off
>I don't hate anyone, but infp's are cunts
> I don't want a partner
Its like you dont even have control to whether reply or not, its like you have nothing to do aside from writing such useless replies :D. But now indeed you wouldnt like to reply again because I pinpointed that fact in your face. At least you're more prepared for the future time on Jow Forums, remember my lesson :P
The fuck kid, I would destroy you in an actual debate, you would just sperg out the second I would start winning like any ENTP
/like i give a shit
op here, why hate me. im just a cute isfp
>Empathize with people IRL
>Hate everyone online
Eat butts you heckin weenies, I don't like you
No one even mentions ISTJ, am I that boring?
>I would destroy you in an actual debate
If you were sure that you'd win, you wouldnt even write this to give the opponent false sense of security and embarrass him more in the end. But you fucked up because you're afraid that you wont win. Ehehe, you should be xdddddd
you are a prey then
wowzers this isn't original
I usually think of it as a semi-conscious cloud of information. In a given situation, relevant piece of information from said cloud are used, and patterns can be drawn between them to find more all-encompassing patterns. Repeat this process until you come closer and closer to a 'universal solution', further condensing and pinpointing your understanding of a subject from a mass of input data.
Ne appears to be more direct in its means to explore possibilities, it is very objective, it actively seems to skip from idea to idea, working inductively to then find the supporting evidence behind it. Ni isn't like that, it seems to seek the common denominator of present ideas, finding a universal truth or solution that can be re-applied, it is deductive rather than inductive. Ni tends to focus in on a singular perspective or meaning, more than Ne may be inclined to.
Keep in mind this is very unconscious, and it took me some work to explain it like this. I noticed myself while thinking of a means to convey my understanding of my own process, I had to consolidate all the information I had before drawing a pattern in it. Often I'll find I need to step back to consolidate before continuing, even if it's just like pausing something I'm watching just to think about what it means or how it works, or even to personally sympathize with it.
Probably ExxJ
Do something interesting for us, then.
E-even m-me, INTJ-kun d-desu...?
INxx dominate this board, of course they get all the attention.
Now don't tell me you're insecure about being ignored too.
Your stuttering is capitalizing upon my kind nature! I hate you even more now, stuttering brobot!
>be infp
>get cucked
it just keeps happening...
go take your HRT already
same here as isfp
this is literally me. R8 my fucking degeneracy...
do a proper test and report back
is this good?
yes, it was put in the OP for a reason
just checking. Doing it now. be back in 5.
Can't be cucked if you never have a gf. 4d chess my man
I'm wondering if me rushing through gave me inaccurate results. I answered them honestly, just maybe a little too fast.
>is this good?
no, do the second one.
Yeah as the user below me says, I recommend the 106q test, but if you are ISFJ afterall, grats, they are nice.
fucking christ. be back in in a few.
but i want to be loved and have a nice family someday
>I don't really hate anyone to be honest
>I'm just tired of being sad and alone
INFPs, are you moralfags?
Depends on my mood. I'm either a moralfag or a nihilistic crazy fucking sociopath.
Everyone wants what they don't have, and once they get it, they want something else.
as if OPs of Jow Forums threads are anything to go by
I'd say I'm more cyborg than normalfag, I'm not a true robot, nor a normalfag. I'm just caught between the two.
No. I follow my own loose set of morals and expect everyone else to do the same. Doesn't have to align with my morals. Just try to be kind and don't hurt anyone and we'll be fine.
oh shit. i guess i got the results right afterall
I'm not sure whenever you're really messed up ENTP or ISFJ.
try reading
I thought Ni was inductive.
Because Ni looks for one probable conclusion based on several pieces of evidence.
Whereas Ne considers all the possible conclusions, and eliminates the ones that won't work.
I'm having trouble understanding what you mean. Are these combinations unlikely/strange?
That test works weirdly, you are supposed to ignore the grants-brownsword and axis-based results I think, or are you thinking this based on the functions result themselves?
Yeah, I'm getting my inductive/deductive mixed up, thanks user.
>Are these combinations unlikely/strange?
As you can see ENTP is complete opposite of ISFJ but the thing is that both of these types have the same Ne, Ti, Fe and Si cognitive functions. It makes me wonder whenever you're ISFJ with abnormal Ne or some sort of ENTP who's in Ne-Fe loop and on top of that in Si grip.
it gives the most correct answer.
im struggling to understand exactly what youre saying since i have not looked into these tests until tonight. I can tell you that I believe I'm an extrovert who is seriously held back with insecurity and confidence issues.
First, read the profiles in and think which describes you best.
What did I mean by this? Help.
alright, ill do that.
orgiami oregano
relatively young INFP
means you are a qt crybaby INFP, congratulations
I've got to go to sleep since 6 fucking am over here. I appreciate the help from you guys. I'll be reading into this and determining which type I fall under the most.
is that site good, i usually read type descriptions from typologycentral or wikisocion, is that any better?
What makes you say that?
you too
it's relatively good
Si is not strong enough.
alright i will be checking it out
>INTP and INTJ(insufferable cunts)
>I can't decide but I'll settle for one I'm compatible with
>insufferable cunts
why? low empathy?
Is INFJ and INFJ the best pairing?
Now why would you want a little old ISTJ?
it's easy to control ISTJ
Hmm, I guess? Many times I wish someone would just tell me what I should do.
Just note, I can't stand it when people try to force me to do things when its obviously for their own benefit.
So straight threats strengthen my resolve. But being gentle and kind activates the part of my brain that wants please you.
INFJ here. My thinking is more like live hypothesis testing. Say I'm trying to figure out a problem. I usually jump onto keywords and see if they inspire an idea. I then see if that idea makes sense; second, third,.. twentieth-guess myself. In this process, when a new thought spawns, I may pursue that route simultaneously/with one thought train fueling the other. Basically start small, fan out, and thrn attempt to condense. Add heuristic solutions if I'm not getting anywhere. Continue to let evolve until a universal solution "feels right" or obviously makes sense.
...the problem is I'm a medfag, and they fucking love algorithmic thinking, which makes things hard sometimes. Like I learned the Wells criteria a hundred times by now and i still need a fucking mdcalc to do them.
i'm better than everyone here xD
i haven't talked to or insulted anyone in 6 hours pls talk to me
what kind of medfag?
join the discord in op, we have alot of infp's to bully
I believe INTP's and INTJ's are insufferable cunts because of their low empathy and also they tend to prance around thinking their shit doesn't stink. I believe INFJ's are best suited to each other relationship-wise. It's a shame they're the rarest personality type though
Ty fren
>none come to mind immidiately, but i'd have to say entp
>infj or infp
>the entertainer one ESFP?
desu just dont royally fuck my life mbtis get kinda dumb after a while
>prance around thinking their shit doesn't stink
ENTJs and ENTPs are much worse about this